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Everything posted by dtmdragon

  1. They were stored 'upside down' in the missile containers. I think it's just in museum displays or publicity photos they rotate it so the writing is the correct way up and readable.
  2. Explain by this guy in a new reply overnight: When the AIM4F was first designed, the wind tunnel testing "sort of suggested" that a "sonic boom breaker" was needed to maintain airflow over the control surfaces at the back of the missle. Then, later on, with the design of the AIM4G, they realized it wasn't needed. When I first started working on the AIM4F/G, there were still "threaded studs" molded into the 4F radome. Over the years, as the guidance units were sent through depot, the ceramic radomes were replaced with ones that did not have the threaded stud. So, the "probe" more or less disappeared because it wasn't needed after all.
  3. And the answer is...... According to actual F-106 loaders and AIM-4 Maintainers there was no spike on production missiles. Most have never even heard of it. Some recall that it was on the prototype missiles and some early production missiles but were gone by 1964 at the latest. The probe tended to damage and knock off the ceramic nose of the missile. Vague recollection that the probe was called 'sonic boom buster'
  4. I've asked the question on a Facebook group with F-106 pilots and maintainers. Contact fuses for the missile are in the leading edges of each of the missile fins. In the game I have given the warhead a proximity fuse of whatever the distance is from the center of the missile to the tip of one of the fins.
  5. You are right photos of the USN F-4S cockpit and RAF F-4J(UK) show the cockpit and gun sight you are working. It's the F-4M and late F-4K that have the same as the F-4E
  6. Where did you get this information from? I have never heard of it before and all the cockpit photos of RAF Phantoms, USN F-4J/S show the same pilots gunsight, radar scope and gunsight controls as the F-4E. Nothing like the drawings you posted above???
  7. EF2000 Typhoon Add-on

  8. 1:72 WWII fighter model kit collection

    Thick brush bristles can do the trick
  9. Version 1.1


    SF2 Falklands Mod HMS Ark Royal ‘what if’ campaign 1.1 This package contains everything you need for an Operation Corporate campaign that uses the HMS Ark Royal with her F-4K Phantom FG.1 and Buccaneer S.2D airwing as if they were all still in service for the 1982 Falklands war. It works solely with the updated version of Kesselbrut's "Falklands '82" (Operation Corporate) mod package for Strike Fighters 2 (SF2) uploaded by Dave https://combatace.com/files/file/11627-sf2-falklands-mod/ In this ‘what if’ scenario the Royal Navy Invincible class carriers have been delayed entering service requiring the HMS Ark Royal to remain active along with her FAA aircraft into the early 1980’s. As such the HMS Ark Royal leads the Royal Navy Task Force to recapture the Falkland Islands. The HMS Hermes serves as her sister carrier in the Task Force operating Sea Harriers and RAF Harriers. However the size and role of her Sea Harrier airwing is more reflective of the ships role as an ASW/ Commando Carrier as it was when the HMS Ark Royal was still active in real life. Meaning the bulk of the air war will be fought by the Phantoms and Buccaneers from the Ark Royal. The F-4K Phantom (75) are as they were at the end of Royal Navy service but with the addition of Skyflash and G model Sidewinder missiles (RN Phantoms only ever carried the D). One would assume they would have received these alongside the RAF FG.1/ FGR.2 Phantoms had they remained in service with the Navy after 1978. AIM-9L Sidewinders are also available for the Operation as they were for the Sea Harriers in real life. I have also made the SUU-23/A available but it is not used in any loadouts as it was only integrated onto the FG.1 after they were handed over to the RAF and upgraded with lead computing gunsights. The HEI rounds do not have tracers. The Buccaneer S.2D is also as it was at the end of Royal Navy service but with the ECM pods carried by the RAF Buccaneer force in 1982 and the ability to carry the Pave Spike pod. As I imagine these capabilities would have been transferred over from the RAF Buccaneers if this ‘what if’ had scenario had occurred. As well as using the G model Sidewinders of the Phantoms. Both aircraft have a big single shot of Chaff simulating how they loaded it inside the airbrakes of aircraft without dispensers in that era. Installation: In addition to the requirements for SF2 Falklands Mod 2.0 you will need Strike Fighters 2: Vietnam (SF2V) for the F-4K cockpit as the F-4J cockpit is more accurate for a Royal Navy F-4K than the Third Wire DLC F-4K cockpit or Third Wire F-4M cockpit. STEP 1: If you don’t already have a working version of the SF2 Falklands Mod 2.0 download and install it by following the instructions here This mod requires a separate Mod Folder from the StrikeFighters2_Falklands Mod Folder you already have or created in step 1. - Open your SF2 Installation directory and make a copy of the StrikeFighters2_Falklands.exe you already have, Rename the copy to StrikeFighters2_Falklands_ArkRoyal.exe - Run the newly copied and renamed StrikeFighters2_Falklands_ArkRoyal.exe file, then exit back out to the Windows desktop after navigating through a few menus. A custom Mod Folder for your Falklands'82 Ark Royal mod install will have been created in the same location as your StrikeFighters2_Falklands Mod Folder you already have. - Open your Mod Folder named StrikeFighters2_Falklands_ArkRoyal and delete the \Objects sub-directory (including everything in it). STEP 3: INSTALL MAIN COMPONENTS TO MOD FOLDER - Copy and paste everything from your StrikeFighters2_Falklands Mod Folder you already had into the StrikeFighters2_Falklands_ArkRoyal Mod Folder you just created in step 2 EXCEPT the Options.INI file and the Version.INI file. - Unpack the SF2_Falklands82ArkRoyal.7z archive package to a location on your hard drive. - Move the contents of the \To_Mod_Folder directory to your StrikeFighters2_Falklands_ArkRoyal Mod Folder (created in Step 2 above) YOU MUST OVERIDE WHEN ASKED! STEP 4: EDIT OPTIONS.INI Open the Options.INI in your StrikeFighters2_Falklands_ArkRoyal Mod Folder. Locate the "Instant Action" section and replace it with the following: [instantAction] AircraftType=F-4K_75 MissionMap=Malvinas StartTime=15:15:00 StartDate=05/21/1982 StartTimeDeviation=10 TextureSet=0 NationalMarking=0 SquadronMarking=0 AircraftNumber=0 KillMarking=0 Just below the "Instant Action" section is the "Single Mission" section. At minimum you should change the EndYear= statement to 1983 or higher. I recommend setting the StartYear= and EndYear= as follows: StartYear=1982 EndYear=1983 Save your changes and close the Options.INI file. THAT'S IT. Your "Falklands'82 Ark Royal for SF2" mod should now be ready to use. Credits: F-4K by Sundowner and the Mirage Factory. Ark Royal v3 by MigBuster, original by eburger68 and Hinchinbrooke. Bucaneer by ravenclaw_007. - original Model by Russouk2004 - Skins and decals by Paulopanz - Loading and Hangar screens by Soulman and Gustav - FM rework by Kreelin,Spillone104,Baffmeister,Cliff1 - Missions by Pureblue and Paulopanz - some weapons in this pack are from Mirage Factory -testcrew,Dave,Soulman,Crusader,Florian,Slartibartfast,Paulopanz, Baffmeister,76.IAPBlackbird,Hgbn,Pureblue,Thetestpilot,Kelsh002,Cliff1 - 3D work,templates,Skins,weapon´s and cockpit´s by - ravenclaw_007 SF2 Falklands Mod 2.0 by eburger68 & Dave (USAFMTL). comrpnt .......................... Falklands Mod & Mission Pack ChrisBV .......................... Sea Harrier Pack NeverEnough ...................... IA-58a Pucara for SF2 Tracker & Syd Adams .............. Twin Otter ID(io)T Team...................... MB-339A Banidos Team ..................... Static Malvinas Models Banidos Team ..................... Trucks Camiones Banidos Team ..................... Type 12L, 21, & Type 22 frigates bobrock .......................... Invincible re-paint skin Adrian Benetti ................... Sotoyomo & Z-28 patrol craft Adrian Benetti ................... Malvinas Weapons Pack ChrisBV .......................... Falklands War-era Weapons Mini-Pack Cellinsky ........................ WideSky cloud mod SayWhat?! ........................ IA-58a Pucara skins JefeFOSS ......................... Canberra FAA Oscuro skin PGC .............................. Mirage IIIEA skins torno & HrntFixr ................. C-130/KC-130 skins torno ............................ ARA Sea King skin Falls, nosecone, Banidos Team, ... A-4CA/P/Q skins Fallschirmjager, & 3-A-305 PanamaRed ........................ Harrier FRS.1/GR.3 fixes, Hermes fixes, Mentor fixes, Pucara fixes Elephant ........................ updated Harrier FRS.1 skins & decals STORM ............................ updated/expanded SquadronList.INI w/ a/c .INIs luk1978 .......................... new WaterNormal.BMP versions Ice Man .......................... Argentine pilot pics dtmdragon ........................ Lynx & Sea King upgrades torno ............................ Dagger skins & antennas for 3rdWire Nesher Soulfreak ........................ Canberra B.Mk62 (3rdWire B6 model) ataribaby ........................ Super Etendard fixes Wrench ........................... Exocet ASM fixes Additional skins from Edward's "Falklands Mod and Campaign for SFP1." Credit for the original "Falklands '82" mod package goes to Daniel "Kesselbrut" Himmel and the team of modders that contributed to that original release for SFP1.
