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File Comments posted by daddyairplanes

  1. 52nd Fighter Wing 1994

       123    3

    i will update the credits shortly (between end of day and end of weekend)

    as for the F-16 data inis, there are many mods out there and i have been directly contacted about several potential improvements whenever im working on Vipers. i will take a look at the inis and most likely incorportate them but with adjustments i made specific to this mod,. that will likely be a little further out

    check PM for further details

  2. 14 hours ago, Jon_Beers said:

    did u try trimming wheel right or: autotrim=true

    i dont recall any trim functions in SF2, aircraft specific or game overall

    that said, it does takeoff properly in Autopilot and the AI

    FMs are one of the dark arts of this hobby, with the simple fixes being insanely simple and the harder ones requiring a team up of Merlin and Gandalf to fix.

    since no one has offered a fix (as in data.ini lines to adjust) in 9 years and since not to many fly it operationally (there is no player flyable operational mission ) i have admittedly not worked to fix it opting instead to warn the end user of the quirk

  3. 10 hours ago, PeacePuma said:

    there are only 4 countries operating the Stratotanker (USA, France, Turkey and Chile), is that correct?

    for the KC-135, almost. you for got Singapore which operated Rs until recently

    several others operate 707 based tankers. Canada, Israel, Brazil and Iran just off the top of my head

    and since the late 2000s there have been at least two civil companies that i can think of that operated KCs; Omni and Metrea. im debating myself really hard about doing a askin for teh Metrea birds (which are teh retired Singapore birds) :biggrin:

    • Like 2
  4. 43rd AW, Pope AFB 2000

       40    2

     i couldnt tell you. could any of the other 19 who have downloaded prior to the above user weigh in on if they had an issue?

    alternately, there should be some option to tell MS anti virus that it is in fact a legit file. I know there is a way with Norton AntiVirus

  5. E-3A RSAF

       71    5


    sorry for posting here, but i am unable to send PM

    are you sure this is TMF? i dont recall the Mirage Factory Sentry being CFM powered, rather old TF33

    i thought veltro2k was the first to upload a CFM Sentry (E-3D) then i did some ini edits to make the French and Saudi versions

    skin looks good, just confused on origin for this and your E-3D

  6. 23d Wing Pope AFB 1994

       298    5

    On 8/23/2022 at 6:27 PM, wazalo68 said:
    all versions of F-16A/B Blocks 1,5,10, 15, 15OCU with Drag Chute need 
    general upgrade.

    Blocks 15, 15 OCU: It wouldnt hurt. but i'm not pushing the one working the models for it. Besides, this mod only has the Block 40s

    Blocks 1, 5, and 10 are based off TW stock model. fuss at TK for that one :lol:

  7. No, I don't plan to do the test or training squadrons. That includes not doing any aggressors except for the  527th FS that was at RAF Bentwaters for a short time (and that will be way in the future)

    To get the question out of the way, I also don't plan to do much with Block 50/52 (or later). Most of them are fairly well covered, although I do eventually want to do a Mountain Home pack like I did with the 23d Wing. For that I would need to do a set of Block 52s as was in 1994 to go with the F-15Cs, Es, B-52Gs and even their KC-135Rs.

  8. A-37B_76 FAU

       115    4

    Bigger thanks to Centurion1, this was his baby but he disappeared several years ago. After almost a year of inactivity due to that disappearance, i gathered what we had, fine tuned skins and released.

    And thanks to you for advancing this bird, it had more stories to tell than just USAF service

  9. 5 hours ago, kurdistan1 said:

    is there any plan for the other BUFF Models?as in B,D and F (Vietnam War)?:pilotfly:

    Nam BUFFs are actually well represented by other modders.

    but anyone that knows me knows i like post Nam, and the F served up until 1978, the D until 1983. so yes, i am looking at another set further down the line.

    • Like 1

  10. Because of the mix of ADC light gray birds with full color markings, and the baby Shamu (or dark grey) birds in subdued tactical markings, i have the Shamu placed in as tga, and it shows up on the numbers that start with an s( for shamu). a is for ADC grey. sorry, should have mentioned that in the readme


    • Like 1
  11. USAF A-37B Pack

       1376    17

    FM and sound update loaded, anyone downloading after 4 Jul 2016 will have the most current copy.


    Dunois, sorry about he late reply but i could not replicate the floating in my installs. try the new FM tweek and if that doesnt work PM me for more specific help.

  12. USAF A-37B Pack

       1376    17

    Paulo- tried FB and here. Right now just hoping he'said ok
    Tommy2fast- due to not having the max file, we can't fix canopy animation, even tho it is in the data ini. Part of the nature of as is
    Bubu-will check it out, update next week with proper credits and choice of sounds

    Finally to all- i'very made a mistake and most of the weapons were ravenclaw'so, not killerbee'so. Credits will be fixed next week.


    -editted now that i'm looking at a proper screen and not a phone!

    • Like 1
  13. Update for TMF E-3 Sentry

       528    5

    Not exactly. There is an original released 3 years ago, and this one with updated markings for different eras and addon ESM fairings. Both are from TMFs original model, with the ESM added via fakepilot method.



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