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First Eagles - WWI and Early Years - Add-On Aircraft

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    1. Sopwith Strutter 1A2 - French

      The French had three versions of the Strutter. The 1A2 for recon and artillery spotting, and two bombers, the 1B2, which carried a gunner, and the 1B1 which had only the pilot. The French prioritized delivery of the 1A2. The 1A2 Strutters, like the English 9400 series, had a fuel tank between the pilot and the observer. Consequently the 1A2 had greater range than the 1B2 and 1B1, which carried internal bomb bays in that same area.
      France began building Strutters under license in April 1916 to replace obsolete Farmans and Caudron G-4s. As the first French built Strutters were tested ten months later in February 1917, a 1B2 Strutter broke up in mid air. The British insisted over stressing by the pilot caused the crash but the French demanded a total design review. The review resulted in few changes, but French built Strutters were not put into combat until the Spring of 1917, when they were significantly outclassed by enemy aircraft.
      Bombing squadrons were routinely equipped with a mix of the 1B2 and 1B1 variants. and the 1B2 was often used to escort the 1B1. I find no evidence that the French mounted any external stores on the 1A2 or either of the 1B Strutters.
      The French produced approximately 4,500 Strutters through April 1918. Some American units were provided with French built Strutters, which they intensely disliked, in part because they were initially delivered without weapons. All versions of the Strutter had air brakes on the inboard lower wings, which are not operational on the model; these brakes were often not favored by the aircrews because they created “mushy” handling. Many pictures of Strutters nosed over, perhaps document this characteristic.
      The flight models attempt to reflect the known variations in the French aircraft.
      The windscreens on French Strutters were different (some would say more graceful) than the British. That, unfortunately has not been modeled in this version. Dagaith, my original partner in this project left to join the army before the 1A2 model was started. Perhaps one day I will become sufficiently adept with 3dMax to make the adjustment, but that is not possible today. I'd love to have some help with that, if there is someone interested who can make 3dMax sing and dance.
      We may eventually have a 1B1 Strutter, but, meanwhile there are production delays. . .
      Thanks to Dagaith for the original model, Peter01 for the flight model, Laton for the additional LODs, , Gustav for conseils français, as well as beta testing by Southside Bucky (for the original English versions) Panama Red and Ojcar, who prompted me to get this bird out of the coop.
      The included skin sets for the 1A2 depict aircraft flown by two French Escadrille, Sop 226, with silver dope and Sop 284, which operated 10 camo 1A2s from March 1918, the date the unit was formed, until the end of the war. Some sources incorrectly depict the Esc 226 aircraft in clear doped linen or light yellow dope, a mistake I made before discovering more recent and authoritative information. There are two files sets, on for FE2 and another for all previous versions of FE. Just drop them in and go.
      sinbad 3 Nov 2010


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    2. 108 FE1 and/or FE2 FMs March 2010

      Update 31st march: If you are using these FMs for FE2, the gun loadouts won't work. I didn't realize that FE2 does some things differently to FE1, and didn't include a new folder that Fe2 creates. To fix, just download and install the updated game files here REALLY FIXED FE2 Game Files and 4 FE2 FMs 2010 .
      108 new FMs for the October or November 2008 patch of FE1 or for the FE2 game. Too many to list! Just about every plane model, and then some, with conversions.
      These are solely flight model and game files. You need to install the 3-D plane models first to use the FMs. The FMs are designed for Hard FM mode ONLY. AI Skill Level and Weapons should also be set to Hard. Other gameplay options can be set to whatever you wish.
      You must install the game files included for everything to work. There are a seperate set of game files for FE1 and FE2.
      A Readme is included, with the following sections:
      1) General
      2) Folders and Files in the Pack
      - The game files are in the "ESSENTIAL FE1 Game Files" and "ESSENTIAL FE2 Game Files" folders
      - The "FE1 and FE2 FMs" folder contains all the FMs
      - Lastly, the "FE Optional Game Files" folder contains optional files for both FE1 and FE2
      3) Installation
      4) Known Issues
      5) Worth Knowing
      6) Experiencing Problems?
      7) Acknowledgements and Caveats
      Have fun.
      peter01 March 2010.


