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Status Replies posted by Stratos

  1. I'm through a serious health issue. I try to keep my spirits high, but my conditions worsened much, it's not looking good.

    Love you, people. CombatACE has been an important place for me in the last decade. I grew up from my teen years and later provided mods the community is enjoying to this date.

    Hopefully I'll get through this thing. Wish me luck.

    1. Stratos


      Try to keep your spirits up! Your CA Family is here to support you on this hard times!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. I'm 27 today. Getting old, but the wide blue sky forever stays the same... :pilotfly:

  3. Getting older today.

    Day x=13, Month y=2, Age z=x*y=26.

  4. Hi Stratos,where did you get the Puma ???

  5. nuevo skin para el zero de capun

    09-04-2018 23-17-49.jpg

    09-04-2018 23-18-04.jpg

    1. Stratos


      Ok, te añado. Oyeme dijo AllenJb que teníais archivos de mods que no estan en CA. Pero como puede uno acceder a ellos?


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. nuevo skin para el zero de capun

    09-04-2018 23-17-49.jpg

    09-04-2018 23-18-04.jpg

  7. Still very busy with real life issues, but will try to finish projects already started



  8. Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan total map update...

  9. Waiting another baby!

  10. Taking a break from skinning...

    1. Stratos


      Enjoy the break!

  11. Off for well deserved holidays. I'll be back in a week...

    1. Stratos


      Enjoy them my friend!!

  12. Thanks guys, trying to get a bit better every day.

    1. Stratos


      Belly started to hurt, so I went to the doc and I needed surgery. Thats two weeks ago, but wound is still open so I'm still recovering step by step. Thanks for asking.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)


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