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About Moorkey

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    Grantham, UK

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  1. Anyways, any update on this for SFG??? Not tryin to rush or anything, just noticed there haddent been any posts in a while, was lookin great. Sorry I have been a stranger around these parts. Work commitments and various trips to the docs have laid me low for a bit. ***EDI UPDATE*** EDI is now, after much quarreling and faffing, in 3DS Max, and is being boolean'ed to death as we speak...
  2. Hi all. Currently, I can mod for MSFS, and am learning for SFGetc... I would really love to get started in IL2 1946. Can anyone tell me exactly what I need? Cheers for any help.
  3. Sorry, but you have me stumped there, as I know little of FSX, due to hardware limitations. I'll have an ask around the people at work.
  4. Excellent! Didn't know that! Probably the best news I have heard all day! I LOVE the '53.
  5. It will do. Have finished the model development prototype in MSFS2002. It is available for download from this site here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=7410 Now the model conversion / completion for Thirdwire sims can begin in earnest (real aircraft work aside lol). Will be back to asking silly questions in earnest soon... mainly about weapons loads etc...

    UCAV EDI IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD (MSFS 2002>) here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=7410



    The UCAV (Extreme Deep Invader) form the film 'Stealth'. It doesn't fly itself (I'm not that good :->), but it does fly. It is very reactive, and requires a feather touch to fly accurately (this is after rewatching the film's dogfights over and over. I feel it is an accurate representation of EDI's flight characteristics). Could'nt get it to hover properly (it will fly slowly, then fall out of the sky slowly. Have strengthened the gear to compensate for landings) Have added a few animations (such as cockpit, lift fan doors, and flying controls), and custom sounds. Any feedback is welcomed. Hope you enjoy it! Moorkey

    File Name: UCAV EDI File Submitter: Moorkey File Submitted: 7 Oct 2008 File Category: Military Aircraft The UCAV (Extreme Deep Invader) form the film 'Stealth'. It doesn't fly itself (I'm not that good :->), but it does fly. It is very reactive, and requires a feather touch to fly accurately (this is after rewatching the film's dogfights over and over. I feel it is an accurate representation of EDI's flight characteristics). Could'nt get it to hover properly (it will fly slowly, then fall out of the sky slowly. Have strengthened the gear to compensate for landings) Have added a few animations (such as cockpit, lift fan doors, and flying controls), and custom sounds. Any feedback is welcomed. Hope you enjoy it! Moorkey Click here to download this file
  9. It'll feel like an empty sky without them. Unique sillhouette, unique sound, unique aircraft.
  10. Eventually. I am being bogged down at work at the moment, so all projects are kind of going slowly. I am modelling in such a way that I am testing the model in MSFS / FSDS so it comes out ok for SFx/WOx. I would ask for donors if I was unable to finish the project.
  11. Hi all. Sorry for the delay. Have been bogged down with work. Progress is slow, but steady. Currently working on sound effects, and panel in MSFS, and concurrently the SF:G project is progressing. Will try to keep you all better updated.
  12. I think some people will be tinged with sadness that a missing relative hasn't been found.
  13. Sorry if I came across as tactless or without taste. I was merely expressing my opinion. As for family affected the Japanese, my Australian grandfather fought them too. He was in the Australian Army. My family has a long and proud military history, including my English grandfather who flew against the Germans in the RAF, my father who fought with the Australian Army in Vietnam, who still carries the physical and psychological scars of that war, my sister who served in Iraq for two tours, and I myself served in the Fleet Air Arm of the Royal Navy. I hear disrespectful and tactless things said about our honoured fallen, and read terribly disrespectful things written about our honoured fallen, every day, and like you it makes my blood boil. In writing on this post, I was merely casting an opinion on an event, which if true will mean final closure for a family left incomplete, or if fake, is nothing short of a desecration of the memory of all of the fallen. I meant no offence in anything I have written, and so apologise if I have.
  14. I'll second that. Should the person be genuine, R.I.P, and I apologise for casting my doubts. If not, I can not tell how much I would despise the 'person' (in this case I use the term VERY loosely) who would fake such a thing.
  15. Thanks for that! Just Started playing '46, and i thought it was awesome before. Will have to try it now i know how to bump up the res.

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