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Heavy Bombers and Multi Engined Aircraft

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Bombers, multi engined aircraft and all variants

32 files

  1. Vautour IIB/N for WOI - Updated

    Veltro2K's Vautour IIB/N for WOI - Updated
    This is an update of Veltro2K's Vautour IIB & IIN for Wings Over Israel (WOI). In this update (the originals available at CombatAce in the SF1 Downloads section), I have done my best to correct or mitigate these models' several anomalies: AI inability to taxi and takeoff correctly; AI aircraft exploding on the taxiway; AI problems handling the aircraft in flight; loadout errors; glaring white spots in the engine nacelles.
    Notes: You will notice that AI aircraft still bounce around just a bit while taxiing, but they do now take off in timely fashion. The updates applied here mirror those offered in my updated SF2I version, also uploaded to CombatAce.
    Thanks to Wrench for looking over an early version of this update and supplying some additional fixes and adjustments, as well as the F-86D cockpit for the IIN model.
    Updates & Fixes
    These aircraft versions incorporate a number of fixes and updates:
    - applied Veltro2K's fixpacks for B & N model
    - added damage TGAs from Christian59's "damage pack"
    - added new LOADOUT.BMP
    - spiffed up LOADING & HANGAR screens
    - darkened IDFCamo textures
    - removed spinner nodes to fix unsightly white
    spots within engine nacelles (no material assigned
    to spinner nodes)
    - corrected, renamed, or removed a number of node
    names within DATA.INIs
    - made engine ThrustPositions symmetrical to correct
    AI handling problems
    - tweaked landing gear data to improve AI ground handling
    - added tail bumper to improve taxiing & takeoff stability
    - updated flight model for SF2
    - tweaked loadouts & weapon stations
    - added F-86F cockpit from Dave Zurawski & the F-86F
    Development Team to the Vautour IIB
    - added F-86D cockpit from the Sabre Dog Team to the
    Vautour IIN
    - added Israeli AF '50s/'60s pilot model by Wrench &
    Installation is simple:
    1. Drop the Objects folder into your WOI installation directory.
    2. Add the following data to your WeaponsData.INI and save
    the changes with the 3rdWire Weapons Editor:
    FullName=300 gal Drop Tank
    Original Aircraft: Veltro2K
    Flight Model: ThirdWire
    F-86F Cockpit: Dave Zurawski & F-86F Dev Team
    F-86D Cockpit: Sabre Dog Team
    Damage Textures: Christian59
    IAF 50s/60s Pilot: Wrench & PappyCheckSix
    Misc. Fixes: Wrench
    Eric Howes
    23 May 2009


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  2. Indonesian C-130

    For SF1 neededs the sound files from Aussie C-130H and ModUSAF (modern US pilot).
    thanks Dels for the C-130


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  3. Twin Otter

    DHC 6 Twin Otter, Argentina Air Force. Created by Syd Adams. Modified and adapted by Tracker.
    Role: STOL Utility transport. Link between Argentinean mainland and antartic bases.
    Combat record:
    During the Malvinas War, the Twin Otter T-82 relized two flights to the islands, in order to evacuate wounded and the remains of the decesed A-4B (C-206) pilot Lieutenant Nívoli, shot down during the attack to frigates Glasgow and Brilliant on 12 May. In the first flight it was impossible to load the body of the pilot, task completed during the second flight. After the conflict, in one of the nose sides of the T-82, could be seen a read that sayd:
    "28-29 May 1982 Borbón Island. Recovery to the continent of ejected tripulants an wounded in combat".
    Source: http://www.aeroespac.../524/castor.htm
    Model distributed under GNU license. Original author (Mr. Syd Adams, From Flight Gear community) kindly allowed me to share this modded version of his work.
     - ESPAÑOL:
    DHC 6 Twin Otter, Fuerza Aérea Argentina. Creado por Syd Adams. Modificado y adaptado por Tracker.
    Rol: Transporte utilitario STOL. Enlace ente el continente y las bases antárticas.
    Historia de combate:
    Durante el desarrollo de la Guerra por las Malvinas, se realizaron con el T-82 dos cruces a las Islas, con la finalidad de evacuar hacia el continente los heridos y el cuerpo sin vida del Ten. Nívoli, piloto del A-4B (C-206) derribado durante el ataque a las fragatas Glasgow y Brillant el 12 de mayo. En el primer cruce no fue posible embarcar el cuerpo del piloto, hecho que se logró recién en el segundo intento. Tiempo después de la culminación del conflicto, sobre uno de los laterales del morro del T-82 se podía ver una leyenda que rezaba:
    "28-29 de Mayo de 1982 Isla Borbón Recuperación al continente de tripulantes eyectados y heridos en combate".
    Fuente: http://www.aeroespac.../524/castor.htm
    Este modelo es distribuido bajo licencia GNU. El autor original (Señor Syd Adams, de la comunidad Flight Gear) amablemente me permitió compartir esta versión modificada de su trabajo.
    This model is provided under GNU license. Original author (Mr. Syd Adams, From Flight Gear community) kindly allowed me to share this modded version of his work.


