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About KamilP

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  1. Interesting show. Is maybe C-130 shown in third minute in Austrian markings?
  2. File Name: Shahak (removed Cyrano radar) File Submitter: KamilP File Submitted: 27 May 2017 File Category: Mirage 3 Requirements: SF2I (obligatory) AI Plane Pack 1 (for Mirage 5DE AI squadron in campaign) Historical background: After the six-day war the IDF recognized the Cyrano radar as ineffective and troublesome in exploitation.For this reason radiolocator was removed from all Shahaks and replaced by ballast. This mod inludes two additional modified variants of Mirage IIICJ. They are both based on stock SF2I Shahaks with some necessary changes in plane and cockpit *.ini files and cockpit textures. In this pack you will find: 1. Shahak (without cyrano) - Atar 9B engine; - Removed Cyrano radar; - Removed radar scope from cockpit; - Removed the ability to use Yahalom missile. 2. Shahak (71/without cyrano) - Atar 9C engine; - Removed Cyrano radar; - Removed radar scope from cockpit; - Removed the ability to use Yahalom missile. 3. Modified stock Yom-Kippur campaign (it will not replace defaul one) - Radars removed from all Shahaks in campaign; - Added Libyan Mirage 5DE AI squadron. Credits: Third Wire: Shahak-model, data, textures, campaign Click here to download this file
  3. Shahak (removed Cyrano radar)

    Version 1.0


    Requirements: SF2I (obligatory) AI Plane Pack 1 (for Mirage 5DE AI squadron in campaign) Historical background: After the six-day war the IDF recognized the Cyrano radar as ineffective and troublesome in exploitation.For this reason radiolocator was removed from all Shahaks and replaced by ballast. This mod inludes two additional modified variants of Mirage IIICJ. They are both based on stock SF2I Shahaks with some necessary changes in plane and cockpit *.ini files and cockpit textures. In this pack you will find: 1. Shahak (without cyrano) - Atar 9B engine; - Removed Cyrano radar; - Removed radar scope from cockpit; - Removed the ability to use Yahalom missile. 2. Shahak (71/without cyrano) - Atar 9C engine; - Removed Cyrano radar; - Removed radar scope from cockpit; - Removed the ability to use Yahalom missile. 3. Modified stock Yom-Kippur campaign (it will not replace defaul one) - Radars removed from all Shahaks in campaign; - Added Libyan Mirage 5DE AI squadron. Credits: Third Wire: Shahak-model, data, textures, campaign
  4. Hi In the book "Israeli Mirage and Nesher Aces" by Shlomo Aloni, I have found the information that: Throughout its 20 years of service, the Mirage III underwent just four major technical changes in IDF/AF service – theintroduction of the ‘holding switches’, replacement of the Cyrano with ballast, swapping the Atar 9B for the 9C and, finally, removal of part of the ballast at ace Kobi Richter’s request in 1977. This moved the centre of gravity backwards, cutting minimum speed from 150 to 120 knots and increasing maximum ‘G’ from 6.5 to 7.3, thus improving sustained turn rates". I would like to create this late modification of Mirage from 1977 for SF2 by: 1) changing empty mass of plane; 2) changing inertia of plane; 3) changing center of gravity position of plane but I need some additional informations which I can not find: 1) have I to change any other data in DATA.ini file to properly reproduce the changes in flight model? 2) what is the mass of Cyrano Ibis radar/nose ballast? 3) how much of the ballast was removed? 4) how much has the center of gravity changed? Please help. Thanks in advance.
  5. File Name: Kfir C.2 Austrian Air Force (semi-fictional) File Submitter: KamilP File Submitted: 21 March 2016 File Category: Israeli Origin (Semi)fictional Austrian Kfir C.2 In the early 70s the Austrian government decided to buy modern fighter aircraft for its Air Force, to succeed subsonic J-29.Initially, the favorite was the Israeli Kfir, but finally Swedish J-35 was chosen. This simple mod presents probable Kfir version for Austria, with removed outer wing pylons, missile rails and other equipment for A-A misiles, the use of which was prohibited by Austrian law. This pack includes 2 skins: standard gray and the second with UN markings, which looks more realistic over desert or the Middle East (both are based on stock Kfir C.2 gray). To use this plane, SF2:I with Kfir model is required. Credits: Third Wire - stock Kfir C.2. Click here to download this file
  6. Version 1.0


