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About RustyKurnass

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  1. Ubfortunately mate, the photo show the bird from the forward left qurter and the Python were carried on the right inner pylon. Will see if can send you the image. BTW the book stated that two Sparrows were carried during the mission, the photo show the forward bays empty, so I immagine that were loaded in the rear's
  2. Sorry for the ultra late response... The book is "Israeli Phantoms - The Kurnass in IDF/AF service 1969-1988" from Double Ugly! Book The books I own always state that the Winder were Aim-9D but the -G as you said were in use with the F-15 at the time but really don't know if the Kurnass force shared the weapons with the Baz/Eagles On the Isradecals book dedicated to the F-15 Baz, the early Python adapter can be seen in some pocs but never clearly unfortunately. If remember correctely also the F-4 at first used the underpylon adapter for the Python, need to check Thanks for the podcast mate
  3. Cannot confirm as the plane is photografed on the runway
  4. You're right about the Sparrows A picture showing the returning pòane of Ben Ami Peri after the succesful CAP mission that signed the last Kurnass kill ( during the Lebanon War in 1982) show two Aim-9D under the left wing, the empty rails for the Python 3( no Shafrir ,offiacialy) used to downing the MiG-21 under the right wing and no Sparrows
  5. As Daddy say. Also which F-4E you will use? In the Gold Expansion there're three different F-4Es IIRC
  6. You ned to edit the Forward Sparrow bays in the DATA.ini (and Loadout.ini) , in this way you can load a ECM pod on the right well and the Pave Spike on the left . I did it for almost all my USAF Phantoms Here an example F-4D_69_DATA.INI
  7. Thx Daddy, I'll search for planes covering the mid ' 70s to mid 80s timeframe
  8. And Zuni with the Marines in Vietnam. Gkabs, thanks for your work , the A is great and I'm sure the same for the B
  9. That's great guys, love your works! This can be adapted to other planes ; I remember reading somewhere that the F-4G had a similar system indicating the selected target for the HARMs, but don't rmember the source...
  10. IMpressive like always my friend, can't wait for it!!! Mandatory screen
  11. AN/ALE-40 dispenser

    Mate I've asked my friend for info but he can't help, this was is response "Beyond my time in the Phantom ... and beyond my technical expertise ... " Anyway, I posted a link of this thread in the modelling forum of which I'm a subscriber ; there're is plenty of expert about the Phantom.
  12. AN/ALE-40 dispenser

    Can ask my friend Gene for any help, if at the time he still fly the Rhino
  13. F-111s problem

    Thanks for the help guys. Bazillius is exactly what I've done , extracted the Data.ini from the SuperPack and replaced those of the models that was wrong and now all work normally! Again many thanks to all for your time and suggestions Gianni
  14. F-111s problem

    Look ok to me, but here the Data.ini of the F-111A F-111A_DATA.INI
  15. Hello guys,was quite some times don't play with our beloved sims, but today want fly a mission with the Nam F-111A and noted that the load out don't rotate with the pylons! Checked all the modded games and look like if only the F-111A, -D and -E (not in ODS30) are affected. Any idea? Don't remember correctely if the planes are from the SuperPack Thanks, Gianni

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