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First Eagles - WWI and Early Years - Skins

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    1. Fokker DVIIF Lt Hans Joachim von Hippel

      Fokker DVIIF: Lt. Hans Joachim von Hippel, Jasta 71/1918


         (2 reviews)



    2. Von Hippel Blitz

      This skin is a skin of an Albatros used by Hans Joachim von Hippel called the "Blitz".


         (5 reviews)




      Hi guys more (wip's)
      readme has the details
      2 colours for the H
      1 each for the others
      L LAO & O
      enjoy , will update asap


         (8 reviews)



    4. Godwin Brumowski Alb D.IIIOAW 153.209 Red

      Godwin Brumowski (1889-1936) had the most confirmed (35) and unconfirmed (8 downed behind enemy lines) victories among Austria-Hungary's pilots. Brumowski began flying on the Italian front in the spring of 1916. Beginning in April 1916, he got five confirmed victories flying the Albatros B.1, Hansa Brandenburg C-1 and D-1. After studying tactics with Jasta 24 from March 19-27,1917 on the Western Front he returned to the Italian Front and took command of Flik 41J, Austria-Hungary's first true fighter squadron. In August 1917 Brumowski got his first Albatros, D.III Oef 153.06, with a natural finished plywood fuselage topped by green and mustard sworl camo.. In October 1917 Brumowski began flying 153.45, painted red in admiration for Manfred von Richthoven. From November 1917 to April 1918 Brumowski flew 153.52 and 153.45. Initially both were all red with the famous Totenkopf skulls. Sometime during this period, mustard yellow sworls were applied over the red. From November 1917 on, Flik 41J marked their planes with yellow-and-black wheel discs. On February 1, 1918 Alb 153.45 suffered heavy damage in combat and an in flight fire. Three days later, Alb 153.52 was totally destroyed after barely surviving combat with eight British fighters. Alb 153.45 was repaired and flown through April, when it appears to have been retired. In June 1918 Brumowski was flying 153.209 when he was grounded. I found no photos showing the sworl pattern on 153.209. By October 1918, Brumowski was flying a dark brown desk with a green blotter, in command of the Austro-Hungarian air force operating along the Isonzo.
      No Hanroit HD-1s were among Brumowskis confirmed or unconfirmed kills.
      The Totenkopf, or death head images on the fuselage, and the crosses on the rudder were carefully reproduced from photographs for the aircraft (153.45, 153.52 and 153.209) in this series. The sworled camo is the final rendition of many variations attempted after comparison with photos and other research. All four aircraft and all six paint schemes are included in this series. Choose your favorite.
      My time machine is no longer operational. These skins are interpretations, well-grounded interpretations, but certainly a mix of accuracy and flaws. I am aware of two variations from the photos and other sources. First, some Austrian pilots removed the spinner caps because these occasionally came loose in flight. Second, the rudders depicted are round at the trailing edge, rather than the straight. Both rounded and straight rudders were used on Alb D.III’s, but I would have preferred to use the straight edge type as that is depicted in most photos of Brunowski aircraft. Available models offer neither the straight rudder nor the spinner free versions. Modification of these parts is beyond my present skill. If you can do it, please contact me.
      Many sources were consulted in the preparation of these skins, including: Dr. Martin O'Connor, Air Aces of the Austro-Hungarian Empire 1914-1918, Austro-Hungarian Aces of World War 1 by Chris Chant, Mark Rolfe (Illustrator) / Paperback / Osprey Publishing (February 2002), Above the War Fronts by Norman L. R. Franks, Russell Guest, Gregory Alegi / Hardcover / Grub Street (September 1997), Windsock Datafile #19 Albatros D.III (Oef)/ Grosz/Colours & Markings by Ray Rimmel , The Aerodrome Forum, R.N. Pearson profiles and other material on line.
      Just drop the folder in your Albatros_D3OAW folder and select the name in the texture set --Brumowski 15345Red, Brumowski 15345Sworls, etc. in the loadout screen. You can change the names if you like, but be careful; only two words or combination of words and numbers are permitted. There is no need to edit the ini.
      These skins are made available only for your personal use. Please no distribution or republication of any part of these files. I’d appreciate any comments, especially with links to source material. Have fun.
      sinbad © 2008


