15 files
MiG-17F pure fighter version
By Gepard
MiG-17F Fighter Version (Vietnam)
I .Credits
This is a mod of TK's stock MiG-17F.
The Pilot is a mod of one of Troopers Red_Pilots_Part1 pilots.
The cockpit is taken from Zurawskis F-86.
Thanks to all whos files i have used to make this MiG-17PF.
II. MiG-17F Fighter version
TK's MiG-17F based more on the fighter bomber versions which the polish or east germans used in the late 70th and early 80th. In this mod i made the pure fighter version the soviets delivered to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in the 60th.
This version had no wiring for using air to ground weapons in their wings. So they were unable to drop bombs or fire missiles or use rocket pods. On the other hand the soviet delivered MiG-17F had a radio range finder, a radar warning reciever and a 5 shot flare dispenser in the right side of the tail fin.
Later the vietnamese got chinese J-5A (MiG-17F copies) which had not such devices.
1. unzip into your aircraft folder
subfolders will be automatically created
Thats it! Enjoy flying.
V. For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
Hope you enjoy it.
Michael (Gepard)
Made in Germany
March 2010
By Gepard
MiG-17PF of the EAF
I .Credits
The basic of my MiG-17PF is the J-5A of Fallout3, which you can find in the Combatace.com downloadsection Modern Era Aircraft/Aircraft of the PLAAF. Fallout3 made a new LOD file, so that an additionally nose section (as in the other MiG-17PF mods) is not longer neccessary.
The cockpit is the great MiG-21PFM cockpit made by MAGO & BADGER the BAD.
My share of this new bird are modified ini files and a new skin.
I made new data.ini on the basic of TK's stock MiG-17F, so the handling of the PF is similar to the F. I also made a new radar by using the datas i have found in the book "Flugzeuge und Hubschrauber der NVA von 1956 bis 1970".
Thanks to all whos files i have used to make this MiG-17PF.
II. MiG-17PF
The MiG-17PF was the successor of the MiG-17P, which was developed by the MiG OKB as a reaction on the radar equipped F-86 Sabre (Project SP). The flight performance of the P was not satisfying, thatswhy a new engine with afterburner was installed. So the PF was born. The PF was the first all weather frontline interceptor of the Soviet Union and formed for a relative short periode the backbone of the all weather interceptor fleet of the Warshaw Pact countries.
In combat action the MiG-17PF was used in the israeli-arab clashes but also in Vietnam. Some american spy planes were shot down over soviet territory by MiG-17PFs of the PVO.
The PF was armed only with 3 23mm guns. In contrary to the chinese copy J-5A the original MiG-17PF had no additionally hardpoints for missiles under the wing. Missiles came later with the gunless MiG-17PFU.
This mod represents an egyptian MiG-17PF before the 6 day war.
1. unzip into your aircraft folder
subfolders will be automatically created
2. copy file J-5A.LOD into folder MiG-17PF and rename it into MiG-17PF.LOD.
You will find this file in Fallout3s J-5A.RAR which you can download from downloadsection of CombatAce.com (Downloads > Strike Fighters / Wings Over Vietnam / Wings Over Europe / Wings Over Israel / First Eagles by Thirdwire > SF/WO*/FE Add-On Aircraft > Modern Era Aircraft> Aircraft of the PLAAF)
Thats it! Enjoy flying.
V. For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
Hope you enjoy it.
Michael (Gepard)
Made in Germany
January 2009
MiG-17PF/PFU Pack
By Spillone104
Mikoyan I Gurevic MiG-17PF/PFU Mod for SFP-1/WOV/WOE/WOI oct.08 patch
In this pack there are:
3 aircraft:
MiG-17PF SP-7 = Initial production version of the PF model whith the Izumrud-5 radar and 3 NR-23 cannons
MiG-17PF SP-8 = This version introduced the Izumrud-2 radar with better range.
MiG-17PFU = The PFU eliminated the guns in favour of 4 RS-1U (AA-1 Alkali) missiles.
2 missiles:
New droptanks
And real Klimov VK-1F sound recorded from a MiG-17.
