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Everything posted by bazillius

  1. Firefox browser

    Oh gosh.. So tragical adventures.. i use many years Firefox Portable Developer ed. with all bookmarks and profiles in Firefox folder. No need to instal or something.
  2. BC-304 Daedalus-Class Battlecruiser

    Dogfighting against them among all these nuclear blasts is very funny. Not perfect but ts the best what if mod. tnks for sharin.
  3. If you have 2 monitors turn off one on Win 10 before playing SF2 or game will crash on most interesting place.
  4. Civilian Airliners and SAM Defenses Discussion.

    all this IFF then QRA work only when your government in your country are normal and have adequate brain. if govenments are thieves and "monkey" with granade all technology do not work. i personaly seen how (pro)russian paramilitary troops shoot at comercial An-24 in 2014 y at Ukraine. The missile missed. i thought oh my god! they ll kill pessenger aircraft sooner or later. and they did. The same in Iran i see.
  5. Double Engine Flame Out

    i think it is better to use something like this instead. It is wrong machine for that knd of work
  6. View File Skin for A-team Skunkworks Crocodile Thnx to: Mue for his Great Tool Tim Conrad for template ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HNY @ MC! Submitter bazillius Submitted 12/27/2019 Category Mi-24  
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Thnx to: Mue for his Great Tool Tim Conrad for template ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HNY @ MC!
  8. Cutting Board Computer

    I think it is useless but like a work of art this is great! I d like to place it on the wall in my kitchen.
  9. Skin for A-team Skunkworks Crocodile
  10. Russian Air Force Victory Flight 2019 Rehearsals...

    oh how it is beauty skin "Стрижи" It needs to draw this skin for my MiG-29UB.
  11. MiG-29UB 9-51 Series



  12. I read it and my men's tears dripped onto my keyboard. I feel the same, friend! Same! But we have to accept it. But this is sorrow and our pain. We all doomed.
  13. SH-2G, Polish Navy

    All photos that are made with own hands are always special. Gorgeous. It is glad to see good conditions of hellicopters. Everything is clean and well maintained. It is very good. Even the old MI-14 is fine.
  14. Happy Independence Day

    Long Live USA! Happy 4t of July.
  15. it could be really cool if they build this aircraft for SF2
  16. TU-160 Blackjack(V2K)

    Oh my Gosh! finally i can knock this barge down! It needs some tunes with landing speed I think. It is too.. flyable at landing. But this is 5 stars! Thank you. I have wait for it a long time!
  17. so quiet in here....

    Hah! There is a theory that all forums will be quiet at the end. Entropy of "First Eagles 1&2" forum rises and here is the result of that. Imagine, how quiet it will be after The Heat Death of the Universe. I don't want even think about it.
  18. I do not understand why riverts are "holy". if to tune up the photoshop brush i can do a trillion rivets per minute! ) for me most difficult it is weathering
  19. i have white Ukrainian skin from Black Sea Crisis campaign. Not a template... but better than nothin https://filetransfer.io/data-package/YdKRDLvV
  20. GKABS, okay, lets make a deal. i know you work fast. And your models are good. I work slowly. As i read you up to in "BTR-40 open-top model". And when you finish that your work we will meet here, and i show the state of my BM-21. if my work with BM-21 moves forward, then I will finish this car. If not, you will make this car as ypu want and as you see. Lets keep communication here.
  21. No, no, dear friend! I want BM-21 Grad in the game many many years! This vehicle is most common on any battlefield. I have waited till once apon atime one brave man will do it. I have waited... i have waited.. and decided to do myself. I want the BM-21 in game but i don't want to do it . BUT! If you want to do, i can leave it to you )) The modeling for this game do not bring any money nor glory so i can easy forget this model. It is important to me just to know will BM-21 Grad in game soon or not.
  22. Hmmm... Well.. i stop mine then.
  23. P-40T Twin WarHawk

    As to me i did more transparent cockpit glass for myself. i think it is too gray. Thank you, nice textures, interesting model. https://filetransfer.io/data-package/bCBx4fwN it have enough power to fly on one engine)) And have torque. Funny to fly.
  24. P-40T Twin WarHawk

    Thank you. Here, this is funny model in plastic)) Very interesting too. https://ww2aircraft.net/forum/threads/p-40-twin.38575/

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