Scenery and Ground Objects
New scenery and ground objects for OFF / Combat Flight Simulator
12 files
New Tracer Colors
By Andy73
Hello Folks,
I've created a small but funny Mod, you can now choose between different Colors for your Tracer-Ammunition.
You can choose between red, blue and green Tracers. I've also made a new "Smoother Tracer", which makes the Standard Yellow Tracer a little bit softer.
This Mod is not historically accurrate. NOTE, that every other Plane in OFF will use the same Color of your Choice, too...
Simply install it into JSGME and activate your Color.
Please read the Disclaimer!!!!!!
Have Fun
By elephant
This RAR contains my little-tiny Mods:
REWORKED TRACER TEXTURES: with increased luminosity but reduced in size by 60% from OFF originals.
(Compatible with Creaghorn's tracer mod).
SPANDAU SOUND: original spandau sound by Winston, including adjusted external sound by me).
Also included, bullet impact sounds by Creaghorn.
START UP SOUND FOR GERMANY: "Contact-Clear" sound replaced by a German equivalent taken from a real Start up sequence of Mikael Carlson's Fokker VII.
The mods are ready to use via JSGME.
Just drop them into your MODS folder and enable.
Otherwise, follow the the folder structure of each mod to manually install them.
(Back up the original files first, just in case)...
July 2011
Spyros Tsimas
All New Medals For OFF P3
By RAF_Louvert
Greetings All,
Here is a full set of new and improved medals for our beloved Over Flanders Fields BHaH HiTR combat flight sim.
The instructions for their use are relatively simple. Start by making a back-up copy of your "Medals" folder found in the "CampaginData" folder of your OFF install; the path to it should look something like this if you've installed the sim on your 'C' drive:
C:\OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\campaigns\CampaignData
Now all you need to do is copy and paste all the new medal files found inside the "New_OFF_Medals" folder into the "Medals" folder of your OFF install, allowing all the new files to overwrite the old ones, (this is why you made a back-up copy of the original folder first, so that you can go back to the old medals if you so wish).
Alrighty then, that is all that's required if you wish to do nothing more than see the shiny new versions of the thirteen original OFF awards on your various pilot's pages. However, if you're like me and would like to adjust the medals presented to be a bit more historically accurate, you can now do so by going into your active pilot's dossier and changing a bit of text. Following the same path that brought you to your "Medals" folder you will also see your "Pilots" folder. Inside are all the files for your pilots; active, inactive, captured, and dead, (assuming you haven't already deleted your captured and dead ones). Find your current active pilot's dossier by opening up your "PilotXDossier" files one at a time, with 'X' being the number of the pilot, (but don't assume the number matches up with that actually shown in the sim; it does not, which is why you have to go through your various pilot dossiers until you find the correct one). Once you have found your current active pilot's dossier, make a copy of it for back-up purposes. Now, with your active "PilotXDossier" opened up in Notepad, look down to line #19 and you will see a number that represents how many medals your pilot has been presented, and immediately following that are the names of each medal. To change a medal you need only type in the new medal name, (which is the same name as the medal image file found in your "Medals" folder), in place of the medal you are replacing. The lines of text you are dealing will look something like this:
Iron Cross 2nd Class
Iron Cross 1st Class
Hohenzollern House Order
Orden Pour le Merite
Red Eagle Order
Save your changes and you're done! Now pop into the sim and look at your current Pilot's Page. Is that spiffing or what!
The medals included in this new pack are as follows.
The thirteen original OFF P3 medal files which are, in order by country:
Military Cross
Distinguished Flying Cross
Distinguished Service Order
Victoria Cross
Croix de Guerre
Military Medal
Legion of Honour
Distinguished Service Cross
COngressional Medal of Honor
Iron Cross
Royal Hohenzollern House Order
Red Eagle Order
Orden Pour le Merite
The seventeen new OFF P3 medal files which are, again in order by country:
Military Medal Britain
Military Medal with Bar
Military Cross with Bar
DFC with Bar
DSO with Bar
DSC Britain
DSC with Bar Britain
DSC with Oak Leaves
Croix de Guerre Belgium
Albert Order with Swords
Iron Cross 2nd Class
Iron Cross 1st Class
Iron Cross 1c Iron Cross 2c
Military Merit Order Bavaria
Hohenzollern House Order
Golden Military Merit Cross
Turkish War Medal 1915
Just as before, red backgrounds denote awards of the Entente Powers, while blue backgrounds denote awards of the Central Powers. In the new awards you now find a few more that can be presented to the enlisted pilots. These are: the British Military Medal and Military Medal with Bar; the Belgian Croix de Guerre, which can be presented to NCO's and officers alike; the Prussian Golden Military Merit Cross, often called the "NCO's Blue Max", (as the Orden Pour le Merite was for officers only); and the Turkish War Medal 1915, (like the Iron Cross, this can be awarded to all ranks). On this last one, you could assign it to a pilot who may have started his military career serving on the Eastern Front before transferring to the Kaiser's air service, (much as Ritter von Richthofen did).
