167 files
The Blue Max Fokker Dr1s for First Eagles 2
The Blue Max Fokker Dr.1s skin Pack for First Eagles 2
What you will find in this Fokker Dr.1 skin Pack:
- A full set of 2 skins to FokkerDr1 by Third Wire Productions used by characters from The Blue Max film.
- Fokker Dr.1 flown by the character Bruno Stachel. (Several versions)
- Fokker Dr.1 flown by the character Willi von Klugermann. (Several versions)
The character Bruno Stachel used two Fokkers in the Blue Max film, one with the cowling painted full black and other with the
cowling tip in black.
You will find both of them in the skin pack.
- I did Optional hangar screens for Bruno Stachel and Willi von Klugermann characters. They are in 1920x1200 size.
You will find this in the "HANGAR SCREEN" folder of each character.
- You will find also an optional Normal map (DR1_6_BUMP.bmp) figure which works best with the new Spandau machine gun I painted.
FE2 INSTALLATION - This skin do not uses decal files, so will be easy install.
- Drop or copy the inside contend of the folder "FokkerDr1" to your "FokkerDr1" folder.
In order to work properly on your loadout menu option, this following lines, must to be COPIED into your "FokkerDr1".ini file.
Directory=Bruno Stachel
Name=Bruno Stachel
Directory=Willi von Klugermann
Name=Willi von Klugermann
Replace the (XXX) in the [TextureSetXXX] top line, with the appropriate number following your "FokkerDr1.ini" file order for others
skins that you have already installed before.
- To use it, you must drop or copy the jpg file of your choice from the "HANGAR SCREEN" folder. in your "FokkerDr1 aircraft main
folder", next, edit your "FokkerDr1.ini" file and add this line:
As an example:
HangarScreen=Stachel HANGAR 01.jpg <------ add this line
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE Optional Normal map (DR1_6_BUMP.bmp) figure:
- Drop or copy the inside contend of the folder "FokkerDr1" (DR1_6_BUMP.bmp) to your "FokkerDr1" folder.
That's all.
- Julio Junqueira texture skins for Fokker Dr1 and hangar screens.
- Third Wire Productions for the Fokker Dr1 model.
- special thanks to Third Wire Productions for the excellent FokkerDr1 model.
- special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files.
These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in
any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions.
Fly Boys Fokker Dr1s for First Eagles 2
Fly Boys Fokker Dr.1s skin Pack for First Eagles 2
What you will find in this Fokker Dr.1 skin Pack:
- A full set of 2 skins to FokkerDr1 by Third Wire Productions used by characters from Fly Boys film.
- Fokker Dr.1 flown by the character Black Falcon.
- Fokker Dr.1 flown by the character Franz Wolfert.
- I did Optional hangar screens for Black Falcon and Franz Wolfert. They are in 1920x1200 size.
You will find this in the "HANGAR SCREEN" folder of each character.
- You will find also an optional Normal map (DR1_6_BUMP.bmp) figure which works best with the new Spandau machine gun I painted.
FE2 INSTALLATION - This skin do not uses decal files, so will be easy install.
- Drop or copy the inside contend of the folder "FokkerDr1" to your "FokkerDr1" folder.
In order to work properly on your loadout menu option, this following lines, must to be COPIED into your "FokkerDr1".ini file.
Directory=Black Falcon
Name=Black Falcon
Directory=Franz Wolfert
Name=Franz Wolfert
Replace the (XXX) in the [TextureSetXXX] top line, with the appropriate number following your "FokkerDr1.ini" file order for others
skins that you have already installed before.
- To use it, you must drop or copy the jpg file of your choice from the "HANGAR SCREEN" folder. in your "FokkerDr1 aircraft main
folder", next, edit your "FokkerDr1.ini" file and add this line:
As an example:
HangarScreen=Wolfert-HANGARSCREEN 01.jpg <------ add this line
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE Optional Normal map (DR1_6_BUMP.bmp) figure:
- Drop or copy the inside contend of the folder "FokkerDr1" (DR1_6_BUMP.bmp) to your "FokkerDr1" folder.
That's all.
- Julio Junqueira texture skins for Fokker Dr1 and hangar screens.
- Third Wire Productions for the Fokker Dr1 model.
- special thanks to Third Wire Productions for the excellent FokkerDr1 model.
- special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files.
These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in
any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions.
The Great Waldo Pepper Fokker Dr.1 skin for First Eagles 2
The Great Waldo Pepper Fokker Dr.1 skin for First Eagles 2
What you will find in this Fokker Dr.1 skin Pack:
- A skin to FokkerDr1 by Third Wire Productions used by The Great Waldo Pepper film.