  10. The Navy Nearly Built A Nuclear Armed “Super Sidewinder” Air-To-Air Missile: https://www.twz.com/air/the-navy-nearly-built-a-nuclear-armed-super-sidewinder-air-to-air-missile
  11. F-4D Cockpit Pack

    Bringing the game to the next level as always
  12. One thing to try with the rwr issue is the format you are saving the rwr image as. I can't speak to photoshop or gimp because I use paint.net but I have had an issue where a radar screen image was saved with a parameter changed that made it not show up in the game. Also those with a problem could try bmp or jpeg format to see if one works over the other.
  13. Weapons manual shows ripple quantities of single, pairs and full ripple: From T.O. 1F-4C-34-1-1 "Weapon Selector Knob The weapon selector knob, placarded WPN SEL, is a rotary type switch with eight positions; only seven positions are used. This switch is used to select the type of munitions and method of release. The switch positions are BOMBS-SINGLE, BOMBS-PAIRS, BOMBS-RIPPLE, RKTS & DISP-SINGLE, RKTS & DISP-PAIRS, GAM-83 (AGM-12), and AGM-45. Note..... ....The only automatic mode of intervalometer operation is BOMBS-RIPPLE. In the automatic mode, the bomb button is depressed and held until the bomb release sequence is complete. The manual mode requires that the bomb button be actuated for each release." Interesting the picture in the manual shows bombs: single, triple and ripple not bombs: single, pairs and ripple like in the text of the manual. This could all be after a modification from the early F-4D/E with no ripple selection like you were talking about?
  14. @ravenclaw_007 Here is the fix below for F-4D_67 (changes in bold): Also is "RippleQuantity=18" correct with just 18? ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// [Station17LightArmed] Type=inactive NodeName=StationLight17a MovementType=LIGHT ItemNumber=17 [Station18LightArmed] Type=inactive NodeName=StationLight18a MovementType=LIGHT ItemNumber=18 [Station19LightArmed] Type=inactive NodeName=StationLight19a MovementType=LIGHT ItemNumber=19 [Station20LightArmed] Type=inactive NodeName=StationLight20a MovementType=LIGHT ItemNumber=20 /////////////////////////////////////////////// [Station17Light] Type=inactive NodeName=StationLight17 MovementType=LIGHT ItemNumber=17 [Station18Light] Type=inactive NodeName=StationLight18 MovementType=LIGHT ItemNumber=18 [Station19Light] Type=inactive NodeName=StationLight19 MovementType=LIGHT ItemNumber=19 [Station20Light] Type=inactive NodeName=StationLight20 MovementType=LIGHT ItemNumber=20 [StationLight22] Type=WEAPON_STATION_SELECTOR NodeName=StationLight22 MovementType=LIGHT ItemNumber=17 [StationLight22a] Type=WEAPON_QUANTITY Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=1.0 Set[02].Value=1.0 NodeName=StationLight22a MovementType=LIGHT ItemNumber=17 [StationLight23] Type=WEAPON_STATION_SELECTOR NodeName=StationLight23 MovementType=LIGHT ItemNumber=20 [StationLight23a] Type=WEAPON_QUANTITY Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=1.0 Set[02].Value=1.0 NodeName=StationLight23a MovementType=LIGHT ItemNumber=20 [StationLight24] Type=WEAPON_STATION_SELECTOR NodeName=StationLight24 MovementType=LIGHT ItemNumber=19 [StationLight24a] Type=WEAPON_QUANTITY Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=1.0 Set[02].Value=1.0 NodeName=StationLight24a MovementType=LIGHT ItemNumber=19 [StationLight25] Type=WEAPON_STATION_SELECTOR NodeName=StationLight25 MovementType=LIGHT ItemNumber=18 [StationLight25a] Type=WEAPON_QUANTITY Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=1.0 Set[02].Value=1.0 NodeName=StationLight25a MovementType=LIGHT ItemNumber=18
