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Everything posted by KJakker

  1. Wrench's suggestion did work, I switched it from a bmp to a tga file. However no joy on turning the canopy frame transparent. I think something has to be set in MAX for that to work.
  2. I found an error in the "F-106A_63_vietnam.ini" file because Mue's LODViewer was unable to see the textures. The "TextureSet001" and "TextureSet002" have incorrect entries. They do not match the texture directory names or the data in the "TextureSet.ini" file in the directories. Errors pointed out below with corrected entries at the end of the arrows. [TextureSet001] Directory=SEA <-------------------318SEA Name=SEA 'What If' <------------318th FIS (SEA) Nation=USAF Squadron=318FIS <--------------318th FIS Specular=0.300000 Glossiness=0.300000 Reflection=0.000000 DecalNumberRandomize=TRUE DecalNumberBlockSize=20 DecalNumberStart=0 DecalNumberEnd=19 StartDefaultDate=1969 [TextureSet002] Directory=SEAN <------------------5SEAN Name=SEA night 'What If' <------5th FIS (SEA Night) Nation=USAF Squadron=5FIS <-------------------5th FIS Specular=0.300000 Glossiness=0.300000 Reflection=0.000000 DecalNumberRandomize=TRUE DecalNumberBlockSize=19 DecalNumberStart=0 DecalNumberEnd=18
  3. Movies

    acesfakia, if you were a military service member in your nation you should check out the thread linked below. http://combatace.com/topic/78615-new-badges/page-1
  4. Okay, here is a wall of text plus an attachment of photographs. Edit: Fixed an attachment issue. Essex Class Catapult Views.7z Essex class catapult outfit. Note in pre-modernization Essex class carriers the port catapult is off set slightly aft of the starboard catapult. This is still true after the SCB-125 modernization and the switch to the H-8 catapult, though it becomes much less apparent. ---------------Short Hull Essex--------------- No catapult when commissioned. Two H-4 catapults were wating for her at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard but she never had need to return to the west cost for refit during the war. One H-2 flight deck catapult was installed on her starboard side during a refit. CV-9 Essex: Catapult refit completed May 6, 1943. ------------------------------ One H-4 flight deck catapult on the starboard side and one H-4A hanger deck catapult when commissioned. Hanger deck catapults were ordered removed in May 1943. A second H-4B flight deck catapult was added on the port side and the hanger deck catapult removed during refit. CV-10 Yorktown: Catapult refit in September 1944. CV-11 Intrepid: Catapult refit in June 1944. CV-12 Hornet: Catapult refit in September 1945. CV-17 Bunker Hill: Catapult refit in January 1945. CV-18 Wasp: Catapult refit in June 1945. ------------------------------ One H-4 flight deck catapult on the starboard side when commissioned. A second H-4B flight deck catapult was added on the port side during refit. CV-13 Franklin: Catapult refit in January 1945 CV-16 Lexingtion: Catapult refit in December 1943 ------------------------------ One H-4 and one H-4B or two H-4B flight deck catapults on the port and starboard sides of the flight deck when commissioned. I have read that CV-31 had two H-4B catapults when the Korean War broke out and as the were WWII catapults may have been installed from the start. CV-20 Bennington: August 1944 CV-31 Bon Homme Richard: November 1944 ---------------Long Hull Essex--------------- One H-4 and one H-4B or two H-4B flight deck catapult on the port and starboard sides of the flight deck when commissioned. CV-14 Ticonderoga: May 1944 CV-15 Randolph: October 1944 CV-19 Hancock: April 1944 CV-21 Boxer: April 1945 CV-32 Leyte: April 1946 CV-33 Kearsarge: March 1946 CV-34 Oriskany: 25 September 1950 CV-36 Antietam: January 1945 CV-37 Princeton: November 1945 CV-38 Shangri-La: September 1944 CV-39 Lake Champlai: June 1947 CV-40 Tarawa: December 1945 CV-45 Valley Forge: November 1946 CV-47 Philippine Sea: May 1946 ---------------Catapult Info--------------- F MK II (10,000 lb to 35 mph) flywheel type aboard CV-2 & CV-3 from 1920's. H MK II (7000 lbs to 70 mph in 55-ft); pre-war Yorktown class & Wasp fit (including hangar catapult). H-2-1 (11,000 lbs to 70 mph in 73-ft); CVE/CVL fit, and late 1943 fit for CV-3 & CV-6. H-4 (3,500-16,000 lbs to 90 mph in 95-ft); Essex class early fit. H-4A (16,000 lbs to 85 mph in 72.5-ft); Essex Class hangar fit, removed from May 1943 on. H-4B (18,000 lbs to 90 mph in 96-ft); Essex class later fit. H-4C (16,000 lbs to 85 mph in 72.5-ft); CVE/CVL fit late war. H-4-1 (28,000 lbs to 90 mph in 150-ft); Midway class early fit. H-5 (16,000 lbs to 90 mph in 96.7-ft); seaplane catapult, all converted to H-4. H-6 (60,000 lb to 120 mph); seaplane catapult. H-8 (15,000 lb to 120 mph or 62,500 lbs to 70 mph in 190-ft); replaced H-4B & H-4-1 in post-war Essex & Midway class modernization's. H-9 (45,000 lb to 120 mph or 100,000 lbs to 90 mph in 210-ft); for CVA-58 United States, cancelled.
  5. WBS, this WWII catapult training film should help. You might need to turn up the volume as the sound is rather quiet. The catapult in the film is on a CVE but as I understand it the same type of hydraulic catapult was used on all USN carriers during WWII. The thing is during the war some Essex class ships had two catapults and some only had one. I will have to look up which ones and when.
  6. What is the new default gun range Crusader came up with? This is the first I have heard of it. Also it has been a long time since I posted in here, now that I have Nvidia ShadowPlay maybe I should try my hand at a DACT video. I am thinking F-5E Tiger II vs MiG-21MF. That is if I can get away from the warships long enough.
  7. This terrain would be great for some World War II campaigns also. You would need a completely different "movement", "nations", "targets", and "types" INI files, among other things. However it would be great fo things like flying with the 15th Air Force out of Italy. I believe the 15th Air Force flew missions in Italy, France, Switzerland, Germany, Greece, Albania, Yugoslavia, Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, and Romania. Of those this map is only missing southern Albania, Greece, Bulgaria and Romania. That is a lot of territory for USAAF campaigns in 1943-45. It would also work for Luftwaffe and Regia Aeronautica Italiana defensive campaigns from 1942-1945.
  8. In the aircraft "_Data.ini" file under [DetectSystem] is "BaseRCSModifier=".
  9. Here is some info on the Mistral. I can see about putting together a data file for it if you want? Mistral Info.7z
  10. I can't find a Mistral SAM anywhere on my system ether. There is an R440 Crotale but no Mistral that I can find.
  11. Dave, are you using Mue's files for extending the drawing distance for fading objects? If you are, try watching a full scale missile attack upon a carrier group close up via the camera views and see if it slows down when all the missiles and CIWS rounds are flying. I have attached preconfigured files for such a test if you want to use them. Missile Defence Graphics Test.7z
  12. Can you post a screenshot of your Objects folder file structure. This is what mine looks like.
  13. Would be happy to work on the data INI file for it.
  14. EMALs Testing on USS Gerald R Ford