         (1 review)



    5. Belgian Nieuport 11 Skin Pack

      Hi there,
      in addition to the other skins comes the Nieuport 11 Skin Pack
      Included are 4 skins:
      1st Esc Standard Paint
      1st Esc Paint with Vampire logo, flown by Abel de Neef
      5th Esc Paint flown by Edmond Thieffry
      5th Esc Paint with the logo "SOIT !" (means: Let it be!) flown by Paul Anciaux
      Have fun and watch out for the Huns.
      Hermann the Hun


         (1 review)



    6. Sopwith 1A2 Strutters - Imperial Russian Air Service

      This skin set is intended for use with the excellent Eastern Front Campaign set recently released by Stephen1918. The Imperial Russian Air Service obtained Sopwith 1 ½ Strutters primarily from both England and France. Others were Russian license built French Strutters. Enclosed you will find cockpits for both the English and French versions, install one or the other as you wish (but the honor of France requires that the French aluminum and camo versions really should have the French cockpit).
      There are also new Russian hangar and loading screens. If you want to use them, you will need to save the originals and rename these "Hangar" and "Loading"
      This is only a skin set, so (if you have not already done so) you'll need to download and install the previously released Sopwith 1A2.
      Sometime in the future, on a date known to no one, there will be another Strutter release with a revised aircraft as wellas new skins, (probably a 1A1) but this will do very nicely for now.


         (2 reviews)



    7. Red Devil SE5a

      (S!) ALL hi ;-)
      This is Captain Leslie Holden SE5a ( Red Devil ) late 1918.
      Hats off to the guys at Third Wire for bit-mapping this so well
      It was fun to work on.
      Special thank you to my friend Bob Pearson for allowing me to put
      His profile in of this plane.
      There is also a dock from the book High Adventure that explains where
      The name Red Devil came from.
      Enjoy!!! ;-)
      your friend in the FE sky
      von Deutschmark


         (5 reviews)



    8. Frank Linke-Crawford Alb D.IIIOAW 153.11

      Frank Link-Crawford won six of his 27 victories in Alb D.III 153.11 during October and November 1917, while flying in Flik 41J. He was the fourth highest scoring pilot in the Austro-Hungarian Air Service.
      No Hanroit HD-1s were among Linke-Crawfords confirmed or unconfirmed kills, but he was shot down and killed on July 30, 1918 by two Italian Hanriot HD.1 fighters from 81a Squadriglia. The pilot who got credit for the victory, Caporale Pilota Aldo Astolfi, had no others during the war.
      My time machine is no longer operational. This skins is an interpretation, a well-grounded interpretation, but certainly a mix of accuracy and flaws. I am aware that the rudder depicted is round at the trailing edge, rather than the straight. Both rounded and straight rudders were used on Alb D.III’s, but I would have preferred to use the straight edge type. The available model does not offer the straight edge version. Modification of this part is beyond my present skill. If you can do it, please contact me.
      Many sources were consulted in the preparation of these skins, including: Dr. Martin O'Connor, Air Aces of the Austro-Hungarian Empire 1914-1918, Austro-Hungarian Aces of World War 1 by Chris Chant, Mark Rolfe (Illustrator) / Paperback / Osprey Publishing (February 2002), Above the War Fronts by Norman L. R. Franks, Russell Guest, Gregory Alegi / Hardcover / Grub Street (September 1997), Windsock Datafile #19 Albatros D.III (Oef)/ Grosz/Colours & Markings by Ray Rimmel , The Aerodrome Forum, R.N. Pearson profiles and other material on line.
      Just drop the folder in your Albatros_D3OAW folder and select Frank Linke-Crawford in the loadout screen. There is no need to edit the ini.
      This skin is made available only for your personal use. Please no distribution or republication of any part of these files. I’d appreciate any comments, especially with links to source material. Have fun.


