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About sitting_duck

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  1. Is WOFF strictly solo flying?

    Yes, was sadly disappointed to see there is no MP at present in WOFF. Was curious as to whether or not some of the old missions we flew in OFF might still play in WOFF, but after digging out the missions and putting them in the WOFF directory, found there is no executable for a MP session. Am still glad I could make a contribution to the dev's efforts on this, lord knows they deserve it, but was really hoping to play some WOFF MP.
  2. Taps for Multiplayer

    hmmmm.....unless I am missing something,,,,I don't think we can play this in MP. There is no executable that I can find, and when I copied the old cfs3mp.exe over from BHAH the game did not work........
  3. Taps for Multiplayer

    downloading it now VB. Going to take a while to get everything set up....as I remeber it, the config settings in this are a bear. But if for no other reason than to be able to catch up with you guys, would love to try to see what MP looks like. Hopefully the old HITR missions will still play on WOFF. We have seveal options for TS. We can use the ROF one (rub it in their noses....), and I have a server running.
  4. Taps for Multiplayer

    lol...wow..almost 2 years since a post here! am optimistic P4 is close to being released. And as the dev's have always made it clear it was never their intention of making OFF a multiplayer game, doubt that much was done to improve on the issues that multiplayer had. But am willing to put some time into it to see just how well it plays when it is released. Probably won't be till after the holidays thou.
  5. As i remeber right, issues in MP where slight until you added human AI. From watching the release video, don;t think coop MP (human vrs ai) would be a waste of anyones time. I will be buying phase 4, and would not hurt to start some sort of list of pilots who want to engage in some MP once it comes out. Might be prudent to find out if mission made for phase 3 will work in phase 4. But let's not condemn it until we see what we have...
  6. Taps for Multiplayer

    Have been watching for the release of Phase 4. Will definatly pick it up, and am interrested in seeing how MP goes on it.
  7. A guide to using MB?

    Its been so long can't remeber for sure, but MB might have been an addon. Anyways, here is a link to the page to get it from MS. http://www.microsoft.com/games/combatfs3/cfs3_sdk.aspx#missionsdk You want to get the Cfs3mb10.msi file. Once you install it, you should have a shortcut for MB in start>all programs>CFS3 Mission Builder. One big quirk about MB is that if you locate the MB.exe in explorer, and click on it, or if you try and make another shortcut using MB.exe, MB will crash. You can make a shortcut on the desktop from the intallation shortcut (if that made sense) and it will work.....
  8. A guide to using MB?

    That links to a file on your computer, not something on the web, so unless you deleted the file (or folder), the info should be there. I dont have OFF on this computer, but I do have cfs3, and its the same help file. the location of the help file for me is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator 3\mb\help\helppage.htm. So if you navigate to where you installed cfs3, and locate the helppage.htm file and open it, it will give you the tuturial. Most helpfull part for me has always been the "Tuturial: Calais Cleanup" at the end
  9. Couple of questions

    start>all programs>over flanders fields>over flanders fields mission builder There are some posts in the MP forum that give some help with specific topics for Mission builder. In general, its not that hard.
  10. installing in win7/32

    not sure if this is going to help, but try right clicking on the executable, and a: run as administator, b: select properties, and set the compatibility to run in xp
  11. if no one else has made the offer, pm me your address, and ill get one out to you
  12. No problem. I dont drink, and I dont smoke.....whats the chance of getting a woman?
  13. Burning Beard this is a fix for w7 and multiplayer. this is from the over flanders fields faq section Q5M. Windows 7 comes up with errors in Multiplayer. A5M. Microsoft posted a fix for a similar issue in article KB555608. Also check out this thread on Sim-Outhouse. Basically simply rename oleacc.dll to oleaccold.dll in the "CFS3WW1 OverFlandersFields" folder. This file is very old and causes a problem loading MP. Renaming it makes Windows use it's own newer version of that dll held elsewhere. You may need to make CFS3MP.exe and CFS3.exe set to "run as administrator" or XP SP3 compatibility mode (or both - experiment). Right click on each of those programs and go to properties to reach the Compatibiity settings.
  14. MP error message - Help required

    .If you have win7, there is a dll file you have to delete for MP to work (but dont think it gave the error you have)... http://www.overflandersfields.com/FAQ.htm#A5M its question q5m one thing i noticed that seemed odd, is that your install should have the imguix.dll in two places....one is in your cfsww1 over flanders field directory, and the other is in cfsww1over flanders field\mb folder (thats the mission builder folder). But in my install, they have different dates. might not hurt to rename your imguix.dll in your cfsww1 over flanders fields directory, and replace it with mine. http://bhah.homeip.net:192/BHAH%20COMMON/imguix.dll
  15. MP error message - Help required

    If you can take a screenshot of that window showing what you are getting, ane post it, it would be a help.

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