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Found 25 results

  1. Now that EAW is running well in the DxWnd wrapper, its has been quit here. :) Anyhow, anyone still having issues when EAW is run in the DxWnd wrapper (and that had DL my custom profile settings for that wrapper)?
  2. New Help Document of sorts. (I'm still working on it) This doc tells you the three methods I know to have multiple installs of EAW. Most of us just to full installs and copy the game folder to make new installs. The other methods are not much use anymore, other than for testing stuff out. https://eaw.neocities.org/many-copies.html
  3. Just a note, Normally running EAW natively on WinNT machines, EAW won't run or correctly if the filename is not eaw.exe. (Campaigns/Careers will not save correctly) However after some test when running EAW within a Wrapper Program you can have as many game.exe's in the games folder you want, they just need to be named differently, such as eaw12.exe, eaw12a.exe, eaw12x.exe, eaw126e.exe etc. (You should at least have one exe, preferably the standard 1.2 as eaw.exe in your games folder so the noCD function works with it). You just have to have a shortcut within the wrapper program pointing to each exe. (I've added this and more info to my web site now and continue to explore more ideas)
  4. Anything going on with EAW? I get plenty of visits still to my site. I wonder if the few pilots are getting enough help?
  5. If you have the GOG release, the Campaign Films (The cut scenes) will tend to crash the game during Career Modes when they go to play the .smk movies. This is true for the standard MPS EAW Game as well, just more common. You can download a 'empty' MOVIES.CDF file and drop it into your EAWv1.2GOG version game folder and it will allow the game to get past the cut scene, by skipping it. Get the Empty Movies.CDF here at CombatACE in the EAW Downloads if you need it. (Its 7-zip so make sure you have that program to un zip it.)
  6. Here's a few videos I have watched on EAW: One of them mentions my install instructions, which was a surprise, these are by "damsonn". I think in all of his videos he is using v1.2 on a Win10 64bit system in 3dfxGlide Mode, running nGlide Wrapper at double the res of the EAW standard game , which is defaulted at (640x480). Note: NGlide cleaning upscales the graphics and cockpit dials, and everything else. (Other wrappers do this too, I just don't remember which ones). European Air War v1.2 (stock version) running on Windows 10 64-bit - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VGPfM0v3TU European Air War - 2 RAF Campaign Missions - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMZdTVElOuQ European Air War - Luftwaffe Campaign Mission - Bomber Intercept - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5O4baT7Zrk BTW I didn't embed the videos as it looked too big, I prefer videos viewed at there home sites anyhow.
  7. View File Infogrames EAW Trial This is the EAW 30 minute trial version by Infogrames. (2003). This is not the DEMO of EAW. It requires Win9x system to install. However you can run the installer with WinME shortcut compatibility setting on WinNT systems. Submitter MarkEAW Submitted 07/23/2023 Category EAW - European Air War  
  8. Version


    This is the EAW 30 minute trial version by Infogrames. (2003). This is not the DEMO of EAW. It requires Win9x system to install. However you can run the installer with WinME shortcut compatibility setting on WinNT systems.
  9. I'm currently working more on the EAW Full Review: Its only really 10% me since I decided I should combine all the old 1998 and 99 reviews of EAW into one and try to correct errors in the information. It will allow thorough review of the game and should include v1.1 and v1.2 fixes at least noted where a negative bug is told. Its primarily for v1.0 of EAW, the 1998 reviews. then there's the v1.1 info I try to remember to post in the review to insure the reader knows a bug or condition was fixed in the MPS patches. Right now I'm combining three more detailed reviews into the help doc, so if there is anything you want in the review such as if there's errors in the info, let me know. Most old post in forums about EAW in early 1999, complained authors never updated their reviews for MPS official patches. They stayed with v1.0 or v1.1 for the content. So hopefully I'll get the to add where apparent, the patch info. Anything to add let me know here, thanks. Here's the current update. Some (actually a bunch) of information is reviewed maybe 2 or 3 times , said in a different manner since there edited paragraphs, and not yet move into the main and staying info usually above it. I'm breaking it down into sections just for this review. Normally I would just list topics with a few sections, here I have split some of the topics up into more sections, you'll see more soon as I complete moving the information over to this help doc. But here it is in its current shape: https://eaw.neocities.org/full-review.html (perhaps refresh your browser to see the latest post of that page :)
  10. EAW Tool Pack