         (4 reviews)

      1 comment


    3. FE1 & FE2 FMs BristolM1C- FE8-FokD8-Schuckert

      FMs for either FE1 or FE2.
      I knew I had these somewhere, and found them on a backup drive. They were done last December. Just refined, tweaked and tested them a bit, and ... they are ready to fly.
      New FMs for the Bristol M1C, Fe8, Fokker D8, Schuckert D3.
      The Bristol M1C is very nice, has a new gun, and is equal in capability to my Albatros D3.
      The FE8 has a couple of issues - on takeoff, stalls - but still nice, and in capability about the equal to my Halberstadt D3.
      The Fokker D8 is the nicest FM I have done for this plane, it is very capable, about the equal to my Camels. Snipes vs Fokker D8s are fun.
      The Schuckert D3 is a little less capable than the Fokker D8.
      For FE1 you must have installed the FE1 game files from "108 FE1 and/or FE2 FMs March 2010" in the Flight Models download section here. 108 FE1 and/or FE2 FMs March 2010
      For FE2 you must have installed the FE2 game files "REALLY FIXED FE2 Game Files and 4 FE2 FMs 2010" in the Flight Models download section here. REALLY FIXED FE2 Game Files and 4 FE2 FMs 2010
      1) I recommend you backup the folders of the above aircraft before installing.
      2) Place all the files from this download into the corresponding aircraft directories.
      Have fun.
      March 2010


         (0 reviews)



    4. REALLY FIXED FE2 Game Files and 4 FE2 FMs 2010

      Ahh, the last "Fixed" FE2 game file download didn't actually fix the loadout guns, it actually didn't work at all - so here's a fix that does.
      Just noticed that FE2 creates a directory for GUNS and without that included the new guns (that don't jam) don't work! That directory is now included.
      March 16th
      An update, mainly to fix gun jams on gunpod/loadout guns in FE2. Jams didn't happen much to me before, but do now for some planes. I *think* Thirdwire may have implemented this in a more complex manner than I first assumed, perhaps jams for loadout guns depend on rated mach limits for individual planes.
      Please install both gundata files and the entire "Weapons" folder in your "Objects" folder, as per the zip directory structure. This will give the loadout/gunpod guns 99% reliability - they will jam, but very rarely.
      Sorry about that, and as a bonus here are fours FMs solely for FE2. You will have a problem if you install in FE1!
      Se5a with gunsight. If you do not like, just delete the SE5A_LOADOUT file in the Se5a folder. It will revert back to the normal file that comes with the game with no added gunsight. I couldn't remove the second gunsight that comes with the model, it appears to be part of another graphic.
      MSLOL - Morane Two Seater with wing mounted Lewis - this one now comes with a gunsight too.
      Fokker DR1. Special FM for FE2, this one feels better in FE2.
      Nieuport16LateV. Similar to previous but this includes several more loadouts that were not possible in FE1 (last upload was for both games), including Dual Lewis on wings.
      Thanks to P10ppy for supplying the gunsights, as well as describing how to implement them.
      Peter01 March 2010.


         (2 reviews)



