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About JamesWilson

  1. when does it come out? and Drug War RW and Training School RW? where can i follow updates and dates?
  2. Fly as a Wingman

    I needed a mod like this for so long!!! It's very well made and now the immersion is finally 100% Thanks so much for giving us the COMMDATA too, great idea including it in the package, i didn't have it. The only issue i find is when pressing 1-9 (ordering wingman to return to base) no comm is given and the wingman doesn't return to base, unless i fly in a group and give the order to the whole squadron, only then the wingman flies home. The only other way to make it return to base is to land first at the airfield/carrier, after that he will land too. But other than this, if you and your wingman are flying alone, you can't order him to return to base. I don't know if there's a way to fix this, is it? @madvad Anyway it's not that big of a deal, you can still order the entire squadron or land with him, so doesn't break the game.
  3. Oh boy i love the SF community so much! One of the best (if not the best) gaming community ever imo!
  4. Oh didn't know that, i thought it was the best Vietnam War mod you could get for SF2
  5. I wish other mods on their site were remade for SF2 and free too, but we still have Yankee Air Pirate (which sounds gorgeous and the most complete vietnam war mod for SF ever), Drug War (which gives a complete different and interesting view on a front we never would have expected to see in a flight simulator), and Flight School (which i can't wait to try and learn from it). If i got it correctly, there are no more founders for these mods, so that's why they are and should be free, they belong to the community now. And also if i understood correctly it was illegal to sell them? Or maybe a got this part wrong
  6. Not yet a member on FB, are the files there? I remember seeing them on their site under YAP-RW, DW-RW and FS-RW, but now i can't find them anywhere, and when i click on some RW link, i get error 404. Did they remove the RW versions from their site? Why is that?
  7. In my opinion it's a great mod and should be free, so that everyone can enjoy it and have fun, since these issues happened.
  8. Yeah i heard RW is gorgeous, can't wait to play it! They should have asked, all rights have to be respected
  9. Oh thanks, i didn't read that specific part. I only plan to play the RW mods, once they're available again
  10. I posted on that topic. Why Menrva said there's something wrong in YAP and others? They look amazing mods
  11. If i'm correct, the REVAMP for SF2 (YAP/DW/FS) are free. The only ones payware are for SF1. But i can't find the freewares anymore, i looked for them a month ago and i found them, now it says error 404

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