    So here is a link to a pack I'm trying to put together of misc tools and other types of eaw files to help someone out. I plan to have a small readme with every file, and perhaps one day a better readme for most of the files, all depends on the help I recieve and the information out there. Any feedback on the pack is appreciated. When I round out most of the problems with the tools and readmes, I intend to upload it to Combat Ace file archives. If you can take a look at the file , inside and provide any info I should add that would be greate. http://www.mediafire.com/file/u9m7ihifxqm8hh7/EAWHS-Tools_Extras-Pack.7z/file
  11. What can experienced users tell me about EAW 3DZ modelling, RS and tools? I'm not trying to build anything specific and I don't have a whole lot of time to learn, But highlights would be favorable. Like I know for EAWv1.2 there are specific programs used. I think I have them all. Unfortunately some are DOS , some are WindowsOS usage. I know you plan out the model before you begin using the 3DZ Studio program (which one is best?) How would I keep the RS in check as I add to the model? etc.. Thank you in advanced for the help and tips.
  12. View File EAW Code-Group Standalone Each one of these files can be downloaded separately. You do not need to download the entire large archive. (These packs where originally uploaded and posted by Jel back in 2019 I think.) #1. EAW126.exe: Gives you a 1.26E folder with no addons. The 1.2-E exe is effectively a 1.2 exe with a no CD crack and some other modifications which I can no longer remember. #2. EAW12X-126E.exe: Gives you what is effectively a 1.26E folder with OAW. OAW only has the two "E-" folders available so the user can pick either the 1.26E exe or the 1.2X exe from the code group with the 7217 fix The default ETO theatre is used. #3. 128eFAW2016.exe: Gives you a stand-alone folder with the 2016 version of Finnish Air War. It includes the FAW manager. The EAW exe used is a 1.28e version, dated the 27th November 2016, which was compiled by the code group. #4. EAW129 July2016: Gives you a stand-alone UAW1.29 installation It has the old and new map versions of the 1.29 exe, and 9 different theatres. BoB, DAW, ETO with planesets, Malta, Ray's 2015 ETO, SWOTL, SPAW, SAW, ETO Trains and barges. The "DSP128-9.exe" is provided as the file-manager. There is a file in the LongDirSets folder named "Mediterranean Air War (Malta and North Africa)" which should have been removed as it causes a CTD when selected. DAW and Malta are there in any case. However,DAW has the original dodgy planeset with some aircraft having the wrong nationality. The Malta theatre is just about the same, but has a more realistic planeset. #5. 1.28c_JellyPack.exe: Installs 1.28c with the DirSetExeManagerV5. filemanager. This enables you to select one of three versions of the eaw.exe, and eight theatres in addition to the default 1.28C ETO theatre which had the Allied Carrier. The theatres are DAW, KAW, Malta, Russia-Germany (winter), SWOTL, SPAW, SPAW45 and SAW. #6. 129EAW640x480.exe: This installs the special version of the 1.29 old map exe which uses 640x480 screens. It has a filemanager and a number of experimental WIP theatres that Moggy was working on. These were added to test the exe, but some are of little use as they are incomplete There is also the 1.28c version of VBH's Pacific Tide III. This version of the 1.29 exe was made for modders who want to re-vamp old theatres and use the 640x480 screens, but allowing the additional features of UAW1.29 to be used if required. #7. AcesOverEurope129.exe: This is Emil's old add-on that Modred updated and Jel repacked it into this form. Possible issues: You may need the VB runtime files for the filemanagers and OAW. Let me know if there are any problems Jel Submitter MarkEAW Submitted 06/20/2019 Category EAW - European Air War  
  13. Version 1


