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ODS Warbirds: F-117A NightHawk ODS30 Squadrons
Viper63a posted a topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 2 Series - File Announcements
View File ODS Warbirds: F-117A NightHawk ODS30 Squadrons SF2 F-117A NightHawk ODS30 Squadrons ------------------------------------------------------------- This pack contains the stand-alone version of the F-117A NightHawk aircrafts from "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary". This mod contains accurate ODS livery, nose art and serial numbers from ODS. This is just a sample of what you will find in the expansive "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary" pack. If you like what you see and want (much much) more! You can download "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary" here... !! DO NOT INSTALL THIS MOD into the "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary" pack. That pack already has these aircrafts, customized for the ODS30 theater! * Sources: * Included Jet: F-117A NightHawk --------------------- Installation... --------------------- 1) Copy the contents of the "To_Mod_Folder" folder into your mod folder and over-write if required. 2) Update your "...\Flight\SOUNDLIST.INI" with the contents of the "Add F117 SoundList.txt". Please don't forget to maintain the number sequence in the sound list. 3) Check, ensure (or update) all the squadrons in this pack is in your "SQUADRONLIST.INI" file. Once you look at that file, you will know what to do. * Tweaked and Tested by the ODS30 team! * Mod Direction and Optimization - Menrva * Additional Data and Weapons improvements - Yakarov79. * Additional Sound tweaks and updates - Guuruu. * Accurate Skins and Decals - Viper63a Thanks and Enjoy! =Viper63a= --------------------- * Please see the "~Original Readme" folder for original credits and previous contributors. All credit goes to those who came before me. Without them, this pack would not be possible. ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: ------------------------------------------------------------- LOCKHEED F-117A NIGHTHAWK Ver 1.1 ------------------------------------------------------------- By Dels Dated 3rd September 2013 ******************************************************** MAY BE USED IAW COMBATACE FREEWARE LICENSING POLICY ******************************************************** DISCLAIMER ---------- This is a third party add on of the F-117A using a model and cockpit created by me. The original flight model was made by Fubar512 but modified by me. It is designed for and works in the SF2 series of games. VERSION NOTES ------------- This package is as close as I could get to representing the F-117A in service with the USAF at the time of Operation Desert Storm. There are some parts which I have compromised the detail on or removed all together in order to achieve an acceptable level of detail without reducing game performance or increasing development time. An example of this is the arrestor hook. The real F-117A has a door that jettisons when the hook is deployed. I have modelled the door to open and close so consequently, the hook is retractable. Animation Key #1 to open/close the refuel door. Animation Key #2 to extend/retract the COMM and NAV antennas. Animation Key #10 to open/close the canopy. Weapon bay doors are automatic on weapon release. Brake chute will only deploy while on the ground, below 100kts and with the airbrake extended. The ejection seat included in this package comes from ravenclaw's ACES II Ejection Seat for A-10 vers. 1.0 so all the credit goes to him. The original package is available for download from: INSTALLATION ------------ Very simple, extract the files from the archive to your C:\Users\*NAME*\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 folder. Next, You will need to add the following to your Squadronlist.ini file which should be in your Flight AND Pilot Data folders. This is so the Unit Names show up. (*NOTE* This is not essential). Make sure the XXX is replaced with the next number in sequence in your file: [SquadronXXX] Name=415TFS DisplayName=415th TFS Nightstalkers Nation=USAF The 416th TFS should already be in your Squadronlist.ini, but if not, add the following: [SquadronXXX] Name=416TFS DisplayName=416th TFS Silver Knights Nation=USAF *NOTE* If you do not have a Squadronlist.ini file in your Flight folder you will need to extract it from the MissionData001.CAT file in your Flight folder using the CatPack utility. That's it. You will need Diego's MODUSAF pilot skin for the pilot, or you can use whatever skin you like by editing the F-117A_Data.ini file. REMOVAL ------- Reverse the above steps. CREDITS ------- Aircraft, Cockpit, Skins, Decals and .ini work - Me FM - Fubar512 (with some modifications by me) ACESII Ejection seat - ravenclaw Pilot skin - Old Diego Testing - The ODS team THANKS ------ A MASSIVE thanks to Crusader for all his very useful reference material and support without which this package could not exist! Thanks to all on the forum for their continuing and always useful support. Hope you enjoy it as much as I have had making it. Dels ------------------------------------------------------------- Submitter Viper63a Submitted 06/28/2021 Category Other -
Version 3.7.1
