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Everything posted by JosefK

  1. I personally think SF2 belongs on Steam or GOG. Word of mouth is so key to games and unlike DCS, there isn't a steep learning curve to fly the planes. Nor a relatively few planes and especially maps.
  2. Really want legal Su-34 and more late-model Flankers. That's why. Also J-20 and such... we have a great JF-10 that just needs some skins.
  3. Waiting patiently for this very project. Update please?
  4. I think it's safe to say the new Microsoft Flight Sim and P3DV4 will be DirectX 12. That's good enough reason to upgrade I would think.
  5. I chipped in what I could. I wish the fundraiser stretched into October, when I do not have two out-of-state trips and can chip in more like $75. I am hopeful we'd see at the least the mobile objects from the mobile games transfer over to SF2...
  6. PTI, but thanks for upgrading the F-35B. Hope for a JASDF version too plz!
  7. IL-76 Candid

    Fine target in SF2. However, I wish the tail guns worked a bit better and there were more liveries & registry #s. However, they have a good damage model as these pictures can attest:
  8. Blackburn Buccaneer S.22 - RAAF

    I would think the RAAF would go with the Strike Eagle, but that's me. Quite frankly that's what the RAAF should have gone with to replace the F-111 - and I love the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet. The F-15E is an air superiority fighter that can also pack an enviable load of air-to-ground munitions.
  9. Redoing the initial missions to Nihon Hitori and then adding one more - perhaps or not implausible - where the PATRIOT SAMs just magically are jammed at the same time the EC-767 had to land... so of course a couple jets with barn doors for tails can quickly swing around and get close.... The above was your primary runway. Oh and this isn't all of the mission... you'll also be supporting these guys: Stay tuned,....
  10. The second of two initial missions in Nihon Hitori 2020 is a Sukhoi triplex of -30SM Flanker, -25 Frogfoot and -24 Fencer. It's pretty damn clear by now the Russians are going to consider any violation of Russian territory as requiring a kinetic response: (I know the above is at least pushing the envelope but I want folks to see what kinda mix of forces is ahead) Yes, you will certainly be authorized to preemptively shoot at all Russkies flying in the Yuzhno-Kurilskiy Strait after the Su-30SMs fire off their anti-ship missiles... the JDS Setogiri is trying to screen the cargo ships' morning escape from the fighting zone past the Goyomaisuido Strait.
  11. Maybe you answered this already but how does one steer a TV weapon from the WO cockpit?
  12. Nothing to be ashamed of. I have a certain project that since at least May, I could have just thrown on here but I'd rather get it from 70% right to at least 90% right & proper. I do hope you put in nuclear weapons as the Tu-160 was meant to be first & foremost a part of the Russian nuclear deterrent. NOT go thousands of miles away supersonically to just crater a runway or lob a couple dozen cruise missiles for the Soviet equivalent of CNN. With that, a photo of your nice bomb bays...
  13. SU-57 and wow

    Rather have F-22s any day...
  14. You do such good work with ships it'll be worth the wait.
  15. I've decided to remake my first two missions in Nihon Hitori 2020 as having Su-30SMs lob long-range anti-ship missiles isn't the best cue for starting a skirmish. So I came up with something else instead within the limits of SF2's ai engine... that sadly lacks an air policing/NORAD mode. This is the first new mission and doesn't show everything involved:
  16. Hey @UllyB I appreciate all you are doing but this site doesn't come cheap. Happy to pay to keep the files online... even when I don't have as much SF2 time as I'd like.
  17. Happy to help! Thanks for being receptive to future project ideas!
  18. @UllyB photos: Also uh when done can you please do a Su-34? Please?
  19. Water cooling is something I've thought about for my 2020-2025 computer. Nice to know it might be worth it to take a pass on it.
  20. SF2 A/F-24 Shadowcat USN Skinpack 2

    Thank you for doing this!
  21. I spy more Skyraiding action.... cool!

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