         (2 reviews)



    9. No.45 Squadron Camels

      This is a generic skin pack of No. 45 Squadron in mid 1917 to 1918.
      No.45 Sqn first flew in France in mid 1917 and was transfered to Italy. Then to return to northern France in late (September) 1918 to finish out the war.
      These Camels were covered almost entirely in PC10 with a white dumbell on the rear fuselage and up on the rear decking.
      For this Camel I used the F1_130 version.
      Enjoy, quack74


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    10. Morane H

      Morane H, in French, Belgian, and RFC colours and markings, as with my upload of the Morane H Russia, these are just a rework of the originals, I have redont the skins to accept decals, instead of the pre fixed ones, however I have included them in the upload too.
      I have also removed the gun, as this aircraft was unarmed ( except for one prototype ) and changed the data files to reflect this, so it is only any good for recon or cas missions, it is grenade armed as per Peters FM's
      Also I have cheated a bit, you will notice that all the lods are from the Pfalz EI, and therefore all the skins are named PfalzEI NOT MoraneH.......do not change these names otherwise you will get an albino aeroplane !!!
      I have done this to allow the windscreen to show ( a bit drastic I know but the screen SHOULD be there, and it isnt present in the original Morane model) using the Pfalz lods etc, makes no difference at all to the aircraft
      the only real problem I have encountered is the shadows dont work too well, if you switch them on, you get a horrible mess around the port wheel, and it is very noticeable too, so I have them set as FALSE, but that is your choice.
      as I have said before, I have included the original skin files, along with my reworks. all the hard work on the original models and skins was done by Mr Laton, Mr Hermann the hun, and Herr Von Deutschmark, FM's are of course by Peter, any other stuff has been done by yours truly, I think I have also included all the relevant decals, sounds, and the original hanger and loading screenies too, so I hope you enjoy as much as I have enjoyed playing around with them myself, oh and I forgot to mention Mr Stephen1918 as he has helped me on several occasions, and is a wonderful help and mine of information.
      Per Ardua


         (3 reviews)



    11. 91 sqn dolphin

      Hi all THis is the first of a few Dolphins i will upload
      it has serials from all the sqns using dolphins so the decal inis will piont to this 1 to save dl space
      hope u like it
      updated , readme only
      have fun
      Steve T


         (5 reviews)



    12. Decals for Post War Nations

      Fighting continued in Eastern Europe and Russia for many years after the end of World War I. These decals are the insignia of many of the nations that were formed in the closing days of the war. Most of them fought against the Bolsheviks in the Russian Civil Wars, but many of them also fought each other at one time or another.
      I have included decals for - Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, and Yugoslavia.
      Many nations did not have standardized insignia at first and I have included variations for many of the nations. I have included a text document with notes on how and when they were used. To use these, you will probably need to tweak the decal ini's for existing planes. How and when insignia are reversed on opposite sides of the plane changes from nation to nation, and the horizontal tail stripes will need to be adjusted.
      Terms of Use
      You may use these decals for your own personal use.
      You may include these decals with any skins you upload for First Eagles at Combat Ace. Please give me credit.
      You may NOT include these decals with skins you upload at any other site.


         (1 review)

      1 comment


    13. Bristol Scouts C, C1, D, D1 skin pack

      This is a skin pack for the Bristol Scout models C1, C, D1, D.
      Thanks to Capun1950 for permission to use the skin template. And thanks to the entire SFP1 A-Team for providing the Bristol Scout models models.
      These skins and decals were created by quack74. Not for profit nor intent to sell. Only as a download for those who are registered at SFP1 A-Teams Skunkworks site,(http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/) and have downloaded the Bristol Scout models.
      These Bristol Scouts are from early 1916 to early 1917.
      The folder names pretty much explain the squadron names. I dont know any other info on Scout squadrons and their markings.


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    14. 11SQN BRISFIT

      hI GUYS
      U will need Skunkworks Brisfit Frist
      this is another quickie ,as the mapping is not 100% but it iant that noticeable
      readme inclosed
      Thx go to the skunkworks team for the port, and the permission 2 upload


         (5 reviews)



    15. Jasta 18 Raben

      This a skin of an Albatros D-V flown by August Raben of Jasta 18.


