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Files posted by Zurawski

  1. F/A-37A Talon

    F/A-37A Talon
    Another fine add-on aircraft by Zur-TECH.com
    Installation: Launch the executable and follow the directions.
    Install... Fly... Have Fun.


       (24 reviews)



  2. PZL P.11c Alpha 2.0

    Zur-TECH.com offers up an tasty ALPHA release of the P.11c
    Download, install, fly... enjoy.
    This is revision 2.0 of the Alpha release. This release includes a default skin, proper Polish squadrons etc.
    Please read the README.txt prior to installing.


       (8 reviews)



  3. MQ-10A Kodiak

    MQ-10A Kodiak – Release Version 4.0
    Welcome to the Kodiak release version 4.0. This plane was conceived out of my need to find something to effectively kick-start my creative juices and prime me mentally to tackle a few of my languishing projects.
    The MQ-10A is obviously a fictitious UAV on steroids. I best described it once as the unholy union of an A-10 and a Predator drone. It’s capable of carrying pretty much everything and oh, did I mention it VTOLS? Yeah, I wet myself a little too...
    Please fly it, enjoy it for what it is and go blow some crap up…
    1. Engine nacelles are rotated via what ever you have mapped for VTOL. Max VTOL weight is around 47,000
    2. Do not be bashful in criticism or critique.
    3. Installation is easy… decompress and cut/paste it in your aircraft folder. It has been tested on all version 2 games but should work in version 1 as well.
    1. The weird porpoises issue has been fixed. The Kodiak is again a rock-sold weapon platform.
    2. Right, wrong, or indifferent, I’ve settled on a very basic if not extremely functional projected cockpit format.
    1. I pilfered the HUD stuff from Fastcargo’s F-35 bird.
    2. I pilfered FM tidbits from a lot of different birds. ** Once I finalize on what will be enclosed in the final product I will include full and complete disclosure.
    3. It includes a default Olive Drab scheme and all layered paintshop pro templates to assist in the creation of more.


       (6 reviews)



  4. XFY-1 Pogo

    XFY-1 POGO / Release 2.0
    The Convair XFY-1 "Pogo" emerged from the same VTOL-research competition that produced Lockheed's XFV-1 "Salmon.". The aircraft was similar in design to the "Salmon," except that it eschewed its competitor's conventional wing-and-tail configuration in favor of a single--albeit it larger--set of delta-shaped wings. Like the "Salmon," the XFY-1 "Pogo" boasted counter-rotating propellers, but unlike its cousin, it actually clocked numerous vertical lift-offs before the Navy terminated its experiments in 1955.
    XFY-1 POGO is intended for use with Thirdwire stable of flight simulations.
    This release of the POGO is not entirely coded to work 100% in the game. As is… it MUST be air-started or it will explode upon mission start.
    Sorry, the expertise of modeling the flight-model to allow it to land and take–off from its tail is way beyond my pay-grade! (Well... maybe not. I might be able to apply what I learned from the Osprey to make it work...)
    Unzip the archive and copy and past the POGO folder into your \aircraft directory.
    I’ve included the 3D StudioMAX file in the event someone wishes to try their hand at getting the plane to work properly in the game.
    All I ask is that you give credit where credit is due… Namely place my name somewhere.
    New to release 2.0:
    1.) Texture mapped (I'm sorry... I have since forgotten who did me the honor of texturing this bird.
    Fly, have fun… appreciate the difficulties in getting a bird like this to fly in a game.


       (3 reviews)



  5. MV-22B Osprey v2.2

    MV-22B Osprey
    Release v2.2
    “The V-22 Osprey is a joint service, multi-mission, military tilt rotor aircraft with both a vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) and short takeoff and landing (STOL) capability. It is designed to perform missions like a conventional helicopter with the long-range, high-speed cruise performance of a turboprop aircraft. The V-22 was developed by Bell Helicopter Textron, which manufactures it in partnership with Boeing Helicopters. The initial operators are the U.S. Marine Corps and United States Air Force. The FAA classifies the Osprey as a model of powered lift aircraft.”… Wikipedia.
    1.) Unzip the archive.
    2.) Cut/Paste the MV-22 folder within the aircraft directory of your Strike Fighters, Wings over Vietnam or Wings over Europe, Wings over Israel Installation.
    3.) Cut/Paste the sound file within the sound folder into the Sounds directory your Strike Fighters, Wings over Vietnam, Wings over Israel or Wings over Europe Installation.
    4.) Fly and have fun!
    Flight Instructions
    STOL – (Short Take Off and Landing) - Rotate the outboard engine nacelles (done by activating the keys you have mapped to controls thrust vectoring) above 45-degrees (I find around 60 works best). Release brakes, slowly feed in throttle. As you exceed 80 knots, apply full up elevator and apply full throttle. As you climb, raise gear and slowly rotate the engine nacelles to zero to achieve horizontal flight configuration. Approach landing in this configuration as you would a conventional aircraft.
    VTOL – (Vertical Take Off and Landing) - Rotate the outboard engine nacelles to their full 90-Degree position. Slowly apply throttle to exceed 75 percent (this will change with any cargo load or fuel use… adjust as necessary). While in hover mode, direction and attitude is controlled by pitch and roll. Rudder input controls rotation about the axis and throttle obviously effects climb or decent. Landing is a bit more difficult… You’ll need to rotate the engine nacelles to 90-degrees, reduce throttle and bank a bit to scrub off speed. Once below 240 knots, drop gear to increase drag, further reducing airspeed. As you slow to below 100 knots you will develop some buffeting… this is normal as the wings are obviously losing their lift. I find a good controlled decent can be achieved around 60 percent throttle. Goose the throttle a bit before touch-down to soften the landing.
    Operational Notes
    1.) It is recommended to fly the Osprey in hard-mode only to experience the flight model in it’s highest fidelity. The Ospreys FM is a bit too complex in the vertical flight profile to fly properly in anything other than hard.
    2.) Though the Osprey works in all iterations of Thirdwire flight-sims, it performed the best in Wings over Israel. Once the other iterations are patched to WoI standards, this will obviously change.
    3.) The real-world Osprey is fly-by-wire… the onboard computer does a lot of the workload that you will need to do to fly the Osprey smoothly and efficiently. Rule of thumb: Use small control inputs while in hover and don’t over correct when it gets squirrelly. If you ham-fist the Osprey it will throw you all over the place.
    4.) The cargo doors are opened by whatever key you have mapped to open bomb-bay
    5.) The AR Probe (air-refueling) is extended with whatever key you have mapped to extend the arrestor hook.
    6.) The engine nacelles are rotated with whatever key you have mapped to control thrust-vectoring.
    That’s it… fly have fun and don’t be afraid to critique.
    Legal gobble de gook
    Everything contained within this package was created me. Nothing within this package can be modified and uploaded as your own work or part of your personal package without express written consent from me. Nothing within this package can be included with any other free or commercial package without my written consent.
    David Zurawski - Zurawski@zur-tech.com


       (15 reviews)




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