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Everything posted by Menrva

  1. Nice findings. I just hope TK releases another patch fixing at least one of those issues. Actually, I already noticed the first bug while pressing another key, probably F4... well, the one that lets you see all the aircraft, friendly and enemy.
  2. That's strange. I remember my WOE install did work on Win7 x64, but only after installing the last patch. Of course, the SF2 series is far more Win Vista/7 friendly, but the october 2008 patch should make your game work correctly. Try to update your video and audio drivers, as well as directx.
  3. How to deal with a Sniper in Vietnam...

    Amazing photos! Sure they wasted a lot of ammo for a single Charlie.
  4. I'm back. Damn, Wrench is right: the removal of the flightengine.ini does work for me, but only to an extent. In my mod even stock aircraft bounce a lot, especially the Harriers, even though before the removal of that file they crashed as soon as I started the mission on the runway. After hours of research, trial and error, I came to the conclusion that neither the data.ini of the aircraft nor the .inis of the terrains are involved directly: I've tried to remove the modified .inis of both modded stock aircraft and terrains, forcing the game to use the original ones, but nothing has improved. One thing is sure: the patch TK released ruins most mods, but the stock game works as intended. I apologize if my English isn't all that clear. After all, here in Italy nobody speaks English, apart from teachers, who sometimes don't even know what they're actually trying to say!
  5. I created an account years ago just to download mods from CombatAce, so i feel a bit guilty to post something so late now. I've just found what may be causing the issue: I played my heavily modded SF2 and noticed that the F-14 had the same issue on both the stock and my modded Desert terrain. Then I played the same mission of the Desert Fury campaign on a completely stock SF2 and it didn't have the issue. After checking all .ini files in my modded SF2 I tried to remove the FlightEngine.ini and all aircraft soon worked correctly as usual. I hope it helps. P.S. Still I have no idea which parameter in the FlightEngine causes this.

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