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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. He's work are true masterpieces!
  2. Curbing the Taliban push?

    Wish we had a map in current standards so I bomb the whole of those guys!
  3. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    A mi me pasó lo mismo, por eso lo creo, pero puedo estar equivocado, no se me ocurre nada más. El tema de memoria tendría que probarlo en otro ordenador
  4. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Si no recuerdo mal hay un límite en el número de texturas
  5. Now that plane is something that sounds very interesting!
  6. M-84 Yugoslav MBT

    Tought you are on vacation, rofl!
  7. Is just the link to the author of the Voodoo, I want to credit him properly.
  8. I like the idea, Bulgaria, Hungary, all used the 23, so maybe they could have provided training.
  9. Good question, the thing is at first I tought it was the terrain used in F-16 Agressor... but that was a different game from the same era. Man, how I loved that game!
  10. We have Formorsa straits map, and altough Hong Kong is far south maybe we can place a Fake Kai Tak airport on a fake Hong Kong city, so we can land this birds...
  11. But IRST is totally passive, while radar is not. Nice method to add it into the game Crazy!
  12. Just a pilot in the ground would be nice, also a functional smoke column you can add in single missions...
  13. I think it will worth the effort, look how cluttered and colorful that area looks! The sailors, the orange lifebuoys and hoses
  14. Will you add a couple or three sailors around the ship? Maybe a couple of flying deck guys as well...
  15. What I did long long ago. Create a Armed Recon mission, put the downed pilot as a enemy ground object (so you can have enemy infantry firing at you, but not to the downed pilot), then "kill" the downded pilot (no damaged model on him, to simulate the pick up, get the mission accomplished and get the heck out of there. It's fun, but AFAIK the only downed pilot we had was the YAP one. I also got a modded "smoke marker" so it was even more realistic.

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