- Fokker Dr.1 flown by the character Ernst Kessler.
- I did Optional hangar screens for Ernst Kessler character. They are in 1920x1200 size.
You will find this in the "HANGAR SCREEN".
- You will find also an optional Normal map (DR1_6_BUMP.bmp) figure which works best with the new Spandau machine gun I painted.
FE2 INSTALLATION - This skin do not uses decal files, so will be easy install.
- Drop or copy the inside contend of the folder "FokkerDr1" to your "FokkerDr1" folder.
In order to work properly on your loadout menu option, this following lines, must to be COPIED into your "FokkerDr1".ini file.
Directory=Ernst Kessler
Name=Ernst Kessler
Replace the (XXX) in the [TextureSetXXX] top line, with the appropriate number following your "FokkerDr1.ini" file order for others skins that you have already installed before.
- To use it, you must drop or copy the jpg file of your choice from the "HANGAR SCREEN" folder. in your "FokkerDr1 aircraft main folder", next, edit your "FokkerDr1.ini" file and add this line:
As an example:
HangarScreen=Kessler-HANGARSCREEN 01.jpg <------ add this line
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE Optional Normal map (DR1_6_BUMP.bmp) figure:
- Drop or copy the inside contend of the folder "FokkerDr1" (DR1_6_BUMP.bmp) to your "FokkerDr1" folder.
That's all.
- Julio Junqueira texture skins for Fokker Dr1 and hangar screens.
- Third Wire Productions for the Fokker Dr1 model.
- special thanks to Third Wire Productions for the excellent FokkerDr1 model.
- special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files.
These textures are freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These textures may not in any way, be used in any payware additions.
Early skin for stock Fokker D.VII
By Eugene2
Early skin for stock Fokker D.VII.
I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft.
- firsr eagles
- skin
- (and 1 more)
Fokker EI-EiIII skin
By Eugene2
Skin for excellent Fokker EIII by Laton (can be used for Fokker EI,EII).
I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft.
Add to Fokker EI-EIII.ini :
Fokker EIV
By Trotski
The final collection of Eindeckers, the infamous EIV . apparently there were only ever 50 airframes operational, one assumes that different squadrons were allocated 1 or 2 at a time, and as the aircraft was really not that much of an improvement over the EIII it must have been a rare bird indeed, as the Albatri were starting to come into service around the same time, so few of these aircraft were around, So, the skins are as follows, for the EIVa or 3 gun version, of which there was only ever one, thats the one you get ( you can of course use any of the other skins with this version if you like the idea of 3 Spandaus ) the rest of them are for the production 2 gun EIV , so I have done 2 factory finish skins, one CDL, and one Grey, I have also done Max Immelmans EIV, along with Kurt Students from Fokker Staffel 3, one skin representing a machine from KeK 3 flown by many different pilots, the final skin is of an aircraft called Hannah, now I have seen a few different colours for this particular aircraft, from Kesta 4, there is one pretty clear photo, which shows that it was at some time camouflaged, the colours are speculative, but I think they look about right, I have also seen pictures of the same aircraft in CDL as well, so I did both of them just for good measure.
As with the other releases, the requisite files are all included, the ~~Numbers for the named aircraft are correct to the best of my knowledge, the other FOK numbers, are again speculative, but not far off the mark hopefully.
The call outs for the usual suspects is as follows, Von S and his troupe, for all the behind the scenes jiggery pokery, Laton for making the models, and to peter for the FM's, also Gambit and Von Deutchmark for any original skins I have butchered and hacked about ( hopefully for the better !! )
As always, please please ENJOY !!
Fokker EII
By Trotski
As promised here are the EII Fokker skins, I have only done the factory finish skins for the parabellum EIIa version, as there to the best of my knowledge were only ever 4 parabellum armed EII's produced, as the parabellum was totally useless on the Eindecker as a synchronised weapon, so most of the EII's were Spandau armed there were also some Swartzlose armed versions as well, but unfortunately we dont have those modelled, ( HINT HINT SOMEBODY !! ) So mainly the skins are for the EII version, the factory finished ones are a CDL finish, with early crosses, and a Fokker Grey finish with later crosses, I have also done 2 skins from KeK Vaux, one being an all white machine ( bet it didnt stay white long !! ) and Frieherr Von Althaus Fokker Grey ,also a KeK Vaux machine, 2 aircraft from our black tailed friends of Flt Abt 9, Bruckmann, and Kissenberth, Bohme also possibly flew these machines as well, finally Von Crailsheims machine of Flt Abt 53.
