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SUDNAVY last won the day on October 16 2017

SUDNAVY had the most liked content!

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    China, Yunnan Provice , YuXi

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  1. I am a worker in a cigarette factory. I used to work with a German. At that time, our factory imported a batch of packaging machines from FOCKE&CO in Germany. The German company sent a German and two Malaysians to our factory to assemble and debug the machines. The German only speak German and English and can't understand Chinese. Because I‘m’ a college graduate and could speak simple English, my superiors sent me to cooperate with their work. The German was 35 years old and come from a small village on the border between Germany and the Netherlands. He has a Chinese wife. After work, we used to talk about life, favorite movies, toy guns, etc. He is a friendly person. I felt that ordinary people in China and Germany were not much different. Maybe people around the world need more communication, so that the world can become more peaceful.
  2. Now I know what the problem is. When I use 1920*1080 resolution, the size of these numbers is normal; when I use 3840*2160 resolution, these numbers will be weirdly enlarged, so that the display is completely abnormal. This is really a helpless error. This is the display at 1920*1080 resolution, and the size of the numbers is completely normal.
  3. yes,the new version,so I think it's my problem,I'll check it,thanks for your work.this mod is great one,I love it
  4. I didn't mix anything,it's single mod package,so I also confused.I'll check it.thank you .
  5. I admire your work, and I have no trouble using the original TMF cockpits, I just prefer the ODS30AE cockpit. Perhaps you have already fixed this problem, and just uploaded the wrong file?
  6. After I installed ODS30AE, I found that the cockpit display and MFD and VDI operation of my F-14A and F-14A+ MOD became strange. I can't use "[" and "]" to switch their display modes, switch between compass, RWR and radar screens, and there will be a string of strange numbers,the RWR in F-14A didn't work can't display anything. How can I solve this problem?
  7. Please forgive my poor English, it is hard for me to express my excitement in English, I could accept TW's Phantoms cockpit in the past, but after I used ravenclaw's new F-4D cockpit, I felt that TW's cockpit was so crude compared to ravenclaw's great work. So I am looking forward to F-4E, B, J cockpits. After I actually used ravenclaw's F-4D cockpit, I felt it was an outstanding work, i mean, wow!
  8. Maybe I'm a little greedy, but do you have any plans to make a series of F-4E cockpits?
  9. I absolutely agree that virtual currency is a complete scam. We should not use money for gambling. Virtual currency is different from stocks and futures. It is a kind of gambling. Stocks and futures have great risks, and the risks of virtual currency are even greater. I will only keep my salary in a bank account. Although compared with Western countries, our Chinese salary is pitifully low.
  10. Maybe I should explain that, there are many people in the Chinese Twitter community who are against the current regime. Some people use democracy as a means to make money, or more precisely, to defraud others of their money. Issuing virtual currency is one of the means to defraud money. Recently, a well-known person who opposes the CCP issued virtual currency to make money, which was considered a fraud by many people. I was just joking with Simon Miller.
  11. You can consider imitating what some Chinese democrats are doing now: issuing virtual currency, maybe we can call it Simon Miller Coin
  12. There is actually a way to do this, I have seen it in the YAP campaign pack. Change the ground objects to aircraft objects, the door gunner will shoot them, but it will only be a visual effect.
  13. I think as a Chinese, I am more familiar with the censorship system than you are, and I also know more about the harm of censorship (this harm is so serious that I have to use VPN to access the international Internet). I don't think your right to criticize the author should be hindered (except for personal attacks). In fact, as an ordinary user, I can't stop any of your comments. It's just my personal opinion that we should be more tolerant of beginners. I think giving effective suggestions is more helpful for beginners to improve their level than simple criticism. If my comments offend you, please forgive me. Please also forgive my poor English. Again, I am just expressing my personal opinion, and I think this is also my freedom of speech.

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