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DCS Modifications and Add-Ons

    1. Caucasus Cauldron part I

      This is my first campaign for LockOn: Modern Air Combat. It focuses on a hypothetical conflict in the region of Abkhazia (see Caucasus Cauldron.doc for more info)Even though the Su-25 is a long way from being the most popular a/c in LockOn, I have found it to be the most fun and rewarding to fly. Therefore I decided to base my campaign around it. As for the campaign itself, splitting it in parts not only allows me to work on it on my leisure but makes loading time significantly shorter as well.Su-25 campaign.


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    2. Su-25T Campaign for FC - Hold Back the AEF v1.01

      campaign version 1.01
      For the Su-25T - an Allied Expeditionary Force , as part of operations in the Central Asia, is trying to gain control of the area west of Georgia.
      You are flying as the defenders(Russia + Ukraine) versus the Allies(USA, Turkey, Georgia). It's a smaller campaign but it has its difficulties. The hot fighter aces of Ukraine, the Buba Boys, will make their re-appearance but on your side. So you should have friendly skies.
      For version 1.1/Flaming Cliffs. See ReadMe file for fixes
      (made by John "ZoomBoy" Thomas)


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    3. Polish Airforce Mig 29

      Mig29 of the Polish Airforce in New repainted NATO colors


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    4. South African airforce in Angola

      Angola Operations
      Recreating an airwar conflict in Southern Africa
      First mission in a campaign i am creating.
      In the period 1977 to 1989 the South African Airforce was involved in operations in former portuguese colony Angola.
      This campaign is based around actual missions flown by SAAF pilots. It is described in the book "Vlamgat" by former chief of the SA Airforce (and former F4 Phantom, RAAF veteran)Genl. Dick Lord.
      SAAF pilots had to take on superior weaponry far from homebase. Despite the overwhelming disadvantages, the SAAF pilots managed to succeed in their missions, eliminating permanent SAM sites and in later years going in for pinpoint strikes.
      Thought out and made by Michiel Erasmus ("pappavis") in dec-2003.


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    5. F-14 Hires Replacement Pack

      Hires Replacement Pack for the F-14


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    6. Flaming Cliffs 3 ANG F-15 Skins

      Flaming Cliffs 3 F-15 Skin Add On Pack by Dave USAFMTL Slavens
      This skin packs contains 4 F-15 skins covering the ANG units from:
      186th FS, 120th FW Montana ANG
      125th FW Flagship Florida ANG
      128th FS, 116th FW Georgia ANG
      199th FS, 154th WG Hawaii ANG
      I used the ED templates and parts of other templates made by Tom Weiss. Thank you both.
      To install:
      Just install to your DCS World directory and let it overwrite the folder names. It will not replace anything, just add.
      X:\xxxxxxx\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\Bazar


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    7. Integrated Nations for DCS World

      Switzerland by CHSubZero
      USN/USMC by Home Fries
      This mod allows your logbook pilot to fly for Switzerland, the United States Navy and the United States Marine Corps in addition to the default nations. The USN and USMC "countries" have their own sets of insignia and share a set of medals. Additionally, the option is there to update the USAF medals from the default medals (three of which are incorrect) to the actual USAF medals that can be earned for valor in air combat. Regardless of whether you choose to update the USAF medals, the existing default USA medals will now include the "Combat V" as applicable..
      Note: the default alliance matrix keeps the USN and USMC as "neutrals", so that you still only need to make a "USA" unit in the mission editor. This just keeps things simple, at least until the F-14 or F/A-18C is released.
      The mod also adds certain aircraft to different nations. Predominantly, the F-4 Phantom II has been added to nations who flew it historically (including USA, UK, Australia), most of the Eastern Bloc aircraft have been added to the USA inventory for scenario flexibility, and the MiG-29A has been added to Georgia and the Insurgents to provide more interesting scenarios.
      Finally, this mod is compatible with the Hellenic Air Force (HAF)mod version 1.05, though it requires that the HAF mod be installed first, and that this mod be disabled prior to reparing or removing the HAF mod.
      This assumes that you already have a working JSGME installation for DCS World. If you know just enough to spell JSGME, I recommend looking here for details on using JSGME with DCS World: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=98607
      Big takeaway: don't create a folder called "MODS" within DCS World (this is already taken). Call your JSGME Mod folder something like "_MODS" or "GME_MODS".
      If you are updating the previous version of this mod, perform the following steps:
      In DCS World, set your default logbook to a pilot with a default nation. Create a new pilot if required (see "Disabling this mod" below).
      Exit DCS World and disable the old logbook mod.
      Delete the old mod, as the folder naming scheme has been updated for the new release.
      Extract the folders in this archive to your JSGME Mod folder.

      How you proceed with setting up the logbook mod is up to you.
      To install the logbook mod without the Hellenic Air Force Mod:
      Enable the "Logbook - Integrated Nations (Master)" mod.

