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Everything posted by chrispdm1

  1. File Name: WOFF Westen Front Airfield Maps File Submitter: chrispdm1 File Submitted: 21 December 2013 File Category: Maps, Missions, and Campaigns This is the second version of my airfield mapping for Wings: Over Flanders Fields. Credit goes to Rabu for his Flanders map that he has allowed me to use to map airfields on. The Paris map was created entirely by myself. The others were public domain and the airfield data came from WOFF itself. Please do not repost or change and distribute without crediting rabu and myself. Click here to download this file
  2. Version 1.1


    This is the second version of my airfield mapping for Wings: Over Flanders Fields. Credit goes to Rabu for his Flanders map that he has allowed me to use to map airfields on. The Paris map was created entirely by myself. The others were public domain and the airfield data came from WOFF itself. Please do not repost or change and distribute without crediting rabu and myself.
  3. File Name: WOFF Default Keyboard Controls File Submitter: chrispdm1 File Submitted: 11 December 2013 File Category: Maps, Missions, and Campaigns Here is a quick sheet I compiled showing all the default keyboard and joystick controls in Wings: Over Flanders Fields Click here to download this file
  4. Version 1.1


    Here is a quick sheet I compiled showing all the default keyboard and joystick controls in Wings: Over Flanders Fields
  5. My keeps syncing every pilot to March 11, 1917. I've tried deleting every pilot and starting a new one earlier, but nothing keeps it from syncing to that date.
  6. I GOT IT! my OFF CD

    yep, Phase 3, just version 1.0, you can find the patches on the OFF site to get it up to speed....
  7. I would love to see everything kinda rounded out on the Western front before turning towards the Alps..... Belgians would be nice!! fly around some Hanriots with Coppens... throwing in a couple of early 2 seaters for all nations
  8. Where's Uncleal?

    I got to my second post.... not kidding. I just about gave it up here, but I realized he is only one person and not representative of everyone on the forum.
  9. I've always shot right around 23-24% pretty consistently.
  10. Thoughts about P4

    How about damage from the observer guns on your own machine, ala IL2... I'm sick of getting shot down by observers shooting through their planes surfaces ie... front wings, etc. I suppose the ai would continue to do so with damage though, wouldn't they? they would hav eto be coded to stop shooting when damge is inflicted on their own plane? just a thought
  11. Flying By Map And Compass, Part Deux

    yep, the small towns are impossible to fly by as there are clusters of houses all over the map!! but the bigger ones are easy enough to see.... Ypres being one of them. Ypres and Verdun are the only ones I have run across where they are improperly placed by MCFS3. The others seem to be fine, not that I have done tons of flying with these things though...
  12. Flying By Map And Compass, Part Deux

    And if your using that map... do not use Ypres to navigate by.... :P its way out of wack in the game.... same as Verdun... The only other thing to add is make sure you get it right with miles and kilometers. It's been a while since I've flown by map, but I remember running into that issue - something like it says in game that its miles but is actually listing km or vice versa. I don't know if that was fixed or not, that was a while back.
  13. File Name: Flanders maps rev. File Submitter: chrispdm1 File Submitted: 03 Mar 2010 File Category: Maps, Missions, and Campaigns Here are the Flanders amps with the aerodrome names right on the map. The sidebar is irrelevant material right now. Click here to download this file
  14. Project Aerodromes

    they are uploaded now.
  15. Version


    Here are the Flanders amps with the aerodrome names right on the map. The sidebar is irrelevant material right now.
  16. Project Aerodromes

    I'm just putting more visible roundels on right now, when I get back home tonight after work I will get them uploaded.
  17. Project Aerodromes

    I've already got the Flanders maps with the airfield names on them. I did it in preperation of having a complete crossreferenceable map system. I could upload them now if you'd like, I still have to put cross section reference points on them though. They have the names on the map instead of being in a white tag. I also took some needless info out, like multiple aerodrome locations on the map that are slightly off of where they are in the game.
  18. Here are the links to all the maps that I have posted that have the aerodromes mapped out on them. Thanks to Rabu, Dirk98, and OlPaint. Flanders: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=8827 Somme: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=8918 Verdun: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=8858 Aisne/Marne: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=9195
  19. Project Aerodromes

    Hey, FYI, I just completed my map for the Meuse-Argonne region. It is in the download section.http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10634 Yeah, I have just been using google and some good old cartographing to get these maps in shape. I got away from it for a while, but finished this one up on the weekend. I'd still like to come up with a good Alsace map showing roads, railroads, rivers and towns. There is a pile of data to use on these sorts of projects!! Olpaint's spreadsheets attests to that! I attempted to make a map for use in place of the in game flight map, but I'm afraid it is a lost cause. Due to projection limits and possible inaccuracies, you could never find something that would match up with the actual environment of CFS3. The simple green map is 3 mb in size and if you started getting detail into there, it would rocket in size and slow the game down exponentially especially when using the map. I would like to over the next couple months come up with a complete maps package with an index and of course maps of other areas as well, but we'll see what happens. Thanks for the kind words!
  20. File Name: Meuse-Argonne Aerodrome map File Submitter: chrispdm1 File Submitted: 28 Feb 2010 File Category: Maps, Missions, and Campaigns Here is a map for the Verdun/Meuse-Argonne region with aerodromes marked Click here to download this file
  21. World War 1 era maps for flying

    New map: Meuse Argonne http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10634
  22. Version


    Here is a map for the Verdun/Meuse-Argonne region with aerodromes marked
  23. what they said.... but posting the same question 4 times isn't going to get you a different answer.... patience my friend...
  24. Just an Idea froma newcomer...

    yeah, no problem... I have an Argonne map still sitting on my PC waiting to find the time to finish putting the airfields in.... I tried updating the ingame map myself and found that it was just too hard to get the right coordiantes with the maps I was trying to use and it would take a pile (I mean a pile!!) of work to get one that was fairly legible and still usable and accurate to ingame situations... I would figure that it would take a couple months at least... and even then, I don't know what it would do to FPS.... I never went that far... I should just upload a high resolution pic into and test it out...

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