As with the EIII and EI releases, these skins are for Latons models only Borts will not work with these skins !! be aware please. all the files are included guns, decals sounds pilots et al. For some reason I didnt relly enjoy doing these EII's maybe because they were an interim aircraft pretty quickly superceded by the EIII , so apologies if they dont seem as exciting as some of the other skins, but to be honest, there isnt a lot of choice on the Eindeckers.
The usual thanks and shout outs go to Von S and his band of happy campers, Laton, and Peter for doing the models and fm's respectivley, also to Gambit and Von Deutchmark whos original skins I have hi jacked and chopped about. I shall do a couple of E IV's next just for continuities sake, then on to a new aircraft, not sure what yet though as the D VII and DR I 's seem to be pretty well covered to death, so maybe some of the Pfalz's or something...we shall see !!
As always ENJOY
Fokker EI
By Trotski
This is the pack of updated skins for the ~Fokker EI I have done 4 skins for the Spandau armed version, as follows:-
A generic factory CDL finish machine, Oswald Bolcke's eindecker, which apparently was also flown by Max Immelman, Unteroffizier Kneistes machine, and finally Wilhelm Frankl, of KeK Vaux , unfortunately, when Laton made the models for this aeroplane, he made the EI Spandau version with wire wheels for some reason, this to the best of my knowledge, was not an actual operational fact, I have yet to see a front line Fokker with no wheel covers, to modify this Laton would need to re do the LODs for this aircraft, but anyhow we must work with what we have at hand !
the Parabellum armed aircraft are another 4 skins, as follows:-
A generic CDL version, ~Max Immelman's machine, Otto Parschau and finally Kurt Wintgens.
All the skins are re works of Gambits, and Von Deutchmarks original skins, and I have re done them as as I said before, I really , really , REALLY hate painted on decals, and avoid them wherever possible. So I have made new decals, numbers etc to just give this early aircraft a bit of a work over, the serials are not particularly accurate for the EI, however the ones for the for the aircraft with named pilots are, and I have tried to get those as correct as possible with the resources available to me. I have included, as with the EIII. all the guns, decals, pilots, and sounds needed to get you up and running, hopefully I have got everything in there, and not missed anything off.
I shall be doing the EII's next, so we shall have a full set of Eindeckers for your delectation. BE AWARE, these skins are for Latons models, and NOT for Borts !!! just in case any one tries it and wonders why they will not work on those models !!
Again, I thank Laton for actually making the aircraft in the first place, tho Gambit and Von Deutchmark for producing the skins for me to play around with, also a HUGE shout out to Von S and his merry band of men for doing all the jiggery pokery and voodoo stuff, and finally to Peter for giving us most excellent FM's
As always....ENJOY
Fokker EIII
By Trotski
~These are 10 new ( ish ) skins the originals were done by Gambit , however, I have a pathological hatred of painted on decals, especially in FE 2 , as the bmp format is just horrible, Jpg is so much better ( Load some FE aircraft into SF 2 and you will see what I mean !!! ) Anyhow, these skins are for Latons most excellent Fokker EIII, the skins can be used in either version , ie. the EIII or the EIIIa ( which never really existed, the A model just has twin Spandaus, and that was not a common modification on EIII's )
So the Skins are as follows, A factory finished EIII, 2 Austrian Navy machines one an unusual all over Green,including the cowl , Udets EII , which I have painted in grey with the blue stripe, as there is evidence to suggest the Red stripe isn't actually correct so I have gone with that colour, Boheme, also redone as the one available in the uploads have the black and white colours the wrong way around, also there is evidence to suggest this machine was also a grey one, and not linen, 3 different coloured Turkish machines, and a machine flown by Leopold Anslinger with the iron cross markings on the horizontal stabilisers, which is a bit different I think, and finally a blue EIII that is possibly a Jasta 9 machine. there were many more I could have done as well, but I think some of the ones I was thinking about were actually EII's not EIII's, so watch this space i shall hopefully do some EI & EII skins as well.
I have made new decals for all the marking positions, the trestle marks and also FOK.EIII numbers , not all aircraft had these so some of the skins dont have them showing, the personal machines, I have added separate FOK numbers, so they are hopefully correct (ish) I have also included the hangar screen and the Von S Data files, guns, pilot , decals, and sounds are all included in the package as well, I hope I have not missed anything out, but I expect most of you already have all the pertinent bits if I did.