About the various versions of the Iron Cross now available to you. The idea is that when the sim assigns you your first award as a German ace, (which will be the generic Iron Cross), you can now go into your pilot's dossier and change that to the Iron Cross 2nd Class, and at the second award of same generic version you can now switch it to the Iron Cross 1st Class, which would have been the proper order back in the Great war. Additionally, as you are presented more awards both by the sim and later on by yourself as acting Adjustant, you can switch to the single image of "Iron Cross 1c Iron Cross 2c", which will free up an additional display space on your pilot's page for one of the new awards, (despite the extra "Null" lines in your pilot dossier, the sim will only ever display five medals maximum).
You will notice two versions of the Hohenzollern House Order, and they are identical except for the name. I included the second one as the sim does not allow room for a third line of text under the medal image, and with the original file the word "Royal" forces the name into a third line which gets cut off by the text below it.
I should also point out the British DSC; this was a typical award of the RNAS and should be used when flying with that branch of the service.
And remember the medals with bars, (or in the case of the US DSC, an oak leaf cluster), denote a second award of the same honor, so these would be added to a pilot's page later on in his career and would take the place of the same award without the bar.
One final point. Sometimes the sim will revert to the original medals on your pilot' page when it presents you with the next one. Not to worry, simply change them back. This issue doesn't come up very often, but it might and I didn't want you getting all fidgety.
That's it. Have fun with the new baubles, and feel free to stop by the "Over Flanders Fields General Forum" and make a post if you have a question about these, or if you wish to spot me to a pinta' for being such a swell.
P.S. I have created a set of tables to help folks determine how to go about awarding the new medals to their virtual pilots, and here is the link to these tables:
Award Guidelines For The New Off P3 Medal Set
WWI Aviation Books, Set 5
By RAF_Louvert
Greetings All,
I have gathered together these public domain books for ease of downloading and for the enjoyment of all. This is the fifth of numerous such collections I am making available here.
This download contains the following PDF titles, (I have tagged each file as either BIO or REF so they will be self-sorting when you place them in your "Books" folder):
Biogrophies, Diaries, Personal Writings
"Above The Battles", by C.H.A. Andre, c.1919
"En l'air!", by Bert Hall, c.1918
"Green Balls: The Adventures Of a Night-Bomber", by Paul Bewsher, c.1919
"Letters of an American Airman", by Captain Hamilton Coolidge, C.1919
"The Fledgling", by Charles Bernhard Nordhoff, c.1919
"With the Flying Squadron", by Flight Lieutenant Harold Rosher, c.1916
"Military Aeroplanes" by Grover C. Loening, c.1917
"The Aero Manual", c.1909
"The German Air Force in the Great War", by Georg Paul Neumann, c.1920
"Wings of War", by Theodore Macfarlane Knappen, c.1920
WWI Aviation Books, Set 4
By RAF_Louvert
Greetings All,
I have gathered together these public domain books for ease of downloading and for the enjoyment of all. This is the fourth of numerous such collections I am making available here.
This download contains the following PDF titles, (I have tagged each file as either BIO or REF so they will be self-sorting when you place them in your "Books" folder):
Biogrophies, Diaries, Personal Writings
"Above the Battle", by Vivian Drake, c.1918
"Cavalry of the Clouds", by Alan Bott, c.1918
"Go Get 'Em!", by William Wellman, c.1918
"In The Clouds Above Baghdad", by Lt. Colonel J.E. Tennant, c.1920
"Sky Fighters of France", by Lieutenant Henry Farre, c.1919
"Winged Warfare", by William A. Bishop, c.1918
"Aviation In Canada 1917-1918", by Lieutenant Alan Sullivan, c.1919
"Learning To Fly in the U.S. Army", by E.N. Fales, c.1917
"The A-B-C of Aviation", by Captain Victor W. Page, c.1918
"The War in the Air: Volume I", by Walter Raleigh, c.1922
WWI Aviation Books, Set 3
By RAF_Louvert
Greetings All,
I have gathered together these public domain books for ease of downloading and for the enjoyment of all. This is the third of numerous such collections I am making available here.
