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Everything posted by madvad

  1. Man, I see myself in your answer. I generally pick some time and edit and fix some old files, a few each time...
  2. I imagined something like this, because some appear in flight on the map, and you can lock your radar on them. I figured it was one of NA's innovations. But can I simply just change everything from WeaponDataType=1 to WeaponDataType=7 or do I need to change something else in the data.ini? Because I did this as a test and they get "stupid" without hitting anything. Thanks for answering.
  3. Tem muitos brasileireiros ou lusófonos aqui ?

    Sim, São Paulo na área!
  4. If you're counting on the Allied side, yes. The UnitID for you to fly the aircraft will be its count starting from 1. That said, if you are going to fly on the "enemy" side, you have to disregard this XXX.data.ini count and start the enemy side from 1 again. Example: You have a MiG that in XXX.data.ini is [AirUnit024], but if it is the FIRST aircraft on the Enemy side, you should consider it as UnitID=1, like this: "[IraqUnit001] Squadron=No.1 FBS ForceID=2 UnitID=24>>> Here you must put 1 instead of 24<<<<<< StartDate=09/22/1980 DescFile=Campaign1Desc.txt StartText=Campaign1Start.txt AircraftType=Su-20B" And so on consecutively. For the enemy side you should always start counting from 0 in the order they appear, ignoring the AirUnit sequence they are in.
  5. Iranian F-14s in Retrospect

    I have this and other Tom Cooper books, but I have to admit that nowadays I'm afraid to trust everything he says. I had him added to my Facebook network, and one day I saw him posting a video of a fire in a forest, where he said it was in my country, but those who know the country know that it was not filmed there, the people in the video even spoke of another language. By pointing this out, in a polite way, he came to attack me in a rude way, then deleted my comment and blocked me. My mutual friends with him said that everyone who pointed out the error in his publication did the same. Therefore, I can no longer trust those who apparently publish fake news knowing that it is fake news. Not to mention that over time, I saw that he has very orthodox political positions, closer to an extinct red flag block with the hammer and sickle...
  6. I'm not complaining, just adding information that may have been left blank that even others can correct. I wish Menrva to recover his health as soon as possible, and all the best to him always.
  7. Hello Menrva! Thanks for create this map and share with us! I loving it! I found this, maybe you like to fix for a future update:
  8. F-5C_Skoshi Tiger_Ver1.0.7z

    Hello Sophocles. I already checked, is not my joystick at all, even with him disconected this issue happen and in other planes are OK. I friend of mine reported the same issue when I asked. The plane bank right like it is unballanced. PS: I fly in HARD settings.
  9. F-5C_Skoshi Tiger_Ver1.0.7z

    Amazing plane and work! I noticed something: the plane have a tendency to roll to right without any input, just by itself, and when is full loaded is even worst. Someone noticed this?
  10. Amazing plane and work from you! I noticed the plane have a tendency to roll to right with any input, by itself, and when is full loaded is even worst. Someone noticed this?
  11. Actually the loadout in my case, is not working. Any chance of a upgrade on the mod with a proper loadout? Because the AI planes always came with any weapons for the combat.
  12. Check the Weapons Folder: Kurnass and Kurnass_78 DECALS folder are inside by mistake.
  13. An addendum: Turkey has NEVER used the F-5 in the Echo version. The F-5E_74's TuAF skin refers to the Tunisian Air Force, not the Turkey Air Force.
  14. Here, the Iraqi Invasion Campaign, with some improvements. Iraqi Invasion.INI Iraqi Invasion_DATA.INI
  15. The Basrah campaign its broken, after the first mission only a black screen appears, causing the game to crash. But I fixed the War of Cities Campaign, made some improvenments, and now we have 2 enemys fleets fighting against: War of the Cities.INI War of the Cities_DATA.INI
  16. This is happening when I choose fo fly with IRIAF side. Some tips?
    Amazing like all the stuff that GKABS give to us.
  17. Its a amazing pit! Thanks for it! Is it possible to make the cannon sights adjust to the bullet trajectory? Because currently both are very disconnected
  18. Ukraine Helicopters Attack Russian Oil Depot !

    If they are Ukranians, its amazing how they achieved this. If they are russians doing a false flag op, well, I´m not surprised.
  19. Improved Chaff and Flare Effects

    This picture in the mod description its a screenshot showing the real effect?

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