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Everything posted by JosefK

  1. Try to have only 4th gen fighters in Objects...
  2. The AH-1w Super Cobra

    Where is the sf2 version? Pardon, it's in the Black Sea campaign.
  3. USAF 1950s and 1960s

    Very, very valuable resource for the flight sim games. Really appreciate reading original content from John Boyd himself!
  4. Got an e-mail you wrote me back moments ago.
  5. Thought it was time for me to start a forum thread on my Nihon Hitori 2020 campaign to update all on my progress. Learned a lot so far as to the SF2 engine, much more to learn. Also wanted to start a forum thread to explain my creative process and keep folks abreast of developments plus pose questions. Now the pretext of "Nihon Hitori 2020" (Japan Alone 2020 in Japanese) is a mid 2/2020 campaign where the 201 & 203 JASDF Squadrons of F-15Js hold the line against a red tide of Flankers attacking Japanese ships & Hokkaido airports until JASDF reinforcements arrive to start shoving the Russians off of the Kurils as payback... and then a few F-35As help F-2A reinforcements kick a** ending with an explosive air-sea battle against a Russian surface task force. All within 24 hours, so the JMSDF emergency task force is racing up at 30 knots to have some AEGIS & aircraft-carrying destroyers formate with some older "escort destroyers" out of Ominato base and then sortie together to North Hokkaido from their Honshu bases while the shooting war only intensifies. All without overt US assistance as the current US President is more than likely to tell Japan they're on their own - he's already shown a clear misunderstanding at best of his responsibilities as Commander-in-Chief, a clear contempt for NATO, a deep empathy for Russian President Vladimir Putin, there's some open contempt between the current Japanese Prime Minister & the US President as a previous mentorship seems to have fallen apart, and the current US President even openly thinks, "If the United States keeps on … its current path of weakness, [Japan is] going to want to have [nuclear weapons] anyway with or without me discussing it." With that backstory, here's how the first mission is going to likely go: There's still some things that need to be firmed up, but this is the general idea for mission 01. Using WikiPedia for Order of Battle/ORBAT unless tipped off for a better source so Sukhoi Flanker plane color schemes and variants can and will change. When the second mission in sequence is firmed up and the third & fourth one (one of which will have JASDF F-35A), will announce that here also. Please follow this topic and ask me any questions or requests you got. Goal is to drop this mission pak on or before 25 March 2019 - my birthday!
  6. Best of luck everyone with the Banshee. I recently bought this book about the Korean Air War naval component for my Kindle: Holding the Line.
  7. From Key.Aero: Full story: https://www.key.aero/article/boeing-partner-mhi-japanese-f-15j-upgrades?fbclid=IwAR2WYXBznWogLAxlxZihPYOr0PoZZNRePqTg2KTQVcr4CjTTlZiu4GIrV5w
  8. Yup, MiG-31s still using 'em on the Russian Far Eastern Front...
  9. This is a rad thread, thanks for sharing the code deep inside SF2!
  10. Some third-party good news: DC Designs - creator of the F-15 & F/A-18 for P3D - has committed to port over to FS2020 plus create a F-14D for FS2020 IndiaFoxtrotEcho - creator of some great jets - has made some commitments to add to FS2020 So hopefully we'll see some military aircraft in FS2020 sooner rather than later. The scenery I am seeing is outstanding. Just wish there were some high performance airplanes to go with it...
  11. F/A-18D vs. Su-30MKM

    Oh this is gonna be a classic....
  12. Files, what files? Where? I'm taking off in search of 'em:
  13. My thoughts 1) Listen folks have a lot on their plate even or especially being locked down. I wish I coulda launched a mission pak a lot sooner than mid-July now but... I also understand the SF2 developer has other games he's working on. 2) If I could add only one feature it would be for AI to be able to drop GPS-bombs easily. No seriously. Leave the terrains to others. Planes and ships are nice but that can wait.
  14. If someone told me painting weird shapes on a Su-35 was how I was going to spend this weekend, I'd giggle pre-pandemic.

    It's slow work since there's no paint kit and a wild bitmap with this 3D model but I don't want a Su-35 without this particular paint scheme.


  15. Was up really late last night and found this database on the world's Su-27 and variants Flankers: http://www.sukhoi.mariwoj.pl/ Definitely worth a browse and more if one is working anything Flanker from the -27 to the -30, -33, -34, & -35. There's even a Su-57 (PAK-FA) page: http://su57.mariwoj.pl/, An Il-76/A-50 page: http://www.sukhoi.mariwoj.pl/a-50.htm, and finally a PDF for Ilyushin Il-18, Il-20, Il-22, Il-38. CC: @frtn, @russouk2004, @Dariam and @FLOGGER23for starters
  16. Trying to apply to @frtn's Su-35 the famous winter splinter paint scheme. Slow, tedious work but I rather like the paint scheme.
  17. Well @baffmeister I am simply copy-pasting what is in @UllyB's Tu-160_DATA.ini with no edits: Hope this helps.
  18. StrikeFighters2 Replacement Hi-Res Spash Screens

    Very nice screens that actually work. I just replaced the annoying InitScreen in Program Files (x86)\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2\Menu with the USAF Aggressor screen. Me like a lot.

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