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New F-102A Cockpit was uploaded

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New modded F-102A Cockpit was uploaded.



It is based on (EDIT Pasko's) F-106 cockpit with rounded gages being used instead of tapes, no moving map and other graphical changes. Several color photos were used as a base.

Edited by ordway

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  ordway said:
New modded F-102A Cockpit was uploaded.


It is based on Daves F-106 cockpit with rounded gages being used instead of tapes, no moving map and other graphical changes. Several color photos were used as a base.



Now that is freaking sweet!!!!

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Ordway, try this. It matches pilot position with player. You can see the wings and just a tip of drop tank. I'm using olde SF 2006.













If I recall, the game assumes Nose is already ShowFromCockpit=FALSE by lack of this line in the DATA file, so its already good to go, I think.


Poasting about drop tanks...NoJettisionTank=FALSE lets you drop the tanks. They are not perma fixed to the external model like on the F-106 model. Thanks Veltro!!

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Um Dave didnt build any F-106 cockpit. Pasko did.


Says right in the download section.


The F-106A by Pasko and C5

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  Dave said:
Um Dave didnt build any F-106 cockpit. Pasko did.


Says right in the download section.


Thanks. I'll change it.

Edited by ordway

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  Lexx_Luthor said:
Ordway, try this. It matches pilot position with player. You can see the wings and just a tip of drop tank. I'm using olde SF 2006.













If I recall, the game assumes Nose is already ShowFromCockpit=FALSE by lack of this line in the DATA file, so its already good to go, I think.


Poasting about drop tanks...NoJettisionTank=FALSE lets you drop the tanks. They are not perma fixed to the external model like on the F-106 model. Thanks Veltro!!


Thanks! I will change these.

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  ordway said:
Thanks! I will change these.


These issues are now resolved and uploaded in V.2 for both the F-102 flight model and cockpit. Thanks to Lexx_Luthor and Dave.

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Here is a side by side, errr top to bottom, comparison of the released ordway F-102A cockpit and Pasko's beautiful F-106 cockpit. One looks like a space shuttle and the other like....a 1950s cockpit.



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The F-102 cockpit is back up for download in the jet cockpits section.


You just dump the files contents into your F-102 folder and say yes to "do you want to overwrite files" questions.


Remember to back up first.





Edited by ordway

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I am adding an AC voltmeter and master warning test and reset switch which some photos show and secondly more detail to the warning light panel. These changes are in version 3 (the V3 edition). These should be up tomorrow.



Edited by ordway

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I am adding an AC voltmeter and master warning test and reset switch which some photos show and secondly more detail to the warning light panel. These changes are in version 3 (the V3 edition). These should be up tomorrow.


This version is now available for download.

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Version V.4 is now uploaded and probably my final one.


I added the huge signature red/orange Nav light in the middle of the F-102 panel. I made the artificial horizon more F-102A color and markings specific. I made the radio nav instrument more F-102A color and markings specific.





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Yes very nice you two -- Veltro2Ordway


I'm thinking of taking down that gunsight. I don't see any obstructions in various cockpit views looking forward, although its hard to tell in the photos.


Did F-102A have any IR Falcon missile pipper on glass?

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The optical gunsight is mounted high on the fwd canopy structure - the combining glass flips down into the pilot's line of sight to fire the weapons optically. On the TF-102, two similar gunsights are mounted upside down, and the combining glass flips up.



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Ah, most interesting thanks. I'll keep my sight then!!

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  Lexx_Luthor said:
Ah, most interesting thanks. I'll keep my sight then!!


Yes, keeping it might be good. I wonder what would have happened if a Warsaw Pact (WP) Nato central front campaign had opened and some F-102s were present?


F-102s would have inevitably been tangling with WP fighters and there would have been immediate pressure like in Viet Nam to add a gun. Apparently, the F-106's 20MM was added without much problem to the F-106.


F-4s in Viet Nam got the 20MM pods pretty fast too.


With the actual ad hoc unofficial F-102 having at least a SUU-11/A minigun added in Viet Nam (according to at least one photo), I bet if a central front had stalemated long enough, pilots would have been tempted to add a gun real fast.

Edited by ordway

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I made an error in my cockpit file for V.4 and forgot to include the F-102A artificial horizon-it's just the old F-106 one now in the old version V.4. I just updated it and included it in the new version 5 (V.5).


V.5 I now included the very specific F-102A artificial horizon this time with gray-blue top, gray markings, black bottom with blue markings which I left out in V.4 by mistake. If you compared the photo with the current F-102A artificial horizon, you can probably see the difference.

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I made an error ...by mistake...

I always do that. By the V.50, I get it setup right, mostly. I'd should be airplane designer, open my own OKB.


Thanks this is neat stuff.

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Cockpit version 5 approved, included in F-102 version 0.96.



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Hey, silly question.


How did the IRST sensor work in the Deuce? I assume you had to get cueing of some sort from the sensor...




PS Never mind, just found the answer...gotta love the internet!

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