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Everything posted by TROOPER117

  1. Out of the loop...

    So, back to the eye hospital... their experts have had a poke around and confirmed the swelling behind the eye. I now have a further 8 weeks of medication, 2 different types of medication to be administered 4 times a day! I'm to go back after 8 weeks and see if this has worked. Meanwhile, still off work for a further 8 weeks... you can't make this up!
  2. Out of the loop...

    Well mate, I had my eye looked at today by the opticians, 4 weeks now after the op... I told them that my eye although much improved, was still not focused properly and was slightly blurred. After an hour of tests and more drops into my eye to make the pupils larger so they could do even more tests, I was eventually told that I had a swelling behind the eye and that they could not sign me off to go back to work. (I drive people around in a minibus) so legally I have to have two working eyes up to a particular standard to do that. The upshot is I am now 2 months without work, and I'm now being referred back to the eye hospital for further examinations... so it's a bit of a rum do chaps!
  3. Wings Over The Reich Dev News

    ''Snippets?''... Do you know my Missus? Snippets is her nickname, (given because she wanders around the garden snipping things with a vicious sharp implement!)...
  4. Wings Over The Reich Dev News

    I'm a great believer of 'It's never too soon'...
  5. Out of the loop...

    Thanks chaps for the encouraging remarks! Coming up for day 6 after the op!... vision is clear but still just out of focus in the left eye. The medical boffins say it should be more or less sorted within a fortnight, but sometimes it may be as long as 4 weeks!!!... Blimey!
  6. How To WOFF!

    Great stuff as always...
  7. AMD Ryzen processors?

    Search your pouch you bloody marsupial!... and watch your joey!!!
  8. AMD Ryzen processors?

    You philistine catch!... having said that, 'catch' you in the mess later for a drink old boy.
  9. BHAHII Missions and Campaigns

    Good stuff Rick... yes, watching the video I thought you would get bumped any minute, judging by the gunner's reactions...
  10. WOFF: More Lethal than Ever

    40!!!... he's but a child... PAH!
  11. Unlucky Chives... at one stage I thought you were going to cheek it!
  12. In a good way of course... displaying the mayhem that can happen when you decide to become a pilot of the Great War in WoFF!
  13. Well Seb, that video was rather manic to say the least!
  14. MODS release

    All I see is version 2.6, 4th Jan 2022?
  15. BHAHII Missions and Campaigns

    A 'cloaked' Hun machine flown by Baron von Klingon?
  16. BHAHII Missions and Campaigns

    Well done Rick... thought you were going to connect with that railway line at one stage I thought your little windshield and goggles were a bit messy... shouldn't be happening when your kites have an engine behind you!
  17. Optional Cloud Mod 4.0 Update

    Looks good!
  18. Now that's certainly a different perspective on the air war... cruel and chaotic action going on in those videos, well done!
  19. Mossie Monday... a look at weapons.

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