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R102Delphinus last won the day on March 14 2017

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About R102Delphinus

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  1. They announced a lot of stuff TBQH...
  2. Better than MS or S variant XD (Would be great for April fools) Fantasy dream would be MiG-23K or MiG-23A :P
  3. Except it has the same SPO as MiG-21bis...and no automated swing wings, afaik MiG-23MLD had this feature...nonetheless good aircraft for DCS was kinda needed actually. Wonder about Chaff or Flare dispensers ? BTW didn't they announce in 2015 or 2016 but ED rejected it ?
  4. A combination of these + F-8s is not a bad idea ! when I tried to convert the SF1 F-8 into SF2 I ended up with an aircraft with no sound and shadow bug :S
  5. Should probably have the same color as the WW2 B-239 :P
  6. If you had to buy a new automobile.

    I wanted to insert a joke :P
  7. The way I thought about it ,If there is...we can technically reverse engineer some avionics codes to make Eastern Avionics...regarding your thought we can possibly add a reliability modifier in the function of the engines in the DLL then that modifier should correspond reliability line in the engine part of the plane Data.ini...
  8. If there is a way somehow to open DLL files I guess and view edit and add functions and methods inside, then yeah we can expand that I guess.
  9. Sukhois

    Part of me wants to see fictional SU-24K and SU-17MK naval born variants :P I can imagine enlarged tail fins and hooks and that blue green camo
  10. SF2 WW2 ETO P-47D-40 (Late)

  11. Yak-22 FENNEC


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