    5. Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutter Model 9400

      The Sopwith 1 ½ Strutter is a teameffort. Dagaith began the project early in 2009 and I joined to helpwith research and skins. Unfortunately, his commitment to quality,and the pressure of time, made it impossible for Dagaith to finishthe 3d model before he was drafted into the army (Estonia) in June. Icontinued work on the cockpit and skins, but I was unable to make thefinal adjustments and generate the LOD files necessary for game play.[Dagaith used a later version of 3dMax that would not render in theversion I have.] Fortunately Laton completed the LODsand made it possible to get the Strutter ready for game play. Theflight model was done by Peter01, the gunner by P10ppy. The finalcockpit and skin sets are my efforts. Southside Bucky did Betatesting and offered valuable advice to tune up the model and skinsfor release.
      Skins in highdefinition (2048 x 2948) and standard definition ((512 x 512) will bereleased along with the model. A hidef set for B Flight 43 Squadron RFC is enclosed as the default.Additional skins are available in the download section. The2048 and 512 skin sets are NOT interchangeable. You may reduce the hidef set down to 1024, but if you do, keep the associated decal sets.Because some detail could only be sustained by decals in the standarddef sets, these are different from the hi def sets.
      There is an sound file with the 130 HP Clerget for your sound folder.
      The Strutter was the first British aircraft with a synchronized Vickers gun. There were several versions. The first a two seat observation type, wasknown to the RNAS and the RFC as the 9400 series, and later to theFrench as the 1A2. The 9400 is the version modeled here. A later single seat version, adapted for bombing, called the 9700 series was first produced for the UK. The French not only built both versions, but made about twice as many (4500) as the British. The first French bomber versions were identified as 1B2 (with a crew of 2). The later French versions, similar to the 9700, were called 1B1 (a crew of just one). The 1B2 version will be released for First Eagles after this model. The 1B1/9700 type may come later. There was another variant, a single seat interceptor, used for Home Defense of the London area.,which was fitted with one or two Lewis guns and a cockpit aft of the wings, where the gunner was originally placed. All versions had air brakes on the inboard lower wings which are not operational on the model, and were often not favored by the aircrews because they created “mushy” handling.
      A substantial set of skins will be released in conjunction with this model. Please refrain from posting additional skins until all of the original skins are posted.
      Standard res 512 RFC and RNAS; Belgian 9400 series, French 1A2 and 1B2 all in the pipeline. They will be up ASAP.
      Thanks for your patience.


         (2 reviews)



    6. LFG Roland D.VIa

      Hope someone can make a better skin for Roland D.VIa


         (3 reviews)

      1 comment


    7. Halberstadt CL.IV

      Halberstadt CL.IV Ver 1 1 July 2009
      Original Model: Geezer
      First Eagles Conversion, Damage meshes & Skin: Andre (Laton) Simpson
      FM: Peter01
      Gunner mesh & Skin provided by Geezer
      ***Spandau/Parabellum machine gun and Propeller based on the source file from Wings of War by Silver Wish Games/Illusion Software provided by Radek Navratil.
      Template pack included for skinners.
      See readme for installation instructions.


         (2 reviews)



    8. Updated RFC SPAD VII with Lewis gun

      updated to fix nationality and gun ammo and use Peter)1s newest flight model.Otherwise the same as the original.


         (0 reviews)



    9. FE8

      .max file only


         (3 reviews)



    10. UPDATED FE Plane FMs for Nov 2008 Patch

      AI UPDATE 20th June.
      The last update for this file!
      Updated a number of AI, mainly early war planes, plus some minor FM changes.
      24 FMs modded mainly just AI: Couple of Albs (D3, and my D2 version based on TKs AlbD5 model), all FokkerEs, HalbD3, all early Pfalzes, Hannovers, Dh2, Fe8, all Moranes, Bristol Scouts.
      See support topic for details .... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=42586
      Also included in the Readme is the need to have a "RotaryEngine" sound file in your SOUNDS folder, and how to do that.
      MAJOR UPDATE: 3rd June 2009.
      Too many changes to list, most were posted on Forum recently, some weren't - FokkerE1, FokkerE1a, FokkerE3a, N16, Walfisch, PfalzD12, N24, N27.
      The FMs are designed for Hard FM mode ONLY.
      76 FMs for the October or November 2008 patch of the game. You do not need to have purchased the Expansion Pack for these FMs, but your original game must be patched to the October or November 2008 version.
      Dh2 by Aladar. Model available at CombatACE.
      MoraneN by P10ppy. Model available at CombatACE.
      N24, N24bis, N27, N27_RFC, N28, HanriotHD1 (CAM) by EmiD. Models available at CombatACE.
      Nieuport11, Nieuport16, Nieuport17 by MontyCZ. The Nieuport16 is available through Christian59, all models available at CombatACE.
      FokkerD2, FokkerD3, MartinsydeS1, MartinsydeG100, Avro504D, Farman MF11c by Bortdafarm. All but MartinsydeS1 available at CombatACE. MartinsydeS1 only at Bortdafarms site (no need to register). http://www.ebort2.co.uk/FE.html
      Be-2c, Be-2d, DH-4, Br14, HandleyPage0/400, Fe8, Fe2b,Fe2d (based on Fe2b model), BristolScoutC, BristolScoutD, SopwithPup, Dolphin, F2B, F2Ba (single gun version based on F2b model), Snipe, Triplane, HalberstadtD3, Walfisch, PfalzD3, PfalzD8, PfalzD12, SchuckertD3, Aviatik, GothaGIV, Staaken by A-Team. Models available at A-teams site. you need to register first. http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
      FokkerE1, FokkerE1a, FokkerE3, FokkerE3a, FokkerE4, FokkerE4a, MoraneH, MoraneL, MoraneLAO, PfalzE1, PfalzE3, PfalzE3O, HansaBrandenburgDI, PhonixKD1, HannoverCL2, HannoverCL3, SavioPomilloSP3 by Laton. Models available at CombatACE.
      AlbatrosD1, AlbatrosD2, AlbatrosD3, AlbatrosD3OAW, Spad7(150), Camel F1(130), Se5a, Spad 7(180), Spad13, AlbatrosD5, AlbatrosD5a, Fokker D7, FokkerDr1, AEGIV, DFWC5, Re8, SalmsonA2 by Thirdwire. The Albatros D1 and D2 are based on Thirdwires Albatros Dva model. Note, in a seperate directory are FMs for Bortdafarms Albatros DI, albatros DII, Albatros DIIL, OEF Albatros DII if you prefer to use those models.
      The download includes loadouts, cockpits for Thirdwire's AI only planes, all the necessary bits and pieces for Le Prieur rockets to work on Pup, Camel, Dolphin, Nieuports 11 - 27.
      There is a Readme File - please read, it includes essentials, some issues, some things worth knowing, as well as Installation Instructions, Acknowledgements & Caveats.
      There is a support thread here for comments or if you have any problems: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=42030
      Have fun.
      Peter01 3rd June 2009