Thanks to Laton for producing the Eindeckers, ( please make me a Swartzlose armed AIII please !! ) to Von S and his band of brothers for doing all the black majiks on the data files, also to Peter for doing all his hard work on FM's finally to Gambit, and to Von Deutchmark for making the skins that I can come along and modify.
Happy Fokker Scourging !!
unleashed history Red Baron
By Xharyuk
Fokker Dr.1 used to recreate the last flight of the Red Baron in the documentary program Unleashed History released in 2002 , of the channel Discovery Channel :P
Ernst Kessler 2.0 :D
By Xharyuk
the plane flown by Ernst Kessler in the movie the great waldo pepper :D
Black Falcon renovated
By Xharyuk
Black Falcon , the great villain in the movie Flyboys (2006)
Jagdgeschwader II Fokker D.VII Multi-Pack
By quack74
-------------- Jagdgeschwader II ---------------
Summer, 1918
Jasta's 12,13,15, and 19 Fokker D.VII's.
White, green, red, and yellow respectively.
This download contains all the the known skins of JG.II's fokker D.VII's
during the Summer and Fall of 1918. Each skin folder uses the pilots name or a destiguishing feature. So there really is no need for me to include a description in this readme. The skin folders are self explanatory.
MFJ.I, II, III D.VII skin pack
By quack74
Fokker D.VII 6-Pack
Marine-FeldJagdstaffeln I, II, III (September 1918)
a) Ltn.z.S Gothard Sachsenberg - Yellow and Black checkered fuselage
Commander of all Marine-FeldJadgstaffeln
b) One generic MFJ.I D.VII with single black stripe on both elevators
a) One generic MFJ.II D.VII with two black stripes on each elevator
a) Oblt. Franz Mayer - White fuselage with black diagonal bars along fuselage and three black stripes on elevators.
b) Ltn. Hans Goerth - White fuselage band with large black heart. Three black bands on elevators.
c) One generic MFJ.III D.VII with three black stripes on elevators.
MFJ.I - One black stripe on each elevator.
MFJ.II - Two Black stripes on each elevator.
MFJ.III - Three black Stripes on each elevator.
Enjoy, quack74
Jasta Boelcke - Summer/Autum 1918 Skin Pack
By quack74
This is a 12-Pack of Jasta Boelcke Fokker D.VII's in the Summer/Autum of 1918.
Sadly the pilots and serials are unknown
Only two can be identified AFAIK.
Oblt. Carl Bolle - Black fuselage with yellow band
Ltn. Alfred Lindenberg - Yellow and black striped fuselage
I fixed the rudder cross. It's now a little bigger and extends onto the tail fin
Jasta 26 Fokker D.VII Skin Pack
By quack74
Fokker D.VII's of Jasta 26 in the summer/Autum of 1918
Most are unidentified. Only five are known AFAIK
One generic Jasta 26 skin included.
Oblt. Bruno Loerzer - Black and white horizontal stripped upper wings and lower underside wings
Ltn. Otto Esswein - Large "E" on fuselage sides and center section of upper wings
Ltn. d R Franz Brandt - Thin black stripe
Ltn. Theodor Dahlmann - Winged helmut
Ltn Otto Fruhner - 4-F cross ( made to look like his Alb D.V)
I fixed the tail crosses on all the skins and added three more ace skins.
August Hartmann Jasta 30
By sinbad
Here's a little bit of fun for Halloween.
I first saw this D.VII marking in a German magazine published in the late 1930s. Later I found it had also been included in a Windsock Datafile Anthology vol III.
August Hartmann served late in the war with Jasta 30, after that unit had moved on from the Pfalz D.IIIa and the orange diamond markings that are probably better known than the yellow fuselage and tail seen here. Some believe the nose and tail colors were orange because the previous markings featured that color, but a British intelligence officer reported that the fuselage was brown and the nose and tail were yellow.
After only a few weeks service, Hartman was wounded and never had any confirmed victories, so, you can conclude that the witch either helped or saved him!
There are two files sets, one for FE and the other for FE2. Just drop the appropriate file set in the Objects folder and you should be good to go. Both the FE and FE2 file sets include Halloween Fokker D7 Loading screens. All you need to do to get rid of them is delete those files. If you have special loading screens for the D7, back those up before installing. If you rely on the stock loading screens, those will reappear as soon as you delete the special Halloween screens.
Photorealistic Fokker D.VII OAW
By Hansa
Here it is a "new" fokker with custom sound and cockpit side panels.
Just unzip the folder FokkerD7OAW in your Objects/Aircraft folder and copy BMW.wav to your Sounds folder.
Cockpit graphics by Stephen Honey
It was a dirty war over the front...