This download contains the following PDF titles, (I have tagged each file as either BIO or REF so they will be self-sorting when you place them in your "Books" folder):
Biogrophies, Diaries, Personal Writings
"A Happy Warrior", the letters of William M. Russel, c.1918
"An Explorer in the Air Service", by Hiram Bingham, c.1920
"George Guynemer, Knight of the Air", by Henry Bordeaux, c.1918
"High Adventure", by James Norman Hall, c.1918
"Plane Tales From the Skies", by Wing Adjutant, c.1918
"The Way of the Eagle", by Charles J. Biddle, c.1919
"The Australian Flying Corps 1914-1918", by Frederic Morley Cutlack, c.1933
"Knights of the Air", by Lieutenant Bennett A. Molter, c.1918
"Textbook of Applied Aeronautic Engineering", by Henry Woodhouse, c.1920
"The Struggle in the Air 1914-1918", by Major Charles C. Turner, c.1919
WWI Aviation Books, Set 2
By RAF_Louvert
Greetings All,
I have gathered together these public domain books for ease of downloading and for the enjoyment of all. This is the second of numerous such collections I am making available here.
This download contains the following PDF titles, (I have tagged each file as either BIO or REF so they will be self-sorting when you place them in your "Books" folder):
Biogrophies, Diaries, Personal Writings
"A Flying Fighter", by E.M. Roberts, c.1918
"An Aviator’s Field Book", the field notes of Oswald Bolcke, English Edition c.1917
"Flying For France", by James R. McConnell, c.1917
"Heroes Of Aviation", by Laurence La Tourette Driggs, c.1918
"Night Bombing With the Bedouins", by Robert H. Reece, c.1919
"The Red Battle Flyer", by Manfred von Richthofen, English Edition c.1918
"Aircraft Of Today", by Charles C. Turner, c.1917
"Information for Air Service Mechanics", by The U.S. Air Service, c.1919
"Practical Flying", by W.G. McMinnies, c.1918
"The Romance Of Aircraft", by Laurence Smith, c.1919
WWI Aviation Books, Set 1
By RAF_Louvert
Greetings All,
I have gathered together these public domain books for ease of downloading and for the enjoyment of all. This is the first of numerous such collections I am making available here.
This download contains the following PDF titles, (I have tagged each file as either BIO or REF so they will be self-sorting when you place them in your "Books" folder):
Biogrophies, Diaries, Personal Writings
"14,000 Miles Through the Air", by Captain Ross Smith, c.1922
"Air Men O'War", by Boyd Cable, c.1918
"Fighting the Flying Circus", by Eddie Rickenbacker, c.1919
"Guynemer, The Ace of Aces", by Jacques Mortane, c.1918
"Luck on the Wing", by Major Elmer Haslett, c.1920
"The Flying Poilu", by Marcel Nadaud, c.1918
"Aircraft Mechanics Handbook", c.1918
"How To Fly", by A. Frederick Collins, c.1918
"Orders, Decorations, and Insignia", by Colonel Robert E. Wyllie, c.1921
"The American Air Service", by Arthur Sweetser, c.1919
By sitting_duck
Pylons and gates for CFS3 races
v 1.00 - 2003.09.05
Copyright © 2003 Giovanni "Nanni" A. Cignoni
And thanks to stumpjumper for finding this for me.
Download to seperate folder and extract.
Dover Races 2.xml goes into your missions\training folder
The folders in the building folder go into your obd buildings folder
The files in the facilities folder go into your obd facilities folder.
Only one plane in mission, so edit with mission builder to change or add planes. When mission starts, make sure tac is displayed, and set to ONE mile, (cnt+shift+T) or waypoints to next pylons will be hard to see.
SPAD XIII Wallpaper 1920X1200 RELOAD
RELOADED wallpaper with some reporting the file as broken.
This file was recompressed using WinZip 12.0 in legacy mode which allows compatibility with all formats down to WinZip 2.0.
For all those true WWI afficiados.......
This phenomenal high-quality wallpaper shows a fictious battle between Fokker DVIIs and SPAD XIIIs.
The original painting artist I have not been able to confirm, however the painting is based on the United States 103rd Pursuit Squadron.
The included wallpaper is 1920X1200, 32-bit in bitmap format.
It was resized and edited from the original source. Uncompressed file size is a approximately 9M.
OFF Posters
By rabu
These posters will print up nicely, even at Tabloid size (11x17).
Help us spread the word about Over Flanders Fields ~ Between Heaven and Hell.. finally, a worthy successor to The Red Baron!
Feel free to share them with others, but also, please do not modify them.
c 2009 R Hoag
port sub base
By PD-1
drop this folder into your main game folder and answer 'yes to all' when prompted
this will allow the mission with the port sub base to be playable.
it will not harm your game in any way shape of form.
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