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Everything posted by KJakker

  1. I see you have started on a Killerfish Games section. At the moment I don't think there is a need to get elaborate, something like the "Silent Hunter Series" setup should work. All Killerfish Games discussion in one place and a download section for Cold Waters under the same header as I don't think the other two titles are moddable at the moment.
  2. Soulfreak, is right. It is the the Kohleberg and Kohleberg1 objects. Kohleberg Kohleberg1
  3. I am testing the Spoiler function. I was going to use it to compress some text in a PM but the preview option (see attached screencap) is showing spoiler text to be fully visible like a quote box. Edit: Okay Spoiler works when posted but does not function with the preview button.
  4. Julhelm, has replied and said "If there is interest, go for it."
  5. I sent @Stary and @Julhelm a PM so I will wait an see what they have to say on the idea.
  6. CombatAce member Julhelm is one of Cold Waters' developers.
  7. I forgot, I also have T.O. 1-1-4 - Exterior Finishes, Insignia and Markings Applicable to Aircraft and Missiles from 1964 which has the C-97 as it was marked at that time. T.O. 1-1-4 (1964).pdf
  8. I have these manuals for the YC-97, KC-97E, and KC-97L if you guys need them. D-7490 - Pilots Handbook - YC-97.pdf AN 01-20CAG-1 - Handbook Flight Operating Instructions - KC-97E (10-08-1951).pdf Boeing KC-97L Flight Manual.pdf
  9. I was on youtube when my searching brought me around to this video and I thought I would share it.
  10. Great work, I was just looking over a few F-106 manuals with regard to fire control and cockpit instrumentation and was thinking about this again. I have these for the F-106 plus the F-102 if you are interested.
  11. Bombs not explding

    Make sure the EffectClassName= entry in the bomb's data files matches those listed in the MissileObject.INI file. Then make sure that the effects referenced by those entries exist inside your effects folder.
  12. Cool gaming setup. I only started playing within the last couple years. My group's DM has his original books from 1982 so we play using a combination of AD&D and Pathfinder 3.5 rules. My first character is a chaotic-good half-elf magic user who is presently at level 12. We are presently on hiatus at the moment since completing our last campaign.
  13. I need some help finding out how many sonobuoys an SH-3 Sea King could carry. I know that originally sonobuoys were manually launched through the cabin door and that the later SH-3H had twelve dispensers tubes however in the photos below it appears that the dispensers could be reloaded from inside the aircraft which means that twelve sonobuoys may only be the minimum load carried. Ideally if anyone has the NATOPS Flight Manuals for the SH-3A/D and SH-3H that would be a great help.
  14. Thank you for sharing your info, charlielima.
  15. charlielima, what did you typically carry while on ASW patrol or while conducting ASW training? I am modding my Cold Waters install because the Soviet Campaign mod has a lot of inaccurate weapon and search stores data for US ASW aviation assets. I have S-2, S-3, P-3, SH-2, and SH-60 primary source documentation but I only have partial stores info for the SH-3.
  16. dtmdragon, have you watched Bruce Gordon's videos on Youtube? https://www.youtube.com/user/spiritofattack/videos
  17. A Must Read: Netflix drops bomb.

    Well for me Fast.com, Speedtest.net, and Speedof.me all returned near identical results, which are also consistent with what I am paying for.
  18. Here, I managed to pulled these three off of the web.archive.org copy of Simmers Paint Shop. faf_regnums.zip rcaf60SQO.zip rcn8b.zip
  19. My previous post in which with I attached Mue's Distance Fix for extending the horizon should still work now that the drivers are working again.
  20. My photos of the Selfridge Open House and base centennial air show. Taken on family day at the Selfridge ANG base Michigan on August 18th, 2017. (Part 3)

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