       (5 reviews)



  4. B-52 Vietnam Era Upgrade Pack 4.0

    Upgrades to the three B-52 models that took part in Vietnam.
    What's included:
    - New SEA skin for G model.
    - Complete serial numbers for every actual D,F, & G model BUFF
    - Nose art
    - New exhaust emitters
    - New bomber formations and many other minor tweaks and edits.
    Geared for stand alone WOV and YAP users. Thanks to all those who helped this package come together.
    If I'm forgetting anyone in the Read Me files please let me know so I can fix it.


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  5. SP-2H (P2-7) NEPTUNE

    A Lockheed SP-2H Neptune- US NAVY. Look out Vietcong.....it's coming to find you!! Please see the READ ME file for credits and installation. Thank you to TRACKER and PAPPYCHKSIX who allowed me to use their P-2H files and skins to create this. Included are skins for VP-1 "Screaming Eagles", VP-2 "Neptunes", VP-21 "Blackjacks" and Pappy's VP-69 "Totems". Includes a gunsight and searchlight combo for huntin' the Cong at night......ENJOY!!!


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  6. P-2H (V7) Neptune

    Argentine Navy's P-2H Neptune. Include skins, sounds and cockpit.
    Tested/developed under WOI with October 2008 patch. Limited test under SFP1 (2006 patch) and SF2. Should work fine in any other version.
    Feel free to download, use, or modify. Just remember not to use it as part of any kind of payware mod or anything.
    P-2H Neptune de la Armada Argentina. Incuye esquemas de pintura, sonidos y cabina.
    Testeado/desarrollado sobre WOI con parche del 2008. Probado de manera limitada en SFP1 (version de 2006) y SF2. Deberia funcionar bien en el resto de las versiones.
    Sientase libre de descargarlo, usarlo, modificarlo. Solo recuerde no incluirlo en ningun tipo de paquete pago ni nada por el estilo.


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  7. Pan Am 747

    Early era skin for Pan Am's Boeing 747 100-200 series.
    Livens up Tan son Nhut with PAC-MAc flights.
    Major credit goes to Veltro2k for putting the model together.


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  8. C-5A 'Galaxy' - MAC - Vietnam Era

    Early Vietnam era skin and decals for MAC's C-5A 'Galaxy'
    Including all known serial numbers for that period and
    complete with new sounds based on actual TF-39.
    Major credit goes to Veltro2k for putting the model together.


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  9. C-135E Stratolifter for SF1/WO Ver.1.1

    The C-135E Stratolifter! Now you can haul 16 jeeps through the air and deliver em' to the troops at Saigon, Can Ranh Bay or wherever! Nobody does it better than the MAC......once known as Military Air Transport Service (MATS). Aircraft posted was made as a marriage between Veltro2k's B-707 and Misalmar's C-135 skin....so be sure you give them credit due (alot). Something a little different....but different is good....ENJOY!!
    includes: C-135E file, sounds,jeeps(weapons) and some USAF pilots to make it happen.


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  10. B-52 Stratofortress Mega Pack

    B-52 Stratofortress Package by Dels via Wpnssgt.
    Skins by Pappy and X Ray
    Loadouts by MJ and JSF_Aggie
    Decals, testing, etc by Dave (USAFMTL)
    Sounds by Spillone.
    Package contains:
    Early B-52G/H
    Late B-52G/H
    A Phase V, B-52H will come later.
    Units included
    319th BW
    17th BW
    379th BW
    456th SAW
    72nd BW
    410th BW
    To install:
    Planes go in your Aircraft folder.
    Sounds go in your Sounds folder.
    This is currently an AI only plane, I will say it again, this is currently an AI only plane as we didn't have a finished enough pit to include it. Having said that, you all know in Knowledge Base it tells you how to make AI planes flyable. If you go to the forum and say you can't fly it because you didn't read this readme. I will clown you hard and may not even be nice.
    That link above will tell you how to make AI planes flyable.
    Knowing you all will make it flyable, here are the known issues:
    There are so many loadout combination that we went basic but we did our best to get many things to work. Your milage may very.
    We did our best. Enjoy.
    Dave USAFMTL.


