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I just read in the latest Airforces montly that the USAF / ANG lately have taken over 200 F-15s out of service, so perhaps some of these could be offered to Nato allies? Ofcourse super what-if as going from L-39 to F-15 is like upgrading from a bicycle to a Bugatti Veyron but still :biggrin:

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Portugal his selling F-16As

in RL seem that Romenia is the buyer but in What if world who knows

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I like the Idea of Brain32: a joint airforce. It would make things a bit easier, for example working out camouflage regulations. Also one could make spiffy new insignia! I liked that of the Baltic Defense College:




It is a bit to complicated for the use as roundel, though...

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I like the Idea of Brain32: a joint airforce


From what I gathered speaking to Baltic people and their toughs on the idea, I get the general idea that any politician or military person to suggest such a thing could just as well jump over the fence to Russia first thing in the morning after. While there is great unity towards Russia, the Baltic countries really despise the idea to be as one in any sort of way again.

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Portugal is selling F-16As


OT but what are they replacing them with?

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OT but what are they replacing them with?

nothing we still have 29 and about 20 or so in flyble condition.

it a budget issue!

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From what I gathered speaking to Baltic people and their toughs on the idea, I get the general idea that any politician or military person to suggest such a thing could just as well jump over the fence to Russia first thing in the morning after. While there is great unity towards Russia, the Baltic countries really despise the idea to be as one in any sort of way again.


Well this is not my idea, it's just the way it is as I follow some strategic and geopolitical happenings on a layman basis I found out about this one too, especially since their financial condition is similar to the one of my country too.

Anyway they already do many things together as it is and it's highly unlikely they would shop for fighters each one for itself, for example check this link: http://www.mil.ee/index_eng.php?s=kooseesm


In short:


Baltic Battalion (BALTBAT) - infantry battalion for participation in international peace support operations;

Baltic Naval Squadron (BALTRON) - naval force with mine countermeasures capabilities;

Baltic Air Surveillance Network (BALTNET) - air surveillance information system;

Baltic Defence College (BALTDEFCOL) - joint military educational institution for training senior staff officers.


I guess there should already be dead politicians and military personnel all over the Baltic states... :wink:

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In the light of such cooperation, a jointly operated fighter force does not seem to unlikely imho. Mind you, a 'jointly operated' force does not mean every screw and every bolt is shared 1/3 :biggrin:

Another factor to consider is the infrastructure. Right now there is precisely one airfield capable of supporting supersonic fighter ops in the all the Baltic states, with another one still being prepared currently. Like air surveillance this requires a lot ressources. (on a historical note, the infamous series of 269 Luftwaffe Starfighter crashes was in no small part caused by the lack of proper infrastructure - and the Luftwaffe back then had a budget large enough to buy the Baltic states).


Of course, everyone including myself will respect if you want to go a different way, JonathanRL.

It is just that your idea has spurred a lot of thoughts among us. ... which is not exactly the worst to say about a mod :smile:

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Of course, everyone including myself will respect if you want to go a different way, JonathanRL.

It is just that your idea has spurred a lot of thoughts among us. ... which is not exactly the worst to say about a mod :smile:


Well said, I forgot to add that I just love the idea for this mod and am putting out some general info for ideas, so I just wanted to add a small, hopefully helpful contribution :good:

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If I did not want suggestions, I would not have asked for them ;-)


However, since my latest project is now complete (Pending approval), its time to see what can be done with this one. When I had exactly 1 hour and 50 minutes modding break :D

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I'm totally in for ex-Greek A-7Hs and E(H)s with the Defense-College insignia.


Both could be supplied by the MF-versions. (no need for DLC or minima-game requirements).

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Ok, so I will soon start making this campaign so here are the Results of the Swedish Vote:


12 Points go to :


Harrier GR 9 for Estonia

JAS 39 Gripen for Latvia

JAS 39 Gripen for Lithuania

L 39 for Lithuania


Any further suggestions for the Baltic Air Forces? Thinking about maybe an AWACs Aircraft or similar, but unsure if we have any of those.

