8 files
Armée de l'Air SEPECAT Jaguar
By ignacioc91
This is a generic French Armée de l'Air skin for the SEPECAT Jaguar. It is based on Dave's RAF Jaguar skin. Thanks Dave, for letting me base my skin on yours. What I did was just modify the roundel. It's the only Armée de l'Air skin. I hope you like it!!! Just decompress and move/copy/cut the "France" folder into your Jaguar folder. This serves as a readme.
Shamsher, grey IAF 14 Sqn skin.
By Muesli
Grey Shamsher, as flown late in their careers.
(Thanks to MiG_eater, Satish and ghostrider883)
54 Sqdn RAF Jaguar GR1
By Syrinx
54 Squadron Jaguar RAF.
This is a re-work of the superb Mirage Factory Jaguar GR1.
The skin included is basically the same as the MF version except it has been toned down and tweaked slightly as the original skin was a little too bright.
All credit therefore to the Mirage Factory team for a wonderful aircraft & Sony Tuckson for the great skin.
The decals included are for aircraft of 54 sqn RAF as seen in the late 1970's - 1980's.
Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms. Visit the URL below for more info.
Jaguar GR1 - RAF camo touch up
By MigBuster
Touch up of the default RAF 41 sq skin skin for the Mirage Factory Jaguar GR1 (1024x1024)
This skin was done a while back now for myself and addresses the following:
1. Overall colour scheme darkened.
2. Some detail added to engine nozzles and heat shields.
3. Inside of air intakes are no longer white.
4. Mud added for all those landings on wet country roads :)
Have included some revised drop tank and rack skins so the colours match
Press the button below to download this skin and save it to your Desktop.
Jaguar GR1 model for SP4 available here:
Only tested in WoE but should also work in WoV/SFG/SFP1
Original skins by Sony Tuckson / Mirage Factory Team
You are allowed to modify and redistribute these files, but you must (1) give fair credit (2) distribute work based on these files under the same conditions as I did. (3) You may NOT use these files or works based on them for commercial (PAYWARE) purposes.
Indian AF Jaguar Serial numbers pack
Indian Air Force Jaguar Serial numbers & personalised decals pack
This pack contains the serial numbers of all IAF Jaguar GR.1s(Jaguar IS "Shamsher" in IAF Service - JS101-JS204).
Please read the installation instructions carefully. To keep the size down, i have not included two texture files.They are to copied over from Sony's IAF skin, which is there in the JaguarGR folder.
Drop the iaf_d and iaf14 folder in your JaguarGR folder.
COPY JagGR_02.bmp and JagGR_03.bmp files from Sony's IAF skin(iaf folder) to iaf14 folder.
Fire up SF, Select your personal IAF Jag in the loadout screen and fly.
To the Jaguar Team for making my favourite IAF Strike aircraft possible in SF.Thanks guys.
To Sony Tuckson for making a most excellent IAF skin for the Jag and for allowing me to modify his existing IAF skin. Thanks a million Sony. I appreciate it very much.Full credit to him for making the textures.
To the guys at C5 forums.
Original Skin and IAF 14 Sqdn decal by Sony.
Serial number and personal decals by ghostrider883.
Jaguar in IAF service
The IAF operates three variants of the Jaguar - Jaguar IS(GR.1), Jaguar IM(Maritime strike) and Jaguar IB(two seat Trainer ).a total of 158 Jaguars were commisioned in the IAF of which 120 were manufactured at HAL(79 IS, 29 IB, 12 IM). IAF Jaguar IBs have been converted into fully capable attack aircraft with ability to carry LGBs.
The Jaguar International was selected in October 1978 to fulfill the Indian Air Force's Deep Penetration Strike Aircraft(DPSA) requirement.An Initial batch of 40 aircraf twere purchased with subsequent 45 to be assembled by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited. Meanwhile the IAF took on loan 18 RAF Jaguars, the first two of which were handed over on July 19th, 1979. They were inducted in No.14 "Bulls" squadron to replace the ageing Hunters and Canberra bombers. The first HAL assembled Jaguar(JS136) made its maiden flight on March 31st, 1982. The first indigenous manufacture Jagaur aircaft was completed in early 1988.Jaguars were also inducted in Squadrosn No.5 "Tuskers" and No.6 "Dragons", the latter being equipped with some Jaguar IMs in anti-shipping role.The first Jaguar IM was delivered in January 1986. The maritime Jaguar is integrated with the Sea Eagle anti-ship missile. The total order of IAF is approx. 131 Jaguars which form the frontline arsenal of the IAF's armour and is expected to be in service for many more years with aircraft upgrades planned.
Further reading on IAF Jags:
1)IAF Jaguars - http://www.bharat-rakshak.com/IAF/Aircraft/Specs/Jaguar.html
2)Jaguars in IAF service - http://www.vectorsite.net/avjag.html#m8
3)Quarter Century of the Jaguar in India - http://www.bharat-rakshak.com/IAF/Info/Air...guar-25Yrs.html ===>must read
Sandesh Kanchan
Sept. 15, 2005
RAF Jaguar Skins
By Dave
RAF Desert, Snow and RAF Grey Jags by USAFMTL
Drop tanks for th desert jag included.
Original temps by Sony T.
RAF Jaguar Skins
By Mig_eater
This is only my second attempt at skinning, so don't be too harsh!
The grey Jaguar scheme is the one being used by the RAF today.
The snow scheme was applied to a few Jaguars at Coltishall a few months ago when they went on an exercise to Norway.
I hope you like them!
Credit to Sony Tuckson for the original skins (i just reworked them, he did the difficult stuff).
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