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  11. Fairchild C-123 Provider Package Ver 1.0

    This package contains the Fairchild C-123B and C-123K with various skins.
    You will require 7z to extract the package. Available from:
    Read the Readme.txt


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  12. Tu-4 Pack

    Tu-4 Pack
    Model by MontyCZ
    Cockpit by Wrench {from T-4 AWAC what if.. plane}
    Tu-4, Tu-4A, Tu-4K, Tu-4R, H-4, H-4A, KJ-1.
    Tu-4 - first version (1947) 11 x B-20 guns, Kobalt Radar
    Tu-4A - Nuclear Bomb Capable version (1951) , AvionicsDLL=EasyAvionics.dllNS-23 Guns, 'Kobalt' Radar
    Tu-4K - Missile carrier version (1952), 10 x NS-23 Guns, 16X for Land Attack, KS-1 for Anty Ship missions, 'Kometa' Radar
    Tu-4R - Recon version (1954), 10 x NS-23 Guns, 'Kobalt' + RP Radar, RWR, PhotoCameras, can used in bomber role
    H-4 - Chinnese Tu-4A Version (1953), 10 x Type 23-1 Guns, 'Kobalt' Radar
    H-4A - Version with AI-20K engines (1972), 10 x Type 23-1 Guns, 'Kobalt' Radar
    KS-1 AWAC version with 'Liana' radar [radar from Tu-126] (1967), 2 avionics variants: Easy [at default] & hard, 2 x Type 23-1 Guns, AI-20K engines
    Note: for use B-20 & Type 23-1 Guns You should update GUNDATA.ini {included in package}
    Plane FM updated for usage with Oct 2008 patch, added avionics, loadout almost hystorical.
    Soviet Recon cameras data included in ReconCam.ini, add Them to weapon data.
    16X & updated ini for KS-1 included.& AFA-42 family Recon cameras ini included.
    BRAB family AP bombs {antyship} included in my weapons pack


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  13. Fairchild AC-119G Shadow

    Fairchild AC-119G Shadow
    older version of the gunship with only 4 miniguns
    watch your SPEED! (there is no jet engine) :-)
    Monty CZ


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  14. Fairchild AC-119K Stinger

    thanx to help of several people here I can finally upload this gunship:
    Fairchild AC-119K Stinger
    BTW: noseart on default skin is not historicaly correct :-)


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  15. B-52 upgrade pack 3.0

    In addition to the previous modifications, this package includes:
    - Similar upgrades made to the new, rescaled Oct. 08 patch. Revised the decal
    positions, lights, bombbay arrangement, and exhaust positions so they line up.
    Also added some of the same sounds and effects from the previous upgrade.
    - Added a revised placeholder cockpit for the B-52D and F using the Lex method.
    I know it's far from perfect so feel free to tweak to your liking:
    - Fixed the default loadout issue with the external MER racks. They should now
    appear on all the BUFFS.
    - Revised some of the skins and added decals for the B-52G & H models.
    - Added a new flight model for the G & H based off the stock D model. It seems to
    stablize the nose pitching up and down with the flight leveler on. It also gives
    it that realistic nose down pitch the BUFF has. If you don't like this version,
    one based on the original is also included.
    Acknowledgements and Thanks to:
    - TK for the awesome sim.
    - SEA skins by JSF Aggie
    - Eightlin for the Landing Lights
    - Cockpit based on Kesselbrut's excellent Brit bomber cockpit
    - Wpnssgt for the G/H model
    - Florian's Western pilot
    - And if I've forgotten anyone by accident please let me know so I can amend this.