These MiGs were heavier than the standard F model because of the radar equipment so the performances are somewhat lower.
The PFU variant have to be used only when facing bombers as the missiles have very limited spectrum of operation and are unreliable. So no dogfight with this. ;)
To open the canopy simply use Shift+0 .
If anyone want to change or do other nose colors there is a .psd template in the "MiG-17PF_SP-7_mod" folder.
Installation instructions:
Simply copy all the files in the respective directory of your game folder. :)
And add the code lines of the weapons and tank to your WEAPONDATA.INI
Spillone104: Added 3D details, Fuel tanks, Weapons, INI work, flight model and sounds.
Paulopanz and Soulfreak: Texture and decals for the LSK, CVL and Polish skins.
Paladrian,MAGO, BADGER the BAD and Gepard: MiG-21PFM cockpit and modification.
FastCargo: Fake pilot.
BETA Testers: Canadair, Muesli, Spitwulf and Paulopanz.
Thanks to Svetlinnh to let me notice the lack of pylon on the original TW MiG-17 droptanks ;)
Legal stuff:
This mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
Have a nice flight and landing :D
Alex (Spillone104)
MiG-17PFU Fresco-E Upgrade Ver. 2.5ish
By Wrench
MiG-17PFU Fresco-E upgrade Ver.2 for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI and maybe SF2/SF2-V
Version 2.5ish Upgrade 4/20/09
This is a simple upgrade that will bring this aircraft to the latest patch standards (08 Level)
This is ALL the other mods complied into a complete package, all inclusive, and is designed to TOTALLY replace any earlier upgrades..
The changes implimented herein are mostly in the switching of the Izumrud nose bubble to a 'pilot seat', ala FastCargo's trick. This will allow it to show on aircraft parked on the line. Included is Mago/Paladrain's cockpit from the PFM. While not a perfect match, it's the 'bestest closest fit', and works REALLY nicely!!
The avionics ini has been updated to include an audio-only RWR; not sure of what type, probably some kind of a Serina, but it does work. The cockpit ini has also been modified to use the original style radar and radar display that Pasko created. No other changes have been made to it. So the instructions given in the original 'readme' still apply for target aquisition, tracking and firing. The is the 'Interception Procedures.txt' included in the main folder.
You'll also find an updated data ini to 08 standards The data ini also has had the gun aim angles adjusted to fire almost perfectly through the center of the sight. Given the lack of ammo in Red Air, this ought to be a big help. You'll also find working landing lights for those pesky night intercepts....you never know when the Political Officer will wander across the runway, drunk as a skunk. This'll allow you to see him and swerve to miss (or not)
It is designed for use with any/all weapons paks, or none. I've incuded the Alkali A & B missiles from the 06 Bunyap Pak; still in their RS-2US and RS-2U naming conventions, in the 'seperate folder' format now usable in all post patch games. For those with SF2 and SF2:V, the weapons data ini for each missile is included in each of the folders. As I don't have these games, you all'll have to figure out the numbering on your own. But, with TKs release of the SF2 weapons editor, this should pose no major problem
As always, it's reccomened you unzip this package to a temp folder, or your desktop, to gain access to the rest of this readme for the full, easy to follow install instructions.
Good Hunting!
kevin stein
MiG-17PF Fresco-D Upgrade Pak - Ver 2
By Wrench
MiG-17PF Fresco-D upgrade -Ver2.0 for SF/SFG/ WoV/WoE/WoI and maybe SF2 & SF2-V
Updated to Ver. 2 4/20/09
This version is designed to completly REPLACE the mod I released some time ago.....
This is an almost complete rebuild of Madcaddie's MiG-17PF 'Fresco-D' limited all-weather, radar equipped interceptor. This has been tweeked to use a modified UV-16 rocket pod as an air-to-air weapon, along with a new-ish version of the S-5 unguided rocket.
Most of the data for this weapons tweek was worked out by Lexx_Luthor in a thread over at the 3rd Wire Message Boards, using some data I've discoverd in the past. (see "Notes" section below for more details). The Flight Model parameters themselves have been copied directly from the latest Fresco-C's, so they are the most current (as of the 08 Patches for WoE).