    (Semi)fictional Austrian Kfir C.2 In the early 70s the Austrian government decided to buy modern fighter aircraft for its Air Force, to succeed subsonic J-29.Initially, the favorite was the Israeli Kfir, but finally Swedish J-35 was chosen. This simple mod presents probable Kfir version for Austria, with removed outer wing pylons, missile rails and other equipment for A-A misiles, the use of which was prohibited by Austrian law. This pack includes 2 skins: standard gray and the second with UN markings, which looks more realistic over desert or the Middle East (both are based on stock Kfir C.2 gray). To use this plane, SF2:I with Kfir model is required. Credits: Third Wire - stock Kfir C.2.
  7. File Name: F-4A Phantom II File Submitter: KamilP File Submitted: 18 March 2016 File Category: F-4 This pack includes: F-4A Phantom II (block 1) - J79-GE-2 engine (66,7 kN) - AN/ALQ-50 radar F-4A Phantom II (block 3) - J79-GE-2A (71,6 kN) - AN/APQ-72 - AAA-4 IR sensor - Multiple bomb racks I am not a 3D modeller, so I had to use stock F-4B model, with some removed nodes and some textures repainted to mask the most visible differences between F-4A and F-4B, so please consider this mod more as a stand-in, than a fully realistic model of the aircraft. Credits: Third Wire - stock F-4B model Julhelm - AN/APQ radar (from F4D Skyray) Click here to download this file
  8. F-4A Phantom II

    Version 1.0


    This pack includes: F-4A Phantom II (block 1) - J79-GE-2 engine (66,7 kN) - AN/ALQ-50 radar F-4A Phantom II (block 3) - J79-GE-2A (71,6 kN) - AN/APQ-72 - AAA-4 IR sensor - Multiple bomb racks I am not a 3D modeller, so I had to use stock F-4B model, with some removed nodes and some textures repainted to mask the most visible differences between F-4A and F-4B, so please consider this mod more as a stand-in, than a fully realistic model of the aircraft. Credits: Third Wire - stock F-4B model Julhelm - AN/APQ radar (from F4D Skyray)
  9. File Name: Mirage 5D campaign File Submitter: KamilP File Submitted: 08 October 2010 File Category: User Made Campaigns Kaddafi's Eagles - Mirage 5D campaign It is small mod for WOI, which allows you to fly as a pilot of Libyan 69th Independent Squadron fighting against Israel during Yom Kippur War. This package includes: - modified version of stock Yom Kippur campaign; - modified Mirage 5D *.ini files, making the plane flyable; - hangar and loading screens for Mirage 5D; - AS.20 missile created by ErikGen; - "KillMarks for the Evil Ones", created by Horus3K (modified by me for Mirage 5D). Instalation: To install, simply paste all files to main WOI directory. If you have installed any additional weapons, you should install AS.20 missile manually, using weapon editor. Click here to download this file
  10. Mirage 5D campaign



    Kaddafi's Eagles - Mirage 5D campaign It is small mod for WOI, which allows you to fly as a pilot of Libyan 69th Independent Squadron fighting against Israel during Yom Kippur War. This package includes: - modified version of stock Yom Kippur campaign; - modified Mirage 5D *.ini files, making the plane flyable; - hangar and loading screens for Mirage 5D; - AS.20 missile created by ErikGen; - "KillMarks for the Evil Ones", created by Horus3K (modified by me for Mirage 5D). Instalation: To install, simply paste all files to main WOI directory. If you have installed any additional weapons, you should install AS.20 missile manually, using weapon editor.

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