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Silberpfeil last won the day on June 26 2019

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369 +250 Reputation

About Silberpfeil

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    Virginia Peninsula

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  1. Negative, Ghostrider...

    ...the pattern is full! (82nd Flight Group, Italy, 1945). Ran across this pic while searching for something else...
  2. Here's an idea - scale it to 27' long, paint it yellow, and attach it to the underside of a B-17. Then, add three parachute packs to the aerial lifeboat, some fancy stripes and service lettering to the aircraft and you have a U.S.C.G. PB-1G :
  3. Happy Birthday America!

    From those of your oldest and continuous seagoing service, Happy Birthday, America!
  4. Newest USMC Ace

    Snipped this article off of AvWeb this morning - details how Marine aviator flying an AV-8B off of USS Bataan has collected seven drone kills. https://www.avweb.com/aviation-news/red-sea-drone-attacks-create-first-american-ace-in-50-years/?MailingID=FLY240214002
  5. QSRA video

    This aircraft is now up for bid, starting at $10,001. See link below for interesting video snipped from AvWeb this morning. Naval aviators should especially note carrier operations without arrestor cables and catapults, all courtesy of the colanda effect. Even more amazing, this NASA project was finished ahead of schedule and under budget by an outside contractor...
  6. Avialogs is now free.

    Great stuff on this site - just like a trip down Memory Lane!
  7. Ideas for sending two pallets from Belgium to Spain?

    I've used DHL (I think they call it Parcel Connect) for large boxes. Not sure if they handle pallets, but it's a start...
  8. I've heard Beef Chow Mein is their specialty...
  9. Happy 4th!

    Just about sums it up on this July 4th...
  10. Never Forget!

    For the freedoms we have, and the benefits we enjoy, every day should be considered a Memorial Day...
  11. Your First Sim

    Fifty years ago we would commandeer the Academy's IBM mainframe and spend time attempting "to go where no man (or Cadet) had gone before" while blasting Klingons and Romulans in the process. The only available video was a small PDP display screen which showed something like this:
  12. Browser reccomendations?

    Same as above - Firefox is primary and Edge is secondary...
  13. Happy Veterans Day and thank you

    A belated "Roger that!" of appreciation to all those currently serving and to those who have gone before us. Each in their own small way make, or have made, their contribution to the benefits we enjoy and to the societies we live in today...
  14. MiG-29 Wild Weasel

    Note mounted Garmin GPS - the targeting link between the digital HARM and the analog Fulcrum?

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