    Each one of these files can be downloaded separately. You do not need to download the entire large archive. (These packs where originally uploaded and posted by Jel back in 2019 I think.) #1. EAW126.exe: Gives you a 1.26E folder with no addons. The 1.2-E exe is effectively a 1.2 exe with a no CD crack and some other modifications which I can no longer remember. #2. EAW12X-126E.exe: Gives you what is effectively a 1.26E folder with OAW. OAW only has the two "E-" folders available so the user can pick either the 1.26E exe or the 1.2X exe from the code group with the 7217 fix The default ETO theatre is used. #3. 128eFAW2016.exe: Gives you a stand-alone folder with the 2016 version of Finnish Air War. It includes the FAW manager. The EAW exe used is a 1.28e version, dated the 27th November 2016, which was compiled by the code group. #4. EAW129 July2016: Gives you a stand-alone UAW1.29 installation It has the old and new map versions of the 1.29 exe, and 9 different theatres. BoB, DAW, ETO with planesets, Malta, Ray's 2015 ETO, SWOTL, SPAW, SAW, ETO Trains and barges. The "DSP128-9.exe" is provided as the file-manager. There is a file in the LongDirSets folder named "Mediterranean Air War (Malta and North Africa)" which should have been removed as it causes a CTD when selected. DAW and Malta are there in any case. However,DAW has the original dodgy planeset with some aircraft having the wrong nationality. The Malta theatre is just about the same, but has a more realistic planeset. #5. 1.28c_JellyPack.exe: Installs 1.28c with the DirSetExeManagerV5. filemanager. This enables you to select one of three versions of the eaw.exe, and eight theatres in addition to the default 1.28C ETO theatre which had the Allied Carrier. The theatres are DAW, KAW, Malta, Russia-Germany (winter), SWOTL, SPAW, SPAW45 and SAW. #6. 129EAW640x480.exe: This installs the special version of the 1.29 old map exe which uses 640x480 screens. It has a filemanager and a number of experimental WIP theatres that Moggy was working on. These were added to test the exe, but some are of little use as they are incomplete There is also the 1.28c version of VBH's Pacific Tide III. This version of the 1.29 exe was made for modders who want to re-vamp old theatres and use the 640x480 screens, but allowing the additional features of UAW1.29 to be used if required. #7. AcesOverEurope129.exe: This is Emil's old add-on that Modred updated and Jel repacked it into this form. Possible issues: You may need the VB runtime files for the filemanagers and OAW. Let me know if there are any problems Jel
  14. I'm an idiot user, but can plainly see that EAW versions of games are best served by having more than one forum. After all, if the primary depositary goes extinct, where will all the info reside? We have all seen extinct sites, and doing so is a very sad thing because all the work the modders that contributed to such extinct sites was in vain. So, let's not let it happen again. As is said in the armed forces, "Two is one, and one is none". May I ask that EAW users not only post on alternate sites, but copy and paste their comments/posts here? Doing so would support the game overall, not to mention this site. The primary goal is support of the EAW/UAW sim, and NOT any particular Site. FWIW, I have zero connection in regards this site. I humbly ask your consideration for the good of the EAW sim, and all its variants.
  15. View File Animated Mainscreen for EAWPRO & 1.x derivatives Animated EAW Main Screen. It can be used with all versions of EAW 1.x. By VBH Submitter MarkEAW Submitted 10/24/2018 Category EAW - Europen Air War  
  16. Version 1.0.0


    Animated EAW Main Screen. It can be used with all versions of EAW 1.x. By VBH
  17. I have written and re-written my Multiplayer Help Document. I hope it is helpful for anyone. (I included most of the info that I could). https://eaw.neocities.org/multiplayer.html If there's anything I should add to this doc, please feel free to post here to let me know if there's anything I missed or what not. Thanks! :)
  18. Hi everybody. I´m a big fan of European Air War game, i was wondering if you have a link to download it for Windows 10, and bring me back to the best WW2 combat simulator ever. Is there anything you could do for me? Thanks to you all. David. Venezuela
  19. I'm in need of ANY EAW archives / files / zips that any old EAW pilots have sitting on there HD or backup CDs. Can you find it with in you to search for your old (and new) EAW files from back in the day (or today) so that I can archive them in my Shared Public Resource? I'm in need of even more files to fill the resource before the files or old EAW users are no longer available. To see the organization I did , please got o my EAW Help Site: https://eaw.neocities.org/ and find the download link there. Please contact me by PM here on CombatAce or I'm on SimHQ too. Let me know where to download your files from or send them to me. Thank You in advance.
  20. File Name: 3DZconverter18a File Submitter: lauvo File Submitted: 11 March 2015 File Category: EAW - Europen Air War 3DZconverter18a log for edit forms planes Click here to download this file
  21. Version EAW


    3DZconverter18a log for edit forms planes
  22. File Name: European Air War cockpit v1.1 allies File Submitter: lauvo File Submitted: 26 February 2015 File Category: EAW - Europen Air War copy in your European Air War directory new cockpit and diferent bug for allies planes had to follow dutch good game Lauvo Click here to download this file
  23. Version eaw


    copy in your European Air War directory new cockpit and diferent bug for allies planes had to follow dutch good game Lauvo
  24. View File European Air War HD install european air war ( full install) 01 install patch eawv1-1 or eawv1-1f (french) 02 install patch eawv1-2 or eawv1-2f (french) 03 in games eaw.exe "propriete" "compatible win 98" _ start games "verify that the game runs" and quit to have the files across "eaw.ini" 04 copy the files in the folder "European Air War" in your european air war directory Submitter lauvo Submitted 02/16/2015 Category EAW - Europen Air War  
  25. Version eaw


    install european air war ( full install) 01 install patch eawv1-1 or eawv1-1f (french) 02 install patch eawv1-2 or eawv1-2f (french) 03 in games eaw.exe "propriete" "compatible win 98" _ start games "verify that the game runs" and quit to have the files across "eaw.ini" 04 copy the files in the folder "European Air War" in your european air war directory

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