      If you wish to use the Hellenic Air Force mod with this logbook mod, you must install the HAF mod first. Then you can proceed with the following steps:
      Enable the "Logbook - Integrated Nations (Master)" mod.
      Install either the "Logbook - Integrated Nations (HAF Compatibilty Patch)"
      Install the "Logbook - Integrated Nations - Correction for US Air Force (optional) & HAF Compatibility Patch".
      If you have an existing USN or USMC pilot in your logbook from a previous install, then manually update your logbook (see below).

      Note that you will need to disable this mod in order to repair or uninstall the HAF mod.
      Manually Updating your Existing Logbook:
      If you use the USAF Correction or the HAF mod, it may be necessary to manually update the entries in your existing logbook. This section covers those eventualities.
      Either way, find your logbook file, which is located at:

      C:\Users\<user name>\Saved Games\DCS\MissionEditor\logbook.lua
      Be sure to back it up prior to making any edits.
      Next open it in a text editor such as Notepad++ (Windows Notepad is not recommended).
      Hellenic Air Force Compatibilty:
      If you have an existing USN or USMC pilot that you need to make compatible with the HAF mod, find the pilot that has a ["countryId"] of 22 or 23 and add 1 to the value (22 becomes 23 and 23 becomes 24). Note: this does not apply to a Greek pilot with a ["countryId"] = 22.
      Next, find the section called ["awards"]. If any of the subsections are [22] or [23] and one of the awards listed is
      [1] = "Navy & Marine Corps Achievement Medal",
      then add one to these subsections just like you did with ["countryId"]
      USAF Medals:
      If you have an experienced USA pilot who has the original medals by ED, and you wish to apply the correct medals with this logbook mod, then you will need to manually substitute the old default USAF medals with the proper entries so that they display properly.
      Under your pilot, in the section called ["awards"], you should find and replace the existing medals as follows (up to the number that you have):
      [2] = { [1] = "Air Force Achievement Medal", [2] = "Air Force Commendation Medal", [3] = "Air Medal", [4] = "Distinguished Flying Cross", [5] = "Legion of Merit", [6] = "Silver Star", [7] = "Air Force Cross", [8] = "Medal of Honor (Air Force)", }, -- end of [2]
      You should now see the appropriate USAF medals in your logbook.
      Australian Medals:
      The db_countries.lua file in DCS World 1.2.6 (and 1.2.8 at the time of this writing) lists the medals in the incorrect order, which makes it so you cannot see the medals in your logbook. If you have an Australian pilot and wish to see the medals, enable this mod, then go to your logbook.lua and find the ["awards"] section, as described above. Then on the lines indicating the medals earned, replace the following numbers:
      [5] should be [1] [4] should be [2] [2] should be [4] [1] should be [5]
      Then with this mod enabled, you should be able to see your Australian medals.
      Disabling this mod (for DCS World updates):
      Installing the logbook mod is the easy part. However, if you create a USN or USMC pilot, you will need to disable this mod whenever you update DCS World, so I highly recommending adding a "dummy" pilot with one of the default nations.
      Whenever you need to disable this mod, be sure to switch your logbook pilot to deFault prior to disabling this mod and applying the update. While you can often just re-enable this mod after updating (and then go back to your pilot), this extra step saveguards your pilot datafile in case the DCS update makes this version of this mod obsolete.


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    8. 18th Fighter Wing For Flaming Cliffs 3

      Flaming Cliffs 3 F-15C Skin Add On Pack by Dave USAFMTL Slavens
      This skin packs contains 3 F-15C skins covering the 18th FW out of Kadena AB, Okinawa in the MOD Eagle paint scheme. I used the ED templates and parts of other templates made by Tom Weiss. Thank you both.
      To install:
      Just install to your DCS World directory and let it overwrite the folder names. It will not replace anything, just add.
      X:\xxxxxxx\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\Bazar


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    9. Su-27 Fictional Skins: US Navy Volume III - Adversaries

      This is a collection of 13 skins of the Su-27 Flanker in US Navy and Marine Corps Adversary paint schemes. Commands represented are:
      VFC-12 Fighting Omars VFC-13 Saints VMFT-401 Snipers Naval Strike Air Warfare Center (NSAWC, parent command of TOPGUN)


      The pack includes various combinations of camouflage and splinter patterns in air superiority blue, desert, arctic, woodland and one Su-34 fullback paint scheme based on a 2016 VFC-12 endeavor.
      Most markings have been westernized, and the pilots have been given USN/USMC flightsuits with Naval Aviator wings and squadron patches. The helmet remains Russian made.
      Be sure to download Volumes I and II:
      Volume I
      Volume II
      For Compact Installations - A Note About Autoexec.cfg:
      Rather than copying texture files to their respective livery folders, I prefer to use a series of common texture folders along with unique filenames. This allows a single instance of many of my common textures, and keeps the hard drive footprint to a minimum (especially nice if you run a SSD for your system drive).
      The installer will add a series of folders to the DCS Texture path; if you do not have these folders created, then it is no problem. The autoexec.cfg included will automatically point to the Texture folder in your Saved Games\DCS folder, and regardless of whether you run the Open Alpha, Open Beta, or Release version of DCS, the path will always point to your Saved Games\DCS\Texture folder. Again, this saves space on your hard drive.
      If you use your own Autoexec.cfg, then when prompted to overwrite you can click "no". This will create a file called autoexec.new, and you can manually make the updates as you like. Just don't modify the top line with the file date; this is used by the installer for version control. However, feel free to include it in your existing autoexec.cfg, so you don't get prompted to overwrite until there's another update to the autoexec.cfg.
      If you inadvertently overwrite your autoexec.cfg, it is actually backed up as autoexec.old. Just open it and copy the appropriate information to the new file.
      For Traditional Installations:
      If there is an issue with textures not displaying, it is likely a problem with the installer. Please let me know what textures are missing so that I can troubleshoot the issue.
      If you have any squadron requests, please PM me. If possible, provide top and profile views of the aircraft, preferably line art (much easier to extract color), and for CAG/CO birds, a close up of the tail fin is greatly appreciated.
      You are free to use any of these skins in other projects as long as proper credit is provided in the readme file.
      Fly Navy!
      -Home Fries


