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About JRP1973

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    Virginia Beach, VA

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  1. I finally fired mine back up again last week.
  2. WOE:BC Berlin Crisis

  3. Merge is the way to go good buddy! I also have a couple standalones. Been out for awhile just reinstalled.
  4. FA-18 Series Update by The Hornet Team

    mmm to much truck driving. I have to catch up on all this new stuff
  5. Honesty At Its Finest....NOT!

    To much Candy these days BAN him! That is from a Premier member! Care less about rank!
  6. DDG-79 Arleigh Burke class Aegis destroyer (Flight IIA)

    Thank you my brother is on DDG 107 USS Gravely.
  7. Hannah Montana 2013.............

    Crack head.
  8. MegaSceneryEarth 2.0 California Released

    For 99.95 it better be good, I see it come with some bells and whistles.
  9. is there any point?

    That's a Direct X issue....reinstall Direct X http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35
  10. Hello.. Look in the Forums under Thirdwire Strike Fighters2 Knowledge Base. Mig Buster did alot of tutorials that are pretty good in that forum, along with other great experts. This will answer a lot of your questions that you may have.
  11. 450 GB worth still moving it. Long process. I bought a 2TB external "pocket size" perfect for this.
  12. Inside Combat Rescue

    As a Platoon Sergeant I had perform a medevac on a Soldier in Iraq he had sucking chest wound. So this hits home..... thankfully he survived we got him to CASH in time. Its a TEAM effort as you saw in this video....... exactly.

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