       (2 reviews)



  16. Tu-16T

    Tu-16T Torpedo Bomber (Tu-16A mod)
    Original plane by Pasko, Column5 (FM and avionics) and Marcfighters (skin)
    Sound by: Spillone104
    - new engine mach table
    - Torpedo bomb bay
    - Torpedo Sight
    - Some ini Tweaks
    - Using A-6 cockpit
    - Radar data changed
    All of Tu-16 included in my weapon packs, but i changed some values (i. e. : after oct. patch inertial homing missiles can hit moving targets)
    Tu-16T Weapons:
    - SNAB-3000 Krab Heat Guided Bomb
    - UB-2F Chaika Radio Guided Bomb
    - UB-2F-2 Chaika-2 Heat Guided Bomb
    - UB-5F Condor Radio Guided Bomb
    - RAT-52 Torpedo (2 RAT-52 in bombbay)
    - RAMT-1400A Schuka Rocket-Torpedo
    - RAMT-1400B Schuka Rocket-Torpedo
    - 10Kh Flying Bomb
    - 16Kh Priboy Flying Bomb
    - Tu-16_Pylon (FT class) - need to use guided bombs & RAMT
    - Tu-16 Torpedo Sight with big zoom for easy using CGR - just aim target in crosshair during bomb/misile flight.
    - Tu-16 Bomb Sight - camera class, no lod


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  17. Tu-22K

    Version 1.0
    Januar 2009
    Tu-22K Missilecarrier
    The Tu-22 was originally intended as a supersonic replacement for the Tupolev Tu-16 bomber. The design, designated Samolët 105 by Tupolev,
    was drawn in 1954, but the first flight of the prototype did not take place until 21 June 1958. The availability of more powerful engines,
    and the TsAGI discovery of the Area rule for minimizing transonic drag, led to the construction of a revised prototype, the 105A. This first
    flew on 7 September 1959.
    The first serial-production Tu-22B bomber, built at Kazan Factory No. 22, flew on 22 September 1960, and the type was presented in the
    Tushino Aviation Day parade on 9 July 1961. It initially received the NATO reporting name 'Bullshot,' which was deemed inappropriate,
    then 'Beauty,' which was felt to be too complimentary, and finally 'Blinder.' Soviet crews called it "Shilo" (awl) because of its shape.
    Tu-22 Blinder landing
    The Tu-22 entered service in 1962 and 1963, but it experienced considerable problems, leading to widespread inserviceability and a number
    of crashes. Amongst its many faults was a tendency for skin heating at supersonic speed, distorting the control rods and causing poor
    handling. The landing speed was 100 km/h (62 mph) higher than previous bombers and the Tu-22 had a tendency to pitch up and strike its
    tail on landing, though this problem was eventually resolved with the addition of electronic stabilization aids. Even after some of its
    teething problems had been resolved, the 'Blinder' was never easy to fly, and it was maintenance-intensive.
    Pilots for the first Tu-22 squadrons were selected from the ranks of "First Class" Tu-16 pilots, which made transition into the new aircraft
    difficult, as the Tu-16 had a co-pilot, and many of the "elite" Tu-16 pilots selected had become accustomed to allowing their co-pilots to
    handle all the flight operations of the Tu-16 except for take-off and landings. As a consequence, Tu-16 pilots transitioning to the
    single-pilot Tu-22 suddenly found themselves having to perform all the piloting tasks, and in a much more complicated cockpit. Many, if not
    most of these pilots were unable to complete their training for this reason. Eventually pilots began to be selected from the ranks of the
    Su-17 "Fitter" crews, and these pilots made the transition with less difficulty.
    By the time the Tu-22B (Blinder-A) entered service it was already clear that its operational usefulness was limited. Despite its speed,
    it was inferior to the Tu-16 in combat radius, weapon load, and serviceability. Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev felt that ballistic
    missiles were the way of the future, and bombers like the Tu-22 were in danger of cancellation. As a result, only 15 (some sources say 20)
    Tu-22Bs were built.
    A combat-capable reconnaissance version, the Tu-22R ('Blinder-C'), was developed alongside the bomber, entering service in 1962. The Tu-22R
    had an aerial refueling probe that was subsequently fitted to most Tu-22s, expanding their radius of operation. 127 Tu-22Rs were built, 62
    of which went to the AVMF for maritime reconnaissance use. Some of these aircraft were stripped of their camera and sensor packs and sold
    for export as Tu-22Bs, although in other respects they apparently remained more comparable to the Tu-22R than to the early-production
    Tu-22Bs. A trainer version of the 'Blinder,' the Tu-22U ('Blinder-D') was fielded at the same time, with a raised cockpit for an instructor
    pilot. The Tu-22U had no tail guns, and was not combat-capable. 46 were produced.
    To try to salvage some offensive combat role for the Tu-22 in the face of official hostility, the Tu-22 was developed as a missile carrier,
    the Tu-22K ('Blinder-B'), with the ability to carry a single Raduga Kh-22 (AS-4 'Kitchen') stand-off missile in a modified weapons bay. The
    Tu-22K was deployed both by DA (Strategic Aviation) and AVMF (Naval Aviation).
    The last Tu-22 subtype was the Tu-22P ('Blinder-E') electronic warfare version, initially used for ELINT electronic intelligence gathering.
    Some were converted to serve as stand-off ECM jammers to support Tu-22K missile carriers. One squadron was usually allocated to each Tu-22
    The Tu-22 was upgraded in service with more powerful engines, in-flight refueling (for those aircraft that didn't have it initially), and
    better electronics. The -D suffix (for Dalni, long-range) denotes aircraft fitted for aerial refueling.
    Tu-22s were exported to Iraq and Libya in the 1970s. An Egyptian request was turned down after the cooling of Soviet-Egyptian relations
    in the wake of the Yom Kippur War.
    Extract the Tu-22K folder into your Object/Aircraft folder.
    Extract the sounds into the Sound folder in your WOE/WOV installation
    Model: Originaly TK
    Cockpit: made by Boopidoo
    Cockpitrepaint: 76.IAP-Blackbird
    data & Avionics: 76.IAP-Blackbird,lindr2
    ini edit: 76.IAP-Blackbird,lindr2
    sounds: who ever did them ;-)
    effect: Eagle effect from MF F-15A
    Weapons, recomanded latest weaponpacks from lindr 2
    Version History
    1.0 :


