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About goldeneagle

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  1. Libya, Central Mediterranean (1980-2011)

    plz sir this is my terrain folder your map cant be overwrite and working how can I fix it ? plz
  2. SF2 Egyptian Air Force Macchi Mc-205 (DAT)

    good morning how can i find the lod file ? for this perfect plane ?
  3. Libya, Central Mediterranean (1980-2011)

    plz sir this is my terrain folder your map cant be overwrite and working how can I fix it ? plz
  4. SPYDER Sam System

    thanks for this mod very much but i have a problem with the system didn't fired derby ? although i have it in the system but it fired python only how can i fix it ? can you make david sling system of israeli air defense
  5. Swus Map Enemy AAA Adding SEAD

    if there is a file i can use it to add new sams and aaa ? i would be grateful
  6. fantastic but if u can make our special edition in egypt i would be grateful
  7. the chaffs and flares and gun tracers disappeared but thier effect still happend but you can't see it also the heat of motors and afterburners from my game ? i have no idea what happened but i think there is a problem in effect folder but i don't know how to fix it i need some one to help me how to fix thanks

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