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Burning Beard

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Burning Beard last won the day on July 29 2010

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About Burning Beard

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    Red Bluff, CA


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  1. Where is save/load/retry?

    This game has a dynamic campaign, you will never see the exact same campaign mission twice. That said, if you die in campaign mode that pilot is done, period. Since you are new to the game I would suggest you fly quick flights or scenarios, they have a button that says pilot never dies. The scenarios can be quite difficult, but they are the same mission over and over, you will have to enlist a pilot in the appropriate service, ie, British, French, Belgian, German, or US, to fly that service's planes for those scenarios. Quick flights are the same way, you can pick your service, plane, and simple scenarios, and you will see the same mission over if you wish to try it again (just press go to field when you get back to the screen). Just make sure you have clicked pilot never dies. Also if you opt for an air start (not field in the altitude box) you will need to throttle up immediately (even if you joystick has the throttle set on full) pull the throttle back and advance it, the game will not recognize the previous throttle input. Try those things first, so you can get familiar with the flight models, then try the campaign mode, don't be discouraged. It is very good immersive game and personally I have been flying it for years and have never lasted a year (in game time). I have only completed two campaigns, and that was because the squadron was withdrawn from the front. Have fun!! Mike
  2. BH&H2 and VR

    I tried it on mine after I posted this and it looks like TracIR (or at least its drivers) override the workshop settings. Beard
  3. BH&H2 and VR

    There are View Controls in the key mapping found in the Workshop. To move back in the cockpit I think it is Control + Enter. There are key assignments to move your view however you want in there. Beard
  4. a lighter WOFF

    You can use reshade, it will give you lots of choices for your graphic display and it only effects the game you have it assigned to. reshade.me
  5. I tried on both pages, the one you have shown and the one that is exclusive to WOFF. The download button looked exactly like the one you posted, then I clicked the grey dropdown and it directed me to the download page which I think is on the WOFF site.
  6. Must be the browser then, it works fine on Edge.
  7. It works for me, if you click on the download it will take you to the WOFF site were the download is available.
  8. Date Advance Question

    I have never seen that screen, I think it is for Flight Training.
  9. Date Advance Question

    In the bottom right area of the Campaign screen you will se a T+ key, which when pushed will give you four options, the first is next mission (default) which you are probably pushing, but you are also given the choice of 1 Day, 1 Week, and 1 month, click the one you want and accept it and your time should advance.
  10. Couple of newbie questions

    Another way around TracIr is SmoothTrack which is an app for a cell phone that pairs with a computer program called OpenTrack. This works very well and is easy to set up. If you are like me you have a south facing window that blinds the TracIr camera so you can only use it during hours of darkness, SmoothTrack does not have that limitation and you don't need to use any hats or other reflectors because it is a face track devise that uses your phone camera.
  11. Out of WOFF

    I'm not sure what you are asking. To end the mission you hit Ctrl + Q then Enter. To close down the game just hit the Leave button in the lower left hand corner when menu comes back up. All the other screens you can hit the space bar and it will hurry you along to the next option available for what you are doing (unless of course something is loading, then you have to wait).
  12. Opentrack

    I use Opentrack with Smoothtrack which is an app for my Android Phone, basically it uses the camera on the phone since I do not have one for my computer. It works quite well and I can use it in full daylight where my Tracir was blinded and did not work at all. At this time I am using a provided profile with, Accela, which works well for me. Beard
  13. What does (HA) stand for?

    Historic Ace. These guys can be shot down but will not die until they actually got shot down/died in real life.
  14. Intercept Missions (always a fail?)

    I think it just depends on where and when you are. I have flown a couple of these recently (in campaign) and have run into enemy aircraft. Sometimes they are just two seaters but not always. You are just as likely to run into a large flight of fighters, they are very similar to patrolling the lines except you usually orbit in one area for a given amount of time. If you are using the flight instructor it will tell you how long and at what altitude you are supposed fly.
  15. Lafayette Escadrille Skins?

    The one I find in the skins folder, off_Nieuport17_t_Esc Laf 1917.dds, which is the next to last N17 skin, has the Indian Head. I assume this is default squad skin. I fly the Esq Laf a lot, usually starting in the N10 and fight my way up the the N17 and I always see this skin on the wingmen.

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