  15. @ravenclaw_007 great work mate! I have picked up that the missile selected lights for Falcon stations are not lighting up when the falcon missile is selected but the A/G outer and inner pylon selected and armed lights are instead. Looks like just a numbering issue for the missile selected lights but the link from the falcon stations to the A/G outer and inner pylon lights needs to be removed or the nodes made inactive. Sidewinder and Sparrow lights are all working correctly
  16. I was going to ask you this in a PM but I thought others might be interested in your answer. For me the almost unlimited 'what if' aspect of SF2 is one of the most attractive things about the game. You @Spinners have to be one of the most prolific 'what if' guys here, so my question to you is; What is your absolute favorite 'what if' mod you have ever done? And what is you absolute favorite 'what if' mod someone else has done? (Screenshots and links too please 😁)
  17. My own work around (no HUD) cockpit.7z [CockpitData] Directory=cockpit HUDMode=CAGED,AA,AG RippleQuantity=1,2,4 RippleInterval=60,100,140 [GunsightFront] HasGunsight=TRUE GunsightMilSize=50 GunsightName=Meteor8_lead.tga AGGunsightName=Meteor8_lead_AG GunsightComputedName=Meteor8_sight.tga LeadComputing=TRUE MinLeadRange=182.88 MaxLeadRange=731.52 DefaultLeadRange=300 MaxDepression=250 DefaultDepression=50 RocketDepression=50 All functions are 100% historically accurate including the boresight cross in the air-to-air mode with the gyro sight enabled. It could be turned off and on by the pilot, he could even have the entire fixed (AG) sight (cross and circle) displayed as well as the gyro sight but most would just have the small cross from the fixed sight showing as well as the gyro sight. This was the same on WWII RAF gyro sights although most did not have the depressable function for the fixed sight at that stage.
  18. If your setting up the AG gunsight via the [HUD] eg harrier etc, it can only be as a CCIP not a fixed depressable sight like when it is solely setup via the cockpit.ini eg F-4 etc
  19. Best wishes and hope you are well soon my friend!
  20. There is a maximum number of decals per node but I'm not sure what it is. Also there is some weird things when it comes to decals. For instance changing the order of the decals in the decal.ini file can make them suddenly appear when they didn't before. On the standard TW F-8 the BU numbers added to the vertical stab show up fine but on the DLC F-8K they suddenly don't but when I moved them to the front of the decal.ini list they did. Go figure 🤷
  21. Stunning been waiting on this one since your first F-1!
  22. Utilizing Ravenclaw_007 and teams latest F-4E pack to create the Israeli Airforce specific F-4E variants used in the 1973 Yom Kippur war. There were three separate deliveries prior to the war and due to the variations of the Blocks all sorts of different configurations of ECM antenna, strike camera, slats/ flaps, 'slime' lights, MIDAS4 etc not to mention local upgrades of 'slime' lights, MIDAS4 muzzle mods and slat instillations. Now throw in the Operation Nickle Grass emergency aid aircraft during the war! I have rounded them all up into 3 in-game varients: - F-4E Kurnass - F-4E Kurnass Hard-Wing & MIDAS4 - F-4E Kurnass (73)
  23. That would utterly destroy my FPS! 😄

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