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Status Updates posted by daddyairplanes

  1. w/o home internet for next 2 months. this sucks.

    1. whiteknight06604


      I went nuts when mine was out for 8 days last month. good luck.


    2. daddyairplanes


      well can still use it at school tho no dl'ing there. also my inlaws down the road an McD so not totally w/o, just not handy while sitting in my recliner!


  2. was it Dire Straits that said " i want my cat extractor"?

    1. macelena


      where has the cat got into, this time?

    2. Slartibartfast


      There is a great song about a Cat from by Kevin "Bloody" Wilson... watch it and laugh...

  3. we might beat back this Army of Darkness.......

    1. Dave


      Do you have a boom stick?

    2. daddyairplanes


      yes shop smart.........

    3. Dave


      shop S-Mart!

  4. well traveled back to the States, am semi broke and still no NA. he really must not be ready if i'm tempting fate like that!

  5. What do YOU want to do with the REST OF YOUR LIFE?

    1. daddyairplanes
    2. Silverbolt


      I Want to Rock! Rock! Rock ! I Wanna Rock!

    3. UK_Widowmaker


      Be A Ramp Rat! :)

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  6. when the pin is pulled, Mr Grenade is not our friend!

    1. Slartibartfast


      Your weapon was made by the lowest bidder but it cost the most after the rewrite...

    2. daddyairplanes


      no Slarti we're Americans. the cost was the lowest, its the post production tech support and contractors that is where our money goes

    3. macelena


      Hmm, i remember i saw a hand grenade with the safety lever taped as there was no pin. I don´t know how it missed

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  7. why did the AF have to name nearly every frickin C-17?

    1. Dave


      Just to piss of all the SF skinners. :lol:

  8. why do i see good shots of a particular tail marking until i actually need to use those shots?

  9. why don't you just get back in your rocket and f#$% off back to legoland you c$%ts?!?! ah you dont get lines like that in american movies anymore

  10. wife got busted so why am i the one in troulbe?

    1. macelena


      Happy Birthday man

  11. wife's mad. HP on one side of my recliner makin loviz decals for Navy Phantoms. Acer on the other side installing recovery discs...

  12. yessssssssssssssssssss! i got my internet back in the house!

    1. daddyairplanes


      in 2011 you might be right there!

    2. Slartibartfast


      Internet for those times when you just need to go out there and have a good time while sat in the house in just your underwear...

    3. daddyairplanes


      thats true. but im not resigning rofl

    4. Show next comments  9 more

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