Have a good time !!!
P.S. I have included a Fokker Dr.1 skin with the tail fixed.
Jasta 19 w random skins for AI and personal use
By quack74
--- For First Eagles Gold ---
Fokker Dr.1's of Jasta 19.
This download is of the Jasta 19 Fokker Dr.1's with random personal markings.
I created a decal pack to help create some of the Jasta 19 ace's aircraft. They will appear at random.
Here is a list of who's planes you will encounter or use.
1. Ltn. Walter Gottsch - Staffelfuhrer - White upper wing with white swastika on fuselage.
2. Ltn. Hans Pippart - Yellow wings and black fuselage with yellow dots.
3. Ltn. Hans Korner - White zig-zag arrow on fuselage sides and top.
4. Ltn. Rudolf Rienau - White spiral band around fuselage.
5. Ltn. Arthur Rahn - Black fuselage band with white borders and white diamonds inside.
6. Unknown pilot - Wavy white line on fuselage sides.
7. Unknown pilot - X marking on fuselage sides.
8. Unknown pilot - Solid white bar along fuselage sides.
9. Unknown pilot - Black and white Fuselage Band aft of cockpit.
10.Unknown pilot - Black and white Fuselage Band with a large "4" on rear and top fuselage.
11.Unknown pilot - Solid yellow fuselage band.
12.Unknown pilot - Yellow fuselage band with two vertical black stripes.
13.Unknown pilot - White fuselage band with a black "P".
14.Unknown pilot - White triangle on fuselage sides and top.
15.Unknown pilot - white fuselage with yellow fuselage center and top deck
16. Jasta 19 stock skin with no markings.
There might be one or two that appear to have no personal markings.
Again this is all done with decals, not skin templates.
Enjoy, quack74
Josef Jacobs 3-Pack Dr.1's
By quack74
This is a skin pack of three more color schemes used by Josef Carl Jacobs of Jasta 7.
Fokker Dr.1 450/17 - Early with "Winged Devil" and Iron Crosses pre April 1918.
Fokker Dr.1 450/17 - Late all black with Baulkencruez crosses only mid summer 1918.
Fokker Dr.1 470/17 - Late style with all white crosses and black fuselage and wings mid summer 1918.
the numbers and the color schemes might be reversed. But no solid evidence exsists to prove otherwise.
A lot more in the readme file.
Enjoy, quack74
Werner Voss 103/17
By quack74
This is the skin of Fokker FI.103/17.
I would like to thank gumpy for the use of his original Werner Voss skin that has been posted in the FE download section back in '07. I used the wings and fuselage streaking effect created by gumpy. I created a new "face" on the front cowl, darkened the wheel discs to be more olive-brown, moved the white fuselage cross fields forward, and added the "Fok FI.103/17" to the lower fuselage sides. Also I have painted on all insignias and added a bit of wear and tear (weathering).
More in the "Readme" file
Enjoy, quack74
Jasta18 10 Pack
By quack74
This is a pack of 9 Fokker DVII's of Jasta 18
and 1 captured DH-4 colored in Jasta 18 markings.
These aircraft and their color schemes were used from March of 1918 to the end of the war. Commander of Jasta 18 was Ltn. August Raben.
The DH-4 was shot down sometime in mid 1918. It was captured intact and repaired. It was repainted in Jasta 18's red and white along with the Jasta marking of a black raven. Also reported was a captured late model SPAD. Also repaired and used in Jasta 18 colors. That SPAD is not included in this pack because I'm not a 100% sure of this.
1. Ltn. August Raben (commander of Jasta 18)
2. Ltn. Hans Muller
3. Ltn. Heinz Kustner
4. Ltn. Hans Shultz
5. Ltn. Gunther von Buren
6. Ltn. Kurt Monnington
7. Black Chevron - pilot unknown
8. Black Band - pilot unknown
9. Stock Jasta18 DVII repaint - white tail with black "raven"
The stock Jasta18 DVII appears like Ltn. Raben's all
red fuselage. This is not correct for Jasta 18.
10. DH-4 in Jasta 18 colors with black "raven"
Enjoy this pack. quack74
Fokker D.8 Pack with 4 color Lozenge
By Saltfiskur
This skin pack for the Fokker D.VIII for First Eagles
This is a Representation of several Fokker D.VIIIs 1918
They include;
Fok. D.VIII of Offz-Stv.Friedrich Altmeier (21 Victories) of Jasta 24.
Fok. D.VIII 132/18 of Jasta 24, pilot unknown.
also included is 2 Versions of a 4