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    10. Su-25T MissionPack - Struggle in Crimea

      For the Su-25T - linked missions about a struggle to control Crimea between the Allies(Russia and USA) and Ukrainian nationalist extremists. The missions are strung them together with briefings of what happened in the previous mission. It also clues people into the effects of their mission successes.
      There are 27+ missions. They are based on the A-10 campaign pack but play differently. Please read the ReadMe file
      The missions are for version 1.1/Flaming Cliffs.
      (made by John "ZoomBoy" Thomas)


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    11. Mig 29 - Lost Soul

      Mig 29 campaign by David "USAFMTL" SlavenUpdated for 1.02


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    12. Clean Mirrors

      A little mod which cleans the internal cockpit mirrors


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    13. A-10 Weathered Skin Pack

      These are stock Flaming Cliffs skins that I've heavily weathered. Installs into CDDS files using ModMan 6.


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    14. Blue V's Red

      Blue V's Red Mission
      Ground Targets around both bases, fighters and bombers on each side(F-15C, Su-33, Su-27, Su-25, A-10A), couple SAM's in area and ships out to sea. 18 available aircraft to fly.


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    15. A10 -Tooth and Nail

      An eight mission A-10 campaign starting from NATO arrival in the west Crimea. The story follows a sweeping skirmish to push entrenched Russian forces off the peninsula. NOTE: reset version


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    16. A-10 MissionPack - Struggle in Crimea

      It's a series of linked A-10 missions that span the struggle to control Crimea between the Ukraine and Russia. To string them together to create a story, I created with a briefing of what happened in the previous mission. It also clues people into the effects of their mission successes.
      Some Missions have been issued before but it's easy to bypass them. There are 20 other missions that are totally new.
      The missions are for version LOMAC 1.02 and I'll assume they'll work in 1.10.
      (made by John "ZoomBoy" Thomas)


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    17. RoAF mig-21 LanceR skins

      two skins(810 & 6707) of the Romanian Air Force replacing the lancer and serbian skins from the original pack. install with modman.


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    18. F-15 Smooth Cockpit Frame 2.0

      Smooth texture replacement for the standard grainy F15 canopy frame.Loman compatibleDisclaimer: Install at your own risk - Biohaz will not be held responsible for any harm done due to use of these files


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    19. MIG 29N TUDM{Royal Malaysian Airforce).rar

      Mig 29n Tudm{Royal Malaysian Air Force}
      Taufan Ganas Squadron-Taufan Ganas mean{Vicious Storm}
      Base in East Coast Malaysia
      This is the MiG-29n's New scheme Color with Squadron Bats Logo After Refurbishing (2004)
      Replace The Old Snake Logo Squadron
      Use Loman/Modman OR ccds
      Replaces Russian Demo #999 Mapo skin
      me file for meinet{Repalce The file} modified for Squadron Name{TaufanGanas} And For Weapon Pylon for Mig29n Able
      To Carry Like R27ea,R77,Missile And Bombs
      Thanx to: you for downloading
      Flanker562 for MiG-29 template
      Virtua Jabog
      cawedemo.......malaysia boleh'


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    20. ATZ-60 MOD

      Use the ATZ-60 in the Game. (This MOD replace the ATMZ-5)Disclaimer: Install at your own risk - Biohaz will not be held responsible for any harm done due to use of these files


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    21. Bomb Range

      LoMan Compliant. Provides a place to practice bombing. Created at request of Boneski and other forum members. In the zip file, there is a mission that shows you the exact coordinates of the range.


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    22. Su-33 vs F-14 battle

      it's a short Vid an su-33 vs a f-14


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    23. Between Two Powers Campaign

      This campaign is a fictional war based on (nearly) WWII 'teams'. You fly American F-15's against the European nations.


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    24. 5 Days

      Campaign by David "USAFMTL" Slavens* more info to comeUpdated for 1.02


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    25. Mitch Janssen - HR A10

      Another good Mitch Jannsen skin A A-10 HighRes Skin 1024x1024. 'Europe' This pack includes "THE LOBSTER" ! Loman compatible Disclaimer: Install at your own risk - Biohaz will not be held responsible for any harm done due to use of these files


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