         (12 reviews)



    11. Hannover CL.II & CL.III

      Hannover CL.II & CL.III Ver 1 26 May 2009
      Model & Skin by Andre (Laton) Simpson
      Gunner mesh & Skin provided by Geezer
      FM by Peter01
      Check readme for installation instructions.


         (2 reviews)



    12. HansaBD1

      Hansa-Brandenberg D1 "Star-Strutter" Ver.1 08 April 2009
      Model & Skin by Andre (Laton) Simpson
      FM by peter01
      Please check the read-me for installation instructions.
      Also included in the release pack are the skin templates for anyone who wishes to create their own paint-schemes


         (4 reviews)



    13. PhonixKD1 "Star-Strutter"

      Hansa-Phonix KD1 "Star-Strutter" Ver.1 05 April 2009
      Model, Skin & FM by by Andre (Laton) Simpson
      This aircraft represents the late version Star-Strutters made under licence by Phonix. They had better pilot seating, a larger rudder/tail assembly and more powerful engine than the original Hansa-Brandenberg variant (which will my next release.)
      Please check the read-me for installation instructions.
      Also included in the release pack are the skin templates for anyone who wishes to create their own paint-schemes


         (4 reviews)



    14. Ansaldo SVA5

      Ansaldo S.V.A.5 Ver 1.1 30 April 2009
      Model, Skin & FM by by Andre (Laton) Simpson
      Please check the read-me for installation instructions.
      Also included in the release pack are the skin templates for anyone who wishes to create their own paint-schemes
      **1.1 - Mesh fix and changed FM


         (3 reviews)



    15. FM Update 3rd September

      The "QUICK START FMs and Campaigns for Oct 2007 Version EP ONLY" and "FULL SET FMs and Campaigns for Oct 2007 Version EP ONLY" have also been updated.
      There's a bit of a mix, some AI only changes, some minor changes, mostly major FM changes.
      N11, N16, N17, N17bis, Halberstadt D3, Fokker D2. AI changes only.
      Pfalz EV, Fokkers EIV/EVa. Changed, more difficult to fly and roll reduced.
      Dh2. Minor changes to stalls.
      FokkerD7. Minor change, roll reduced and more stable.
      Pup, Tripe, F2b, Dolphin, Se5a, Snipe, N28, Spad13, FokkerDr1, PfalzD3. Major changes.
      Some things worth pointing out:
      Dolphin. 4 and 2 Gun versions, 2 Gun version thanks to p10ppy, but otherwise same FM. The default is the 2 gun one. There are backups of each version in the folder hopefully clearly named so you can delete default and copy another to pick and choose.
      F2b. Overwing Lewis and Without Lewis versions from Mike Dora's idea, and in folder with backups of each, same FM. Default is Without Overhead Lewis. The gun is removed, but the mount for the Lewis is still in place on this model, as I found some graphical glitches when that was removed.
      Fokker Dr1. Two FMs, TKs with AI changes and mine. Default is mine... its your choice.