       (4 reviews)



  18. Fairchild C-119

    what to say...


       (6 reviews)



  19. Yet Another Spectre GunShip

    Hi there,
    this is a mod based on the old Spectre Gunship by Pasko, so it's yet another Spectre Gunship.
    It represents somewhat better a SEA AC-130A in Surprise package config.
    I've tried my best to improve Paskos work by ini edits and make use of new possibilities with Sep2008 patch.
    Therefor this will only work in WoX Sims.
    I've updated the FM to the new patch, tweaked the guns, groundmap/terrainavoidance radar, added some gimicks like a spotting device and a fixed gunsight view.
    Also added some ECM stations as seen on pics and included the correct serials for Surprise package AC-130A.
    Detailed instructions to be found and followed in the readme_new.txt.
    Have fun.


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  20. S-3B Viking

    S-3B Viking by Fox the man Monter


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  21. B-58A Hustler

    B-58A Hustler by Pasko and C5


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  22. B-52H

    This is a little something I did in my free time. I made a few edits to the
    B-52G to make it resemble a B-52H.
    It holds new weapons and makes a great AI bomber
    REQUIRES B-52G.zip


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  23. B-66B Destroyer

    The B-66B was developed strictly as a tactical bomber and was the last bomber of this type procured by the USAF. The -B model was based on the RB-66A which was in turn adapted from the US Navy A3D Skywarrior. The B-66B made its first flight on 4 January 1955, about 6 months after the initial flight of the RB-66A. The USAF received its first production aircraft in March 1956 and deliveries continued into 1958.
    The B-66B was the first USAF bomber designed with in-flight refueling (IFR) capability, although many (numerically) earlier bombers were fitted with IFR equipment as a retrofit modification or on later models in the development cycle.
    A total of 62 B-66B bombers were built. Many -B models were converted to electronic warfare aircraft after their usefulness as bombers was complete. Many of these aircraft, designated as EB-66B or EB-66E, served in Sotheast Asia during the Vietnam war.
    Skins included with the aircraft:
    Air Force Flight Test Center ? 1955
    84th Bomb Squadron, 47th Bomb Wing ? 1960
    85th Bomb Squadron, 47th Bomb Wing - 1960
    86th Bomb Squadron, 47th Bomb Wing - 1960


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  24. B-52D 'Big Belly' - 'Rivet Rambler' modification

    This is a new version of the B-52D. It reflects the modifications made to it during Vietnam. Most notably the 'Big Belly' with provisions for up to 108 bombs - or 60,000 lbs. worth!!!
    The ECM was also updated around this period. The 'Big Belly' was unique to only the -D model. Enjoy!


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  25. B-52F & B-52D "Big Belly" Version 2.0

    Included is:
    - An updated version of the B-52D "Big Belly"
    - the B-52F, the last of the "Tall Tail" BUFFs


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