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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. Third Wire MiG-23MLD update & flyable for SF2

    Great mod and a very immersive cockpit view.
  2. Slightly OT but I've just finished reading the Robert Jackson book on the F-86 and probably my favourite chapter was the one covering the PAF's use of the F-86 in 1965 and 1971. Respect.
  3. Northrop Talon T.2 - No.79 Squadron, RAF
  4. NF-5B Freedom Fighter

    Top notch.
  5. Regarding the gun muzzle area I guess that's real 'rhinoplasty' Great work!
  6. Great work paulopanz!
  7. Helwan Ha-2000 'Khopesh' - 76th Squadron, 222nd Tactical Fighter Brigade, Egyptian Air Force, 2002 The abandonment of the Helwan HA-300 single-seat jet fighter in 1969 seemed to have brought an end any hope of Egypt fielding an indigenous combat aircraft but in the aftermath of the short 1977 Libyan-Egyptian War the Egyptian Air Force issued a requirement for a single-seat multi-role fighter to replace the Su-7's and MiG-21's and also supplement the newly introduced MiG-23's. The Camp David Accords of 1978 saw a sudden lurch in Egyptian foreign policy towards the West and away from Egypt's Arab backers including Saudi Arabia who abruptly cancelled it's previous agreement to purchase a batch of 50 Northrop F-5E's and transfer them to Egypt. Whilst the US State Department had agreed to supply Egypt with 35 ex-USAF F-4E Phantom's (under the project name of Peace Pharaoh) Egypt's President Anwar Sadat was anxious not to become totally reliant upon one political block and authorised several project studies for indigenous weapons for the Egyptian Armed Forces including a new main battle tank and a new single-seat multi-role fighter. The German engineers who had assisted the Egyptian General Aero Organisation in the design and production of the Helwan HA-300 had gone back to Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm (MBB) in Ottobrun in 1969 and had continued to work on various project studies including the TKF-90 single-seat delta wing twin-jet fighter aircraft being developed for the Luftwaffe. However, this could be seen as being slightly too big and also too expensive for Egypt's requirements so MBB assembled a new project design team led by Günter Ludwig Bölkow tasked with designing a small multi-role lightweight fighter for the Egyptian Air Force with a planned in-service date of 1990. Bölkow's team produced the innovative ECA90 (Egyptian Combat Aircraft for 1990 a small, single-engined design with a delta-wing having 50 degrees of sweepback at the wing root leading edge but with 63 degrees of sweepback on the outer wing leading edge providing better high-alpha performance characteristics than conventional wing designs. MBB needed to look no further than the excellent Turbo-Union RB199 afterburning turbofan that was ideally sized for the ECA90 and had been running since 1972 under the test Vulcan bomber and had accummulated plenty of flight hours in the Panavia Tornado test programme. By early 1981 the ECA90 design had met with the approval of the Egyptian Air Force and at the insistence of President Anwar Sedat the design was re-designated as the Helwan HA-2000 'Khopesh' with orders placed with the Helwan Aircraft Factory (a division of the Egyptian General Aero Organisation) for 90 aircraft. The assassination of President Anwar Sedat in October 1981 might have created a hiatus in the HA-2000 programme but incoming President Hosni Mubarak was previously a career officer in the Egyptian Air Force (indeed, a former air chief marshal) and was a keen supporter of the HA-2000 programme. Whilst Mubarak's support for the programme was solid he did allow for a slight stretching out of the programme calling for a first flight in March 1987 and a service entry date of April 1992. Mubarak considered that this would give the Helwan Aircraft Factory sufficient time to better marshal it's industrial resources, recruit personnel, create infrastructure and understand which advanced technologies could be developed locally and which advanced technologies would need to be imported. Undoubtedly, the MBB team imbedded into Helwan's Factory 36 facility helped smooth out any difficulties and Helwan and MBB worked miracles to meet the prototype first flight deadline but some slippage crept in to the flight test programme to delay the entry into service. The HA-2000 'Khopesh' entered service with the 76th Squadron of the 222nd Tactical Fighter Brigade based at Cairo-West Air Base in May 1993 and eventually equipped six tactical fighter brigades and also the 'Silver Stars' aerobatic team who performed a flypast at the funeral service of former President Hosni Mubarak in late February 2020. 3D Model: Ale Ducat Skin Credit: Torno (Banidos Team) Decals.ini attached Decals.ini
  8. HAL TEJAS Beta Banidos Team

    Belated thanks for this one!
  9. Hawker Hunter F.6B - No.74 (Reserve) Squadron, RAF Strike Command, 1979
  10. Israel Aircraft Industries 'Yeger' - Hunter Aggressor Flight, Israeli Air Force In the aftermath of the 1973 Yom Kippur War the Israeli Air Force examined it's aircraft losses (officially 102 aircraft but considered by many to have been higher) and in very much the same way as the USAF and USN had done they decided to embark upon an improved air combat training programme. In early 1974 four unmarked Hawker Hunter fighters in standard RAF camo arrived at Be'er Sheva Airfield where the Israeli Air Force had constructed a small temporary hangar adjacent to the Israel Aircraft Industries facility at Be'er Sheva. Whilst the UK Government consistently denied the supply of the four Hunter aircraft it would later be revealed that the aircraft were drawn from the Hunter wing at RAF Wittering and flown by civilian contractor pilots normally attached to BAC. The Hunter aircraft were quickly refurbished to emerge as the IAI 'Yeger' (Hunter) and equipped the Israeli Air Force's Hunter Aggressor Flight based at the nearby Hatzerim Airbase providing dissimilar air combat training for the Israeli Air Force. In 1976 the Hunter Aggressor Flight was boosted by the arrival of two ex-Kuwaiti Hunter FGA.57's and operated the type until 1991 when the unit disbanded.
  11. IAI 'Yeger' - Hunter Aggressor Flight, Israeli Air Force, 1982
  12. Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 'Fagot-A' - No. 921 Fighter Regiment, Vietnamese People's Air Force, 1958 Skin Credit: paulopanz
  13. North American F-86H Sabre - No.2 Squadron, Belgian Air Force, 1961 Skin Credit: Pappychksix
  14. Great work Paulo - TY
  15. North American F-86H Sabre - No.14 Squadron, Royal New Zealand Air Force, 1966
  16. Dassault-Breguet Étendard FRS.1 - 806 Naval Air Squadron, Royal Navy, 1968 https://flic.kr/p/2k9mCtE https://flic.kr/p/2k9mcbu https://flic.kr/p/2k9hmmU Skin Credit: Paulopanz
  17. Version Version 1


    Lavochkin La-19 'Flipflop' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire A-4E to give a fictional La-19 'Skyhawkski' for the Soviet Naval Aviation. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the La-19 folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the La-19 folder into your main Decals folder. 3. From the SOUNDS folder drag and drop the La-19 folder into your main Sounds folder. 4. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop the SOVMER & SOVTER folders into your main Weapons folder. Suggested Download: Pilot 'Red3210' (not included) CREDITS Thanks to TK and Third Wire for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim. And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 1 - 08/08/14
  18. Luftstreitkräfte MiG-23 'Fishstick-A' Great work Logan4!
  19. Mikoyan-Gurevich Ye-8A and M

    Fantastic! Thank you and thank you for the templates too!

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