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Everything posted by GKABS

  1. Boat in water first test. but I have one question the boat doesn't shot at my jet?
  2. Thanks guuruu, this is really good as this is my first attempt to study the data file structure.
  3. Hello gentlemen; I was wondering if perhaps someone would be willing to direct me to information pertaining to the DATA.INI files structure and functions. If none exists; would anyone be willing to create a short text-based tutorial or a video that explains how these functions are meant to used to create the data.ini for a model and what the values and titles mean specifically within the game. A few such text lines that elude my understanding are as mentioned below: EffectSize=1.0 (Is there a list of the different sizes and what they do?) MinExtentPosition= (What does it mean, precisely? I am aware that you get this information from the LODViewer) MaxExtentPosition= (What does it mean, precisely? I am aware that you get this information from the LODViewer) ArmorMaterial=STEEL (Where and what are the other materials listed or available?) Armor[FRONT].Thickness=2 (What are the differences between the thickness values?) [Gunner1]? SystemType=GUNNER? GunnerID=1? TargetType=AIR_AND_GROUND? RangeFinder=10? And so on. Is there a database of the information that is required for these text functions that are required within DATA.INI files? Something that accurately explains how these lines are meant to be used to create the model data structure. Thanks
  4. Another question gentlemen. I have 2 guns in the back on the boat and I am setting the data for them and I need some clarification if I understood the data correctly. this is number 3 [REAR_LEFT_Cannon] SystemType=GUNNER GunnerID=2 TargetType=GROUND MinExtentPosition=-1.719,-5.689,2.936 MaxExtentPosition=-0.675,-4.645,3.888 GunRange=1200 PitchAngleRate=45 MaxPitch=45 MinPitch=-10.0 DefaultPitchAngle=0 YawLimited=TRUE YawAngleRate=50 MinYaw=220 MaxYaw=325 DefaultYawAngle=270 I need it to start at 270 angels but I would like to limit it to 325 to 220 is that correct? Number 2 [REAR_Center_Cannon] SystemType=GUNNER GunnerID=3 TargetType=GROUND MinExtentPosition=-0.541,-5.689,3.523 MaxExtentPosition=0.503,-4.645,4.476 GunRange=1200 PitchAngleRate=45 MaxPitch=45 MinPitch=-10.0 DefaultPitchAngle=0.0 YawLimited=TRUE YawAngleRate=50 MinYaw=150 MaxYaw=210 DefaultYawAngle=180 I need it to start at 180 angels but I would like to limit it to 150 to 210 is that correct as well? Last number 1 REAR_Right_Cannon] SystemType=GUNNER GunnerID=4 TargetType=GROUND MinExtentPosition=0.675,-5.689,2.936 MaxExtentPosition=1.719,-4.645,3.888 GunRange=1200 PitchAngleRate=45 MaxPitch=45.0 MinPitch=-10.0 DefaultPitchAngle=0.0 YawLimited=TRUE YawAngleRate=50 MinYaw=35 MaxYaw=140 DefaultYawAngle=90 Start at 90 and limited to 35 to 140. Thanks
  5. Sorry I don't have the game
  6. This is the patch https://www.moddb.com/games/janes-united-states-air-force/downloads/janes-united-states-air-force-v102-patch This is the Tackleberry’s Patch https://www.moddb.com/downloads/tackleberrys-patches-for-usaf-iaf-and-fa
  7. Did you apply Tackleberry’s Patch after installing the game?
  8. This is a test video of the game running under windows 10 just now.
  9. I didn't have any problem installing the game about 6 months ago, I just followed the instruction in the link and everything worked perfectly.
  10. Do you get an error or what? can you post a screenshot? I just checked and you need to set the setup.exe as following:
  11. For Jane's USAF try this link you will have everything you need to make it work wirh window 10 https://gkabs.net/index.php/windows-10-fix-for-janes-usaf-pc-game/
  12. UV mapping is completed, I will be making my first data file for a ship wish me good luck.
  13. We all need all or some of these enhancements, but no dice. With regards to covid this may delay some but we all have been using distant comuncation and I don't think it's an obstacle. It would have been good for business if he released during lockdown as all people are staying home and would love to have anything to enjoy during the covid crisis.
  14. You are correct, I learned that the hardaway. thanks for the heads up.
  15. I think I managed to complete the tango boat but with more than 2000 poly that I have promised, after adding all these things to the boat but I will make the 3 low poly files to go with it, swambast I think you will be interested in this one.
  16. I have searched the forum and found some good information in the SF1 forum and I have put them all in one document, most likely there are some changes over time and others are missing that I didn't find please feel free to edit and add your comment and information to this document so we can have one that we can refer to. SF2 Data.INI.docx

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