    I was just indicating that it is possible that the shielding used to protect systems and personnel may also protect against long range ESM detection. As for the author of the article all I know is what is said in the article. Found some info about the author at the link below. http://www.navweaps.com/index_tech/default2_bioAP.htm
  15. EMALs Testing on USS Gerald R Ford

    As I understand it the ESM is shielded to protect aircraft and shipboard electronics from interference with by its emissions. Also on the subject hiding a carrier group at sea read the link below. How to Hide a Task Force by Andy Pico
  16. With the exception of a stunt that was preformed for one of the James Bond films this is the only time I have seen this done for real. Great video.
  17. Those pods may be missing textures. Also open the data file for that type of pod and check to see what type or rocket it is set to use and make sure it matches one you have in your weapons folder exactly.
  18. Tank V Car

    My dad mentioned that when he was stationed in Germany around 1965-66 the schedule for their alert drills were published in the paper to help prevent people from being run over by tanks flying down the street at fifty miles an hour.
  19. Likely Iraqi Mirage's that were flown to Iran in 1991 during Operation Desert Storm.
  20. The right place, at the right time

    On the issue of battleships moving sideways when they shoot, read the article linked below. http://www.navweaps.com/index_tech/tech-022.htm
  21. 2BR =Twin Bomb Rack EOGR=TV Homing RCN=Recon Camera DLP=???? CGR=Command Guided IFP=???? TLR=???? Still looking for the others.
  22. The right place, at the right time

    On the subject of perfectly timed military photos the picture below is one that has always fascinated me.
  23. The fuse is still in the bomb the extender on the end is attached to ensure the bomb goes off when hitting soft soil according to the link below. Link to Google books.

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