SF2 F-117A NightHawk ODS30 Squadrons ------------------------------------------------------------- This pack contains the stand-alone version of the F-117A NightHawk aircrafts from "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary". This mod contains accurate ODS livery, nose art and serial numbers from ODS. This is just a sample of what you will find in the expansive "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary" pack. If you like what you see and want (much much) more! You can download "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary" here... !! DO NOT INSTALL THIS MOD into the "Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary" pack. That pack already has these aircrafts, customized for the ODS30 theater! * Sources: * Included Jet: F-117A NightHawk --------------------- Installation... --------------------- 1) Copy the contents of the "To_Mod_Folder" folder into your mod folder and over-write if required. 2) Update your "...\Flight\SOUNDLIST.INI" with the contents of the "Add F117 SoundList.txt". Please don't forget to maintain the number sequence in the sound list. 3) Check, ensure (or update) all the squadrons in this pack is in your "SQUADRONLIST.INI" file. Once you look at that file, you will know what to do. * Tweaked and Tested by the ODS30 team! * Mod Direction and Optimization - Menrva * Additional Data and Weapons improvements - Yakarov79. * Additional Sound tweaks and updates - Guuruu. * Accurate Skins and Decals - Viper63a Thanks and Enjoy! =Viper63a= --------------------- * Please see the "~Original Readme" folder for original credits and previous contributors. All credit goes to those who came before me. Without them, this pack would not be possible. ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: ------------------------------------------------------------- LOCKHEED F-117A NIGHTHAWK Ver 1.1 ------------------------------------------------------------- By Dels Dated 3rd September 2013 ******************************************************** MAY BE USED IAW COMBATACE FREEWARE LICENSING POLICY ******************************************************** DISCLAIMER ---------- This is a third party add on of the F-117A using a model and cockpit created by me. The original flight model was made by Fubar512 but modified by me. It is designed for and works in the SF2 series of games. VERSION NOTES ------------- This package is as close as I could get to representing the F-117A in service with the USAF at the time of Operation Desert Storm. There are some parts which I have compromised the detail on or removed all together in order to achieve an acceptable level of detail without reducing game performance or increasing development time. An example of this is the arrestor hook. The real F-117A has a door that jettisons when the hook is deployed. I have modelled the door to open and close so consequently, the hook is retractable. Animation Key #1 to open/close the refuel door. Animation Key #2 to extend/retract the COMM and NAV antennas. Animation Key #10 to open/close the canopy. Weapon bay doors are automatic on weapon release. Brake chute will only deploy while on the ground, below 100kts and with the airbrake extended. The ejection seat included in this package comes from ravenclaw's ACES II Ejection Seat for A-10 vers. 1.0 so all the credit goes to him. The original package is available for download from: INSTALLATION ------------ Very simple, extract the files from the archive to your C:\Users\*NAME*\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 folder. Next, You will need to add the following to your Squadronlist.ini file which should be in your Flight AND Pilot Data folders. This is so the Unit Names show up. (*NOTE* This is not essential). Make sure the XXX is replaced with the next number in sequence in your file: [SquadronXXX] Name=415TFS DisplayName=415th TFS Nightstalkers Nation=USAF The 416th TFS should already be in your Squadronlist.ini, but if not, add the following: [SquadronXXX] Name=416TFS DisplayName=416th TFS Silver Knights Nation=USAF *NOTE* If you do not have a Squadronlist.ini file in your Flight folder you will need to extract it from the MissionData001.CAT file in your Flight folder using the CatPack utility. That's it. You will need Diego's MODUSAF pilot skin for the pilot, or you can use whatever skin you like by editing the F-117A_Data.ini file. REMOVAL ------- Reverse the above steps. CREDITS ------- Aircraft, Cockpit, Skins, Decals and .ini work - Me FM - Fubar512 (with some modifications by me) ACESII Ejection seat - ravenclaw Pilot skin - Old Diego Testing - The ODS team THANKS ------ A MASSIVE thanks to Crusader for all his very useful reference material and support without which this package could not exist! Thanks to all on the forum for their continuing and always useful support. Hope you enjoy it as much as I have had making it. Dels ------------------------------------------------------------- -
Hi Ladies and Gentlemen, i have a problem with the cockpit of airplane F-117 Nighthawk. Let me explaine it. I downloaded the User Made Mission F-117A in Desert Storm for WoE. I didn't found a F-117 for SFP1-Series. So i took the F-117 from SFP2 and tried it to convert to SFP1 by Converter from here( for .ini files) and Format Factory( .jpg to .bmp files) I tried to attach a photo of the cockpit, how it looks in the the Game. What can i do, that looks it better? Thank you.
From the album SF2 screenies...
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