I'm releasing the ENTIRE aircraft, minus the lods of course, as they exist in all versions of the game,
EVERYTHING is included, all the inis, new 'SovietSilver' larger skin bumps, etc.
Also included is the cockpit, basically Mago/Paladrin's MiG-21MF; with some small modifications to the radar display. And, ONLY available in this mod, a new WoE-style Hangar Screen; the original 'artwork' type is also still included
This is a completly new skin, created from a new template, made by me, based off the original 3rdW units. I've resized it up to 1024x1024, with completly redrawn rivet and panel lines. Also included is a revamped "M17PF.bmp" for the nose radar bubble, also resized and repainted.
You =WILL= be using the weapons editor to add the new rockets and rocket pod!!!!!
As always, it's reccomened you unzip this package to a temp folder, or your desktop, to gain access to the rest of this readme for the full, easy to follow install instructions. Well, almost easy...don't forget you'll be adding weapons, if you've not downloaded this before...
Happy Hunting!!
Kevin Stein
MiG-17PF (SP-16) Upgrade Pak Ver.2
By Wrench
MiG-17PF (SP-16) Fresco-D upgrade for SF/SG/ WoV/WoE/WoI and maybe SF2 & SF2-V
UPDATED 4/21/09
This version is designed to completly REPLACE the mod I released some time ago.....
This is an almost complete rebuild of Madcaddie's MiG-17PF (SP-16) 'Fresco-D' limited all-weather, radar equipped interceptor. This has been tweeked to use a modified UV-16 rocket pod as an air-to-air weapon, along with new-ish versions of the S-5 unguided rocket. This aircraft is also equiped with the RS-2U 'Alkali' beam-riding missile. This mod also makes ue of the 'station specific code' for the rocket pods, disallowing the use of other weapons as a saftey measure.
Most of the data for this weapons tweek was worked out by Lexx_Luthor in a thread over at the 3rd Wire Message Boards, using some data I've discoverd in the past. (see "Notes" section below for more details). The Flight Model parameters themselves have been copied directly from the latest Fresco-C's, so they are the most current.
There is also a completly new skin, created from a new template, made by me, based off the original 3rdW units. I've resized it up to 1024x1024, with completly redrawn rivet and panel lines.
And, ONLY available in this mod, a new WoE-style Hangar Screen; the original 'artwork' type is also still included
You =WILL= be using the weapons editor to add the new rockets and rocket pod, if you are adding this mod for the first time. However, there HAS been a slight change in the UV-16AA rocket pod. These changes are documented below, in the "Weapons Installation" section.
As always, it's reccomened you unzip this package to a temp folder, or your desktop, to gain access to the rest of this readme for the full, easy to follow install instructions.
Or, in other words.....
You WILL also be reading the enclosed readme, by order of the State Ministry of Instructions, which contains fully detailed, step by step procedures for installation. There is also a substantial section by Comrade "General Notes", that you will find interestering and explanitory. If not, the uranium mines of Siberia await....
kevin stein
Some MiG ini mods
By Dload
Modifies some MiGs.
Details in the readme.
Known Problems:
Pylons on outer MiG-17 wings dont show. I added them and they dont show.
WoI MiG-17F Fresco C EAF Fighter-Bomber Mod
By Wrench
EAF MiG-17F Fresco-C Fighter-Bomber Mod for WoI
This little package of inis and such is my attempt to duplicate the the fighter-bomber mod the EAF performed on their MiG-17's during the 6 Day War.
This mod entails some small data and loadout ini tweeks, adding 2 more bomb stations on the forward, lower fueselage. I have duplicated, as best I can with the available 'parts', the Skar rocket rack, carrying a version of the S-5 FFAR. I have kept the standard UB 16/32 rocket pods on their usual positions, but they are just not used on this mod. (Historical note: the EAF eventually went back to using them in the late 70s )
Included is a modification of MK2's Russian-ized A-4B Skyhawk pit, with most of the insturments reading in the metric system, along with a Russian gunsight. I've also updated it with an audio-only RWR. Don't know if they actually had one...but it'll give you a little better chance against the IDF HAWKs... You also get a new WoI-styled Hangar screen -only available with this mod!!
