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Everything posted by Gatling20

  1. Great-looking aircraft, thanks Veltro.
  2. In each campaign Data.INI, for each side, there should be a line RandomTransportType= Look in your campaign Data.INI under [Force001] , you should see lines something like this: .... GroundUnitReplacement=50 RandomTransportType=ANY WeaponResupplyTime=3 StartAirDefenseLevel=1 AllowRandomAceCreation=TRUE UseFAC=TRUE You can change this from ANY, to nominate any particular transport aircraft you like, so long as it is available during the time span of the campaign. You can change it for one side [Force001], or for both sides.
  3. JPGs take up a lot less space on your hard drive than BMPs, and I also think they load faster in the sim than BMPs.
  4. Never mind, I figured it out. A single mesh, like the FlightDeck mesh on the CV-14, will only accept a particular decal once (front or rear, but not both). I can put the stock USNCV number (the plain white ones) at the rear and the stock USNCVNUM (white with a black shadow) at the front, or vice versa, but not the same decal at both the front at rear at the same time. Strange, I've never struck a problem like that before. However I have it working now. One other point to make is that all the decals in this package are set up as DecalMaxLOD=4, but in the INI file only uses three LOD levels. I have added two more, and to reduce the slide-show effect with this ship I have changed the Decals.INI to DecalMaxLOD=3 for all decals and changed the ship's INI file to read: [LOD001] Filename=CV-14.lod Distance=250 [LOD002] Filename=CV-14lo1.lod Distance=1500 [LOD003] Filename=CV-14lo1.lod Distance=2500 [LOD004] Filename=CV-14lo1.lod Distance=10000 [LOD005] Filename=CV-14lo2.lod Distance=20000 You can adjust to taste, but this set-up uses the most highly detailed LOD out to a much shorter distance, and only has the decals visible out to 2500 meters, which is about as far as you can see them anyway. I also changed all the BMPs to JPGs and reduced the size of the biggest ones by half, and the effect on frame rates is good. WBS: we do have a Hellcat with folding wings, a big improvement on Geo's original 2005 version, and this new CV-14 needs the best:
  5. Great-looking ship, thanks again WBS. It is a huge number of polys, and I have found that missions set up with more than one ship in a formation turn into a slide-show pretty quickly. I have a pretty fast rig, which copes with most things, but this is a big one. One small question about the decals is that I can get the CV number (14 for the Ticonderoga, for example) to show up at one end of the flight deck but not at both. There will be a "14" at the back of the flight deck, or at the front, but not both. The Decals.INI is the stock one included with the package - it seems that the first entry is ignored, and no number shows up at the front of the ship, only at the stern. I see the same problem in one of your screenshots above. [Decal001] MeshName=flightdeck DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=TOP FilenameFormat=USNCV Position=-1.0,112.5 Scale=18.00 DecalMaxLOD=4 [Decal002] MeshName=flightdeck DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=TOP FilenameFormat=USNCV Position=-1.0,-131.0 Scale=18.00 DecalMaxLOD=4 Does anyone have any idea about this?
  6. Great model WBS, thanks a lot. I just set up a strike mission on it with Japanese dive-bombers, and it sure packs a ship-load of flak! I have also swapped all the BMP files to JPGs, which saves about 70Mb of space on the hard drive, and I think loads in the sim quite a bit faster, with no noticeable loss of graphics quality.
  7. Haven't ever seen one like that in the SF world. The closest I have is a couple of Czech tracked transports from the 1930s, made by MontyCz a while back
  8. Nice looking canard aircraft and nice work on the bare metal look! I thought it was the P-55 Ascender, but the markings are obviously WW2 Italian - it must be the Ambrosini SS4.
  9. Doh!! - those TGA files are in the sub-folders Fade_Summer and Fade_Winter (and different ones, for each season). Thanks Stary.
  10. There seem to be some TGA files missing: Korea_alpha_trees1.tga Korea_alpha_trees2.tga Korea_alpha_forest.tga The Korea3_Data.INI calls for them, but they don't seem to be in this package. Could that be the problem?
  11. Thanks for the quick response, I will give it another try.
  12. Great-looking terrain, thanks a lot Stary. It avoids that repeating-tile look, which spoils many terrains - this version really looks naturalistic and authentic. And the colors are good, I like the overall greenish-brown tone.
  13. Stary: I have tried the new AircraftShaders.INI in the Objects folder of my WW2 installs, but it doesn't seem to make a difference that I can see. I see that the INI file calls a file named MODELCANOPY.FX I don't have a ModelCanopy.FX file anywhere that I can see. Is this a stock SF2 file, or do I need to get it from somewhere?
  14. I just found an upgrade of the Tiny Tim over at the A-Team site, it looks pretty good.
  15. Rainbow emanating from WTC site

    Poignant and thought-provoking, thanks for sharing mate.
  16. Outstanding - it does have a very Heinkel look about it!
  17. Veltro: I found some code in one of your other aircraft, the Me-323 Gigant, which makes the cargo doors open when the aircraft is parked. This seems to work fine. The code is: [CargoDoors] SystemType=HIGHLIFT_DEVICE DeploymentMethod=AUTOMATIC_SPEED Setting[1].Angle=30.0 Setting[1].DeployValue=7.20 Setting[1].RetractValue=7.71 MaxDeflection=30.0 MinDeflection=0.0 ControlRate=0.5 AnimationID=4
  18. Thanks Wrench. It is a mystery then, what happened to my previous post. Gremlins, I guess. BTW good luck with the operation, I hope it goes well.
  19. Just checked the C-54, and it shows up as a parked aircraft with the cargo bay doors open, whether the line ParkAnimationID=8 is there or not. So that is not the answer. There is no parameter called ParkAnimationID= in the sim. In the C-54 I see that the cargo bay doors are set to AnimationID=8, and under [Pilot] the CanopyAnimationID= is also set to 8, so maybe the sim just automatically opens the canopy when the aircraft is parked.
  20. I don't see any parameter called ParkAnimationID= in the SF2 AircraftObject.DLL file, which is whereCarrierParkAnimationID= comes from. But if it works in the C-54 then it must work. Wrench: why did you delete my previous post about this topic and replace it with your own?
  21. What a tragedy. I have flown from Shoreham airfield, which makes this crash all the more painful and real for me. My thoughts and prayers are with the families of those who have died.
  22. I've always thought those long-nose Meteor's lost the essential good looks of the earlier Meteor versions, but it is a great-looking model.
  23. Nosegear_Door_L and Nosegear_Door_R
  24. Great story, thanks Spinners, and great pictures. "Wulfruna" sounds a touch Germanic for a WW2 British fighter, but I suppose it is - Wulfruna of Wolverhampton, after all!

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