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Status Updates posted by Menrva

  1. I'm back. Thanks for your support, gents. It's been two tough weeks for me, but things are starting to look nicer again. Looking forward to fly in Strike Fighters skies soon and make new mods with time. Take care everyone.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. paulopanz
    3. guuruu
    4. UllyB


      I am glad to hear that bro. Letting yourself go into your creation work , from were you left it, it will make you feel much better with time passing by.

  2. I'm through a serious health issue. I try to keep my spirits high, but my conditions worsened much, it's not looking good.

    Love you, people. CombatACE has been an important place for me in the last decade. I grew up from my teen years and later provided mods the community is enjoying to this date.

    Hopefully I'll get through this thing. Wish me luck.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nuni


      Hey friend! I know it is easier to say it than to do it but never give up man, keep on fighting and remember that you will always have your international combatACE family here to support you!  :good:

    3. Stratos


      Try to keep your spirits up! Your CA Family is here to support you on this hard times!

    4. UllyB


      Man I am sorry to hear that. I don't know if you know but two years ago, before releasing the TU-160 Blackjack, I was diagnosed with cancer (rynopharinx type) and my life took a serious turn back then. Two years followed, I made chemio and radio therapies (I went into inferno and back) and slowly I'm recovering (I didn't recover completely and some issues will stay with me for the rest of my life, unfortunately) now. What I am try to say is, whatever it is, don't give up, fight it and make sure the ones you love are there for you, it will count a lot. I wish you all the best friend. Whatever it may come, your work and contribution here on CombatAce will never die.

  3. I'm 27 today. Getting old, but the wide blue sky forever stays the same... :pilotfly:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Stratos


      Happy Birthday mate!

    3. Nuni


      Tanti auguri amico!! (Scusa per il ritardo). Salute! :drinks:

    4. UllyB


      wow you are young (I'm more than twice your age), happy birthday and keep up the good work.

  4. Getting older today.

    Day x=13, Month y=2, Age z=x*y=26.

    1. paulopanz


      Buon compleanno, allora, Rob ! :scenic:

    2. Stratos


      Bon aniversari!!

    3. Nuni


      Tanti augurii Rob! :drinks:

  5. Same Sky, Different Day


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