It is designed for use in WoI; you can however, use it in other versions, but you'll have to find an EAF skin for it. You will be using the Weapons Editor to add the 2 new 'weapons', so MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE WoI VERSION!!!!
Please read the encloses readme for full, detailed instructions - no skin is included, you'll be reusing the stock one
kevin stein
WoI MiG-17PF Fresco D Pak
By Wrench
EAF MiG-17PF Fresco-D for WoI
This is an almost complete rebuild of Madcaddie's MiG-17PF 'Fresco-D' limited all-weather, radar equipped interceptor, as used by the Egyptian (and by inference, the Syrian Air Force) during the late 1950s, through the late 1970s. The Flight Model parameters themselves have been copied directly from the latest Fresco-C's (WoI), so they are the most current. This aircraft is NOT equiped with missiles or rocket paks, it's a simple guns-only radar equipped version as used by the EAF. Included is an 'interception procedures.txt', that gives you instructions on how to read the radar scope, as it's very short ranged.
There is also a completly new skin, created from a new template, made by me, based off the original 3rdW units. I've resized it up to 1024x1024, with completly redrawn rivet and panel lines. Also included is a revamped "M17PF.bmp" for the nose radar bubble, also resized and repainted, that matches as close as possible, the camo pattern of the fuselage. I've even given you my 'Early Russian Pilot' - PilotER, to use.
This is a COMPLETE package, including a modified version of Paladrain's 21MF cockpit, 'downgraded' for use in this aircraft. All inis, skin bmps, cockpit bits, and a new WoI style hangar screen are included. It is designed to be used ONLY in WoI, with the Mirage Factory Weapons Pak. (although it CAN be used in WoI with the bunyap pak)
You =WILL= be using the weapons editor to add the 'radar nose bubble'.
PLEASE read the enclosed readme for more, detailed install istructions
Happy Landings!!
Kevin Stein
By Guest
MiG-17PFU Missile Interceptor
ver 1.0 by Pasko 2003-02-10
Package includes MiG-17PFU modded aircraft, AA-1 Alkali missile and 400 l fuel tank for MiG-17, and instructions for adding fuel tanks to MiG-17F (Adding AA-2 and Fuel tanks.txt).
MiG-17PFU Missile Interceptor mod
By Guest
MiG-17PFU Missile Interceptor ver 2.
Proper intercept radar and AA-1 Alkali Beam riding missiles.
By starfighter2
MiG-17AS Cuban target for F-8
Cuba has several versions of the fighter-bomber MiG-17: MiG-17AS Fresco A - Practically are the basic MiG-17, but with two complementary external points under the wings for air-ground rockets S-21 and air-air missiles K-3 (AA-2 Atoll).
Lim-6M Beta
By gerald14
Lim-6M Attack Aircraft
With some extra time I made the Polish Made Mig-17
The aircraft is accurate as it can be!!!!
Uses a F-100 pit.
What is correct:
NR-23 gun ammo
30mm gun ammo
Weapons used
Flight model
Different Engine
Needs work:
New skins and squads
Other FM's
Made by:
FM: Gerald14
Load outs:Gerald14
More Migs to come!!!!!!!
Lim-6R Beta
By gerald14
Lim-6R Recon Type
With some extra time I made the Polish Made Mig-17
The aircraft is accurate as it can be!!!!
Uses a F-100 pit.
Also it has guns but reduced ammo because to make room for cameras
What is correct:
NR-23 gun ammo
30mm gun ammo
Weapons used
Flight model
Different Engine
Needs work:
New skins and squads
Other FM's
Made by:
FM: Gerald14
Load outs:Gerald14
More Migs to come!!!!!!!
MIG-17PFU Radar Bubble Mod
By Guest
Radar bubble fix/mod for the MIG-17PFU Requires original MIG-17PFU addon
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