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There's E-3 AWACs birds in the ODS and Operation Darius mods, not sure they're TMF models. Also, of course there's the E-2C Hawkeye included in NA, but that makes it a prerequisite for your mod. Maybe the Baltic states would follow NATO's example and pool their money for an AWACS squadron?


Veltro2K made an A-50 Mainstay (still available?) - not likely that the Baltic states would buy any of those though!


And you know Marcfighters was making a Brazilian R-99 AWACS - did you ever get a reply from him?

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budget budget budget. they'll still have a very effective air defence network, just link the older components with modern comm links and upgrade the computers much cheaper than an AWACS (tho admittedly less exciting)

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The Mainstay is still available, we use it in Midvintermörker with full permission. It will be flying for the opposing force :)


Daddy does however raise an excellent point about the air defense network.

Edited by JonathanRL

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Okay maybe Aircraft wise they go for a mix one country covers Air Defence with a smaller ground attack role one countries main is Ground Attack with secondary Air Defence and the 3rd is a mix of the first 2 but with Training involved... as to Air Defence maybe the ground environment as DA stated is a good idea as well but as the borders are so close I think an AWAC would be too much for them to operate even if it was only an E-2...

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AWAC maybe if provied by NATO (E-3) beacouse DA and Starblast say small region and poor countrys

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In late 2011, prospecting began in the Baltic Sea, between the Baltic Countries and Gotland. It was a high risk venture, where few gains where expected. Most of the industry saw it as a joke, or as a measure to keep the skilled work crews in practice so they would not be recruited by other companies. To the surprise of everybody, they did however manage to find something. In November 2012, they announced that a number of natural gas pockets existed, from Gotland to the Bay of Finland. At worst case, these pockets alone would make the Baltic States, Finland and Sweden independent of energy imports for thirty years. Russia was quick to try and stake a claim on the gas fields, but was quickly rebuked with the argument that there was no way they could have a legitimate claim.


Preparing for the worst, the Baltic Countries began a military buildup starting with their Air Forces. As Russia had suspected, the Baltic Air Policing Program was also a training program for the Baltic Countries, and all that remained was delivery of Fighters. Estonia decided on accepting former Royal Navy Harrier GR9s who was delivered in exchange for natural gas options while Latvia & Lithuania choose the Saab JAS 39C Gripen. Early 2013, the pilot crews where well underway to forming the first squadrons of their respective countries and the aircraft was delivered later that year.


In early 2014, Russias rhetoric was stepped up with claims ranging from desperate to ludicrous. The North Stream Pipeline made that part of the Baltic Russian territory. The Baltic Countries status as former soviet members made the gas field Soviet and thus Russian. While silly in nature, the arguments were enforced by the arrival of a Soviet Carrier Group and a newly built Mistral Assault ship in the Baltic.The Baltic Countries are quick to confer with each other and promise mutual support in case of attack. Sweden enforces an already given Declaration of Solidarity and Finland joins the partnership as well, fearing Russian aggression in the Gulf of Finland. NATO – having most of their assets committed in the latest Iranian Crisis – urges Norway, Denmark and Poland to aid as well.


On the first of April, the Naval Task Forces depart from Kaliningrad and opens fire on a Baltic Patrol Vessel. Tanks are rolling across the Estonian Border and once again, the Baltic States must fight for their freedom…

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I'm still alive guys!


Was busy for a while. I got some pics for you and I hope you like 'em.


Former Russian MiG-29A, 1st Air Defense Brigade, 2014







I hope Spinners doesn't mind me using his splinter for this bird. :drinks:

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I hope Spinners doesn't mind me using his splinter for this bird. :drinks:


Not at all mate. It's a great looking Fulcrum!

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Hi, will the swedish carrier and planes be included in this mod when it becomes available?

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Nope. The Swedish Carrier is a 1950s What-If. This Campaign will be taking place in 2014 - whenever I get around to doing it :D


Any proper TSF Campaign (as this will be) is based on probable guesses. The stories may be far fetched at times, but Squadrons, Aircraft and such are to be as correct as possible.

Edited by JonathanRL

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