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Everything posted by KJakker

  1. Here you go. ballisticdata.zip G1.DAT
  2. GAR-8/AIM-9B Schematics

    Happy to help. Keep us updated on your project.
  3. GAR-8/AIM-9B Schematics

    This should help you. https://archive.org/search.php?query=creator%3A"Bureau+of+Naval+Weapons" Looks like they have manuals and patents related to sidewinder. Edit: These may also help. https://archive.org/details/fire-control-equipment-manuals/
  4. The Corona Virus Thread

    Just found out that the photographer who took my college graduation pictures and his wife, who were anti-vax and anti-mask, both died today from COVID.
  5. Did anyone ever make a Northrop YA-9 for SF2?
  6. Which ships have a moving turret on top of another turret?
  7. Pleas be aware that some aircraft have bad hit-box data. I was doing a project to fix all of the stock aircraft hit-boxes. I should get back to work on that.
  8. Guy's how do the temperature of engine exhaust from a jet engine compare to piston engines? I thought I recall reading that a prop planes exhaust pipes being as hot as jet exhaust. This is related to the effectiveness of Sidewinders vs prop aircraft.
  9. TB2 Nightmare

    You would think these jammers would be prime targets for anti-radiation missiles.
  10. MinExtentPosition/MaxExtentPosition define the hit box for that component or mesh.
  11. Nerdy info about radar

    You may find the info on the Talos missile over at https://www.okieboat.com/ interesting. There is some talk of continuous wave seekers. Here are the pages on the fire control system. Talos Mk 77 Guided Missile Fire Control System SPG-49 Tracking Radar SPW-2 Guidance Radar Description History of the Talos Missile Guidance and Homing Systems Also here is an old book on naval radars by Freedman. Naval_Radar.pdf
  12. Gunner, HEAT, PC!

    Gunner, HEAT, PC now has a Steam page. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1705180/Gunner_HEAT_PC/
  13. Well do not go flying around any ships with my gun mods. I increased the bursting charge of time fused projectiles as the stock ones were useless.
  14. Beefed up Vietnam What If

    As I recall the US did have ECM pods in theater to counter the SA-3. There was just no need to mount them.
  15. The Swedish roundel is one of the best look ones in the world. I think it makes a lot of aircraft look good.
  16. I have used the fact that the CCIP pipper does leave the HUD to make it possible to accurately level bomb with bombers like the B-47, B-52 from 35,000 feet.
  17. That video was just shared the other day over on the Gunner, HEAT, PC! discord server. Developed some interesting discussion.
  18. Vietnam SAM Avoidance Tactic

    The tactic lead to a modified guidance mode being added to the SA-2 in order to prevent such an evasion.
  19. Corsairs

    You are missing the light and dark blue ones with bent wings.
  20. Atompunk era + Post Atompunk era vehicles

    Glad I could share another artist with you.
  21. Dieselpunk era vehicles

    How about this? https://www.deviantart.com/small-brown-dog/art/Steaming-Like-A-Freight-Train-881941711
  22. Gunner, HEAT, PC!

  23. I really should finish and release those new Nike missiles. Not that Red side players will enjoy them.
  24. The myth of the invincible western tanks

    You guys might want to check this thread out.

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