         (2 reviews)



    16. FULL SET FMs and Campaigns for Oct 2007 Version EP ONLY

      UPDATE: 3rd September
      There's a bit of a mix, some AI only changes, some minor changes, mostly major FM changes.
      N11, N16, N17, N17bis, Halberstadt D3, Fokker D2. AI changes only.
      Pfalz EV, Fokkers EIV/EVa. Changed, more difficult to fly and roll reduced.
      Dh2. Minor changes to stalls.
      FokkerD7. Minor change, roll reduced and more stable.
      Pup, Tripe, F2b, Dolphin, Se5a, Snipe, N28, Spad13, FokkerDr1, PfalzD3. Major changes.
      Some things worth pointing out:
      Dolphin. 4 and 2 Gun versions, 2 Gun version thanks to p10ppy, but otherwise same FM. The default is the 2 gun one. There are backups of each version in the folder hopefully clearly named so you can delete default and copy another to pick and choose.
      F2b. Overwing Lewis and Without Lewis versions from Mike Dora's idea, and in folder with backups of each, same FM. Default is Without Overhead Lewis. The gun is removed, but the mount for the Lewis is still in place on this model, as I found some graphical glitches when that was removed.
      Fokker Dr1. Two FMs, TKs with AI changes and mine. Default is mine... its your choice.
      These are ONLY for the Unpatched Expansion Pack version - October 2007. They will not work well at all with the April 2008 patch nor will they work mixed with stock FMs.
      The FMs are written for Hard FM mode. They will not work well, or as designed, in Normal or Easy Mode (Flight Models are completely different and inconsistent).
      There is a comprehensive Readme, and includes the following sections:
      1) Introduction
      2) The FMs
      3) Additional Changes to FMs
      4) Extras
      5) AI Difficulty Setting
      6) The Campaigns
      7) Installation
      8) Acknowledgements & Caveats
      Installation is simple, but should be done on a clean install of original FE (no patch), then Oct 2007 EP (no patch). You do need to get all the add-on aircraft models installed first.
      80 FMs included, and many thanks to all the modellers for allowing me to do these. All are needed for campaigns.
      Bortdafarm - Pfalz B1, Fokker B1, Fokker B2, Fokker D2, Fokker D3, Martinsyde G100, Martinsyde S1, Avro 504D.
      Monty CZ - Nieuport 11, Nieuport 16, Nieuport 17
      EmID - Nieuports 24 (2), Nieuports 27 (4), Nieuport 28, Hanriots (3)
      Laton - Fokker E1, Fokker E1a, Fokker E3, Fokker E3a, Fokker E4, Fokker E4a, Pfalz E1, Pfalz E3, Pfalz E4, Morane H, Morane L, Morane LAO, Fokker D8, Bristol M1c
      Thirdwire - Albatros D3, Albatros D3OAW, Albatros D5, Albatros D5a, FokkerDr1, Fokker D7, Fokker D7F, DFW C5, Camels (3), Spad 7s (2), Spad 13, Se5a, Salmson, Re8
      p10ppy - Morane N, Spad 12
      A-Team - Be2c, Be2d, Fe2b, Fe8, Dh2, Pup, Triplane, Dolphin, Snipe, Breuget 14, F2B, Halberstadt D3, Walfisch, Aviatik C2, Pfalz D3, Pfalz D8, Pfalz D12, Schuckert D3, Junkers D1.
      In addition, some planes that use another 3-D Model: N17bis, N23, Fe2c, AlbatrosD3_160, AlbatrosD3OEF_200, AlbatrosD2, DFWC1. These are needed for campaigns also. See Installation instructions.
      FMs are mainly by me, but Spad12 FM is by P10ppy, and Camels, Fokker Dr1, Spad 7s are by Thirdwire. The RE8 is largely Thirdwires with some changes to improve takeoff and turning. All have AI changes to fit with other FMs.
      Have fun!
      Peter July 2008