         (8 reviews)



    16. Camo Nieuport 27

      Another simple camo repaint.


         (2 reviews)



    17. Eastern Front - Skins for 3 of Laton's Planes

      A set of skins and some file tweaks by Sinbad and Stephen1918 for Laton's MS Type H, MS Type L and Pfalz E.III. You must have Laton's planes in order for these to work.
      This download includes - skins for the Eastern front for all the planes - new loadouts, which place the bombs alongside the fuselage for the MS Type L and the Pfalz E.III - a new unarmed version of the MS Type L - new ini files for all the planes which update the way shadows are generated - and new Loading and Hanger screens for all the planes.
      Installation instructions:
      If you haven't already, download and install the three planes from the CombatACE Download area. (The MS Type L and the Pfalz E.III are each part of a combo pack.)
      After the planes are installed, make a copy of the entire "MSTypeL" folder and rename it "MSTypeL_Recon". You will be installing new ini files for this folder later.
      My install will replace some of the original files - you might want to make backups before you proceed.
      For FE1 - Open each of my plane folders and copy the contents into the appropriate folders in your FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Click "Yes" when it asks if you want to replace an existing file.
      For FE2 - Open each of my plane folders and copy the contents into the appropriate folders in your FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Click "Yes" when it asks if you want to replace an existing file.


         (1 review)



    18. Kempf’s Dr1

      (S!) ALL hi ;-)
      This is Kempf’s Dr1 Jasta Boelcke 1918.
      Special thank you to the A Team for giving me permission to do this skin.
      Enjoy!!! ;-)
      your friend in the FE sky
      von Deutschmark


         (5 reviews)



    19. unleashed history Red Baron

      Fokker Dr.1 used to recreate the last flight of the Red Baron in the documentary program Unleashed History released in 2002 , of the channel Discovery Channel :P


         (1 review)



    20. AviatikD1 Skins and Decals pack PART 2

      This is PART 2 of Quack74's Aviatik D.I skin pack PART 1.
      Multiple Skins for Stephen1918's AviatikD1 model
      It contains the rest of the Aircraft files and Decals.
      It was all too big to post into one download. PART 1 is needed for it all to work properly.
      Follow the README files and send me a PM for any questions. Or even post in the FE forum so all can see. I'm sure there will be questions.
      Thanks to Stephen1918 for the awsome Aviatik D.I model
      And thanks to Ojcar for the FM's


         (2 reviews)



    21. DII skins MvR Boelcke

      Hi Guys I thought as its 96 years to the day that MvR & Lanoe Hawker had there deadly duel in the skies of northern France, & sadly Major Hawker VC lost his life at the hands of the "Red Baron" when a bullet struck him in the back of the head killing him instantly, causing his dh2 to spin in from about 1000 feet,
      i thought last night i could skin MvR's DII flown on this day, in that engagement, to add to the Boeckle skin I was going to upload
      Hope U Like Um
      Have fun


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      It was a hard winter and the mud was covering everything on the airfield.
      The war was hard and dirty.
      Only a few of my wingmen survived the last mission.
      Those bastards will pay for that.


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    23. Lowenhardt D7F

      This Fokker D VIIF flown by Oblt. Erich Lowenhardt /53kills/ from J 10.This plane flown in 7/8 1918.


         (3 reviews)



    24. GENERIC PFALZ EI skin

      S! HI ALL
      I m moving soon and things will be up in the air ,i imagine , so im thinking of getting my skins nearly finished and posting them with a view 2 updating them when time allows me to
      the first of these WIP's is this one
      the pfalz EI, is finished all bar fine detailing, which i intent 2 do at a later stage, and just update the file here
      hope u like it more stuff 2 follow
      have fun


         (9 reviews)



    25. SPAD XIII in British service

      A generic RFC camo skin for the SPAD XIII, for either of the two RFC squadrons which operated this machine (No.19 and No.23 Sqn).
      An adaptation of the stock French camo skin, with RFC insignia and codes added.


         (1 review)




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