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Everything posted by CNAF

  1. Happy Birthday to Column5 and Crab_02!

    Congratulations and good wishes!
  2. European MLU Vipers

    yeah?the pit is awesome?
  3. Planes That Look Alike

    more like Su-15 actually with a triangle wing .
  4. Holy Sh*t.....

    oh that's hell ... we may not see any sing of a good work this time ... the former CODs are all based on a great tradition that a good story leads the game, not some futuristic stuff ... we shall see how will IW knock it out this time ... <h3 class="r"></h3>
  5. New Data Beta for Mi-24P By YEYEYE

  6. A-6 Superpack

    but i think the cockpit should be included in the mod pack . hoping an update soon
  7. Mi-24P Public Beta

  8. 10 Years with Combat Ace

    congratulations! hoping the site run well and long lasting ...
  9. F-22 Cockpit

    i wander how you get rid of the cockpit frame and change the HUD frame .
  10. Su-34 Fullback skin pack and bits for SF2

    Well , the MOD's LOD did cause some issiues a long time ago and we are not supposed to talk about that stuff here. But any way, it still requires a decent cockpit to make it prefect. Hope we community can gather up and get it prefected.
  11. you can download the mod again and put the effect in to its correct place.
  12. But there are qiute a lot of long wished inprovments and sooner or later you still will upgrade your system. So I think you may to do that.
  13. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_SideWinder
  14. [Fictional] Chengdu J-14 Stealth Fighter

    there are quite a lot of CGs speculaiting the Chinese 4GF . this is one of the CG . most of the CGs died out after the public apparence of the J-20. this is one of them. i see this desing as an elegent one .
  15. Douglas EB-66C Destroyer (Ver 2)

    is it a airforce varient of navy A3?
  16. [Fictional] Chengdu J-14 Stealth Fighter

    There may be ... Released at last.
  17. There is 。。。Go to the MOD's folder and open the Options.ini , then look for the section called "[instantAction]" .You can then change the proprities of your instant action . You can also unpack the cabs in the Objects folder and Flight folder to find more about your problem . it seemd that there are some *.msn document releated to the instant action.
  18. Mirage IIICJ vs 2 F-16A

    wondering if the version of the game is SF2。。。
  19. That is a complex ini work if you want to make the functions prefect . If you just want to get it working . You may actually refer to the Data.ini of the F-16 . Compare the lines with mission types and you can then find a way to make it work.
  20. Rioters strike in Edinburgh

    The riote shall be condemned , and kids got to get some work .
  21. China goes to Sea...

    it is a fact that great nations draw prower from the sea . The UK once did rule the waves , and the US is now enjoying their superiority . France & Germany never got a chance without a superior navy . for china was and always been conceived as a land prower , finally the time has come to establish its will to go out and face the challenges that lies ahead . china will become a sea prower !
  22. It is a very popular aircraft so I think it will be well received by the community . the basic layout of the pit can be found in the wikipedia together with some hud symbles .

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