         (4 reviews)



    17. QUICK START FMs and Campaigns for Oct 2007 Version EP ONLY

      UPDATE: 3rd September
      Se5a, Spad13, FokkerDr1 FMs changed.
      For the Fokker Dr1, there are two alternative FMs, TKs with AI changes and mine. Default is mine... its your choice. There are backups of each version in the folder hopefully clearly named so you can delete default and copy another to pick and choose.
      This pack only updates the stock plane FMs. Its meant to be a very QUICK START to a modded game. It does change the game considerably, and also includes Le Prieur Rockets and AI only planes made flyable.
      If you like this, and want to then add other aircraft and FMs that work properly with the Expansion Pack Oct 2007 version then download the "FULL SET FMs and Campaigns for Oct 2007 Version EP ONLY", and add plane packages and FMs, manually and individually.
      The FMs are done for Hard FM Mode. They will not work well, or as designed at all in Normal or Easy Mode (Flight Models are completely different and inconsistent).Actually, they are designed for hard everything, including Hard Enemy Skill Level in the Gameplay Options. However, if you find the AI too hard or too easy, see 5) AI Difficulty Setting.
      IMPORTANT: These are ONLY for the Unpatched Expansion Pack - October 2007. They will not work well at all with the April 2008 patch nor will they work mixed with stock FMs.
      Installation is very simple and quick, maybe 10 mins for everything.
      1) Do a clean install of the the original FE (no need to apply patches), then install the paid for Oct 2007 Expansion Pack. DO NOT install any EP patches at all.
      2) Extract this zip file to a temp folder, and move or copy all the folders of the extracted zip to your newly installed main First Eagles directory, and when prompted, click yes to overwrite existing files.
      3) Go into the game, set all options to Hard (its designed for Hard), and...fly.
      Thats it!!!
      There is a comprehensive readme (there are many changes to the stock game), and consists of the following sections:
      1) Introduction
      2) The FMs
      3) Additional Changes to FMs
      4) Extras
      5) AI Difficulty Setting
      6) The Campaigns
      7) Installation
      8) Acknowledgements & Caveats
      Please note that the included campaigns will not work until you download all the add-on planes. Standard campaigns will work of course.
      Have fun.
      Peter01 July 2008


         (3 reviews)



    18. nieuport 17 with 2 gun

      This is just a mod of the original Nieuport 17 to represent an model with Fixedly mounted on the fuselage and firing in synchronization through the propeller arc.
      thanks to MontyCZ ,Texmurphy for the original Nieuport 17 and to Capun,whightknight 06604 for allowing me to use his wing gun plane.
      Any questions or comments
      Combatace handle CHRISTIAN59


         (7 reviews)



    19. Fokker E.IV Pack

      Fokker E.IV and E.IVa
      Model by Laton
      Skins (E.III) by v. Deutschmark
      FM by peter01.
      The zip file contains two variants, with alternate armament (2 and 3 gun) configurations.
      Release pack also includes original bmp templates for anyone who wishes to make and distribute their own skins.
      Check the Readme for installation instructions and any other notes.


         (5 reviews)



    20. Spad XII

      Little mod of the Spad VII to turn it into a Spad XII (apologies and acknowledgement to Gr.Viper who went before me)
      Model changes: removal of the nose humps and reskin
      XXX_data.ini changes: tweaked flight model reflecting the much heavier weight, more powerful engine (220hp nominal), wing stagger, better aerodynamics, and more wing area
      New weapon (37mm S.A.M.C.) New (it’s a mod of stock) reloading sound for the canon (its slow), New firing effect for the canon (cockpit smoke)
      New hanger and loading screens
      The canon is on the secondary fire button and takes 12 sec to reload (new sound more or less reflects this)
      It has 12 reloads
      I have seen the A.I get infrequent hits with this setup (I’m pretty infrequent too)
      A few “Facts”
      The Spad XII was a beefed up version of the Spad VII with a new engine (Hispano-Suiza 8Cb 220hp) and a slightly more refined fuselage, more wing area and the most obvious difference, slight wing stagger (something we can’t do with the stock model)
      It had a 37mm S.A.M.C. semi-automatic canon with twelve reloads mounted to fire through the prop hub and with the breech situated between the pilot’s legs
      Because of the breech placement the controls were of the Deperdussin type (wheel)
      After initial enthusiasm for the aircraft by the French ace Georges Guynemer, the Aéronautique Militaire placed an order for 1000 airframes,
      However the Spad XII proved very difficult to fly with its unfamiliar controls, the new weapon filled the cockpit with smoke on firing and was difficult to aim and reload, and to cap it off, the new Hispano-Suiza proved to be unreliable
      Its doubtful that more than twenty aircraft were completed and these were issued singly to individual Aces of the Aéronautique Militaire, There were never more than 6-8 on the front at any one time and they were widely spread throughout the Escadrille’s
      Top speed 220kph at SL
      Ceiling 7000m
      Empty weight 628kg
      New Reloading sound: gun_reloadlg.wav goes in the Sounds folder
      The SOUNDLIST.INI must be modified to add the sound (this must be extracted to the flight folder if you haven’t already) see below
      New gunfire effect: 37mmSpad.ini must be placed in the effects folder
      New cannon must be added to the bottom of your GUNDATA.INI (this must be extracted to the Objects folder if you haven’t already) see below, and then the GUNDATA.INI must be opened and saved with the gun editor
      New aircraft folder SPAD_XII placed in the Objects/aircraft folder
      This contains 4 skins (the French aces, Nungesser of Esc65, Madon of 38ESC, Fonck of Esc103 and Guynemer of Esc3),
      the Ini’s necessary for the craft,
      a hanger screen and two version of the loading screen: wide(default) and normal (you must rename it to use it)
      Add near the top of the file:
      SoundFile0XX=gun_reloadlg /////////////////////XX is the next number in the sequence above
      And at the bottom add:
      Add at the bottom of the file
      [GunData0XX] //////////////////////////////////XX is the next sequential number
      FullName=37mm SAMC Moteur canon
      Important: the GUNDATA.INI must be saved in the gun editor after manual editing
      Have fun :yes:


         (2 reviews)



    21. Hanriot HD1 Dual

      November-December 2007
      Hanriot HD1 Dual (2x Vickers MG)
      Type Biplane fighter aircraft
      Manufacturer Hanriot
      Designed by Pierre Dupont
      Introduced June 1916
      Primary users Italian Air Force
      Belgian Air Force
      Number built about 1200
      EmlD: 3D Model, Cockpit and textures
      sinbad: skins
      peter01: FMs


         (8 reviews)

      1 comment


    22. Hanriot HD1 CAM (Italy)

      November-December 2007
      Hanriot HD1 CAM (Italy) (Vickers MG on the leftside)
      Type Biplane fighter aircraft
      Manufacturer Hanriot
      Designed by Pierre Dupont
      Introduced June 1916
      Primary users Italian Air Force
      Belgian Air Force
      Number built about 1200
      EmlD: 3D Model, Cockpit and textures
      sinbad: skins
      peter01: FMs


         (6 reviews)



    23. Hanriot HD1

      November-December 2007
      Hanriot HD1 (Vickers MG in the middle)
      Type Biplane fighter aircraft
      Manufacturer Hanriot
      Designed by Pierre Dupont
      Introduced June 1916
      Primary users Italian Air Force
      Belgian Air Force
      Number built about 1200
      EmlD: 3D Model, Cockpit and textures
      sinbad: skins
      peter01: FMs


         (5 reviews)

      1 comment


    24. Nieuport 16

      This is just a mod of the original Nieuport 11 to represent:
      N16 C.1
      N16 130hp
      thanks to :
      MontyCZ and Texmurphy for the original Nieuport 11
      Peter01 for his help on IA
      just drop the plane in the aircraft folder
      Any questions or comments
      Combatace handle christian59
      hope you will have good time with this fighter
      work with patch game


         (1 review)



    25. Nieuport 28 C.1 (v1.02 with cockpit)

      Nieuport 28
      Patch v 1.02
      1.Cockpit added
      2.Fuselage modeling edited
      3.Made a couple mapping editions
      Extract N28 folder to ../Aircrafts deirectory and overwrite
      Dont forget to backup your additional skins


         (13 reviews)

      1 comment



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