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amariani last won the day on February 3

amariani had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

5,011 +1000 Reputation

About amariani

  1. I don't really remember what I did or where I got it from, but I had for a long time now. Just delete whatever you have installed and use this set. EF-4C.7z
  2. How about a "SF3: WWII" or "SF3: Korea"? No complicated avionics, just an asskickin', gunslingin' plane set!
  3. I thought it was strange to see an F-14 "dressed" like an F-15.
  4. Only four decals per mesh. Squadron sequence number is "Squadron142" per the stock squadronlist.ini, which is what I'm using. Again, the same decal.ini works just fine in the F-14A (VF-114) but not on the F-14A_77 (VF-143).

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