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Everything posted by yakarov79

  1. you can try to slice polys in this area and change smoothing groups to polys (at least two different) then you should achieve a sharp edge without many complications.
  2. I am not into whatifs. But i guess some suggestions can be useful. Israel - depends on which year - guess no earlier then the late 80s can start exporting technology. Before, like the 60s-70s, they had their own struggles. Sweden - as a neutral country they will be hesitant or bounded by treaties to export military equipment (guess small arms, utility, and armored vehicles are ok , no aircraft) Finland similar situation as Sweden. Argentina? - depends on which year - maybe in the late 80s they can start exporting. Before - only Pucara - even to both countries to spice a thing. France and its influence and products should be available to both sides.
  3. I am making a brand new template. Extracting panel lines and rivets from ready skin can be a pain in the arse. Been there done that. -> 'I am making a brand new template' is an absolutely serious statement. You can try to play with the contrast of existing skin to achieve as dark as possible (rivets/lines) then extract by making a selection by color (of darkened rivets/lines) from a layer. (shift+o in gimp if I remember correctly)
  4. Take 'Range' terrain and edit .ini by disabling the only one sam site.
  5. most of the stock aircraft are nicely and reasonably mapped on few bitmap sheets. So if templates are in good quality skin in 2048x2048 is good enough. Although I prefer stock aircraft and many CAddons in 3072x3072. And usually Templates made in 4096x4096 or higher..then scale down the finished bitmap.
  6. remember this is just a game - so you are not really dead. So do not stress yourself. Nothing going to happen to you. After 'killed' you can still have a coffee...and play again.
  7. if it is possible it is always better to add a deck. Not functional in game...but still nice addition. When one day in the future we will have SF2050 edition with all wishlist features...then it will be useful.
  8. after this... the rest of the Krug system.
  9. ding dong.. if time allows I am always open to some abracadabra.
  10. SF2_Ural-375 Camo Cuba

    do you realize that we should write in English so everyone can understand...
  11. True. And in this particular Shahak pack, it was my intention to have it that way. And I spend a shitload of time researching the matter. To achieve historical accuracy as much as possible, for the unit and time period.
  12. as all previous guys said. It is possible. Has been done a few times already. I did that Tor for my Eastern Ground Objects Bonanza...but currently, I need to focus on other things so the whole pack is in stasis.
  13. 3rd. First, I mapped Nimrod Mr.2. It is part of ODS 30 AE. But will be available separately in the download section as soon as I have a little more time. The second is VC-10 currently in mapping madness, painting lines, and making templates.
  14. Days of Thunder(streak)s Vol. 1 - USAFE

    Great work.
  15. Sea Vixen FAW1

    Beautuful. Great work and thank you.
  16. de Havilland DH.110 Sea Vixen - Skinpack

    The size of the mod is irrelevant. Quality matters. Not size. It is always the best when the modder delivers the highest quality to the table. End-user can make it smaller and resize skins to their own desires. You can not have high quality on 512x512 skin.
  17. de Havilland DH.110 Sea Vixen - Skinpack

    Excellent! Another good one from paulopanz.

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