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About Manos1981

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  1. templates not available any more?
  2. Is this topic still alive? Im interested in the source files if you can shere them or who ever has them. Im making a gripen on my own for another sim and i wanna just use them as a reference and also a "model" for unwraping. If anyone please contact me. By the way if anyone also can have finish for SF2 my grippen i can happilly give the files as well. Im not into SF2 3d modeling so i dont know how to do it. As i said i making it for another sim! Some screenies how it is this far : Currently at 23570 tris
  3. F-4E AUP

  4. Sorry but i dont have much time to look alla the forum if allready exists. But anyway i extracted campaign data files and i was wondering if there is also a good guide how to edit them to be playable with Anatolia theater. Anyway i have the add on aircraft needed to get 2-3 campaigns of them an 70-80 one a 90-00 one and a modern era but still i have to see hows this is working. Also a nice thing will be how and where i will put the files back? All of the Campaigns will be as i have them in my mind Betwwen Greece-Turkey over the Agean sea. With all of the squadrons as the campaign goes on updating to newer aircraft. I know its a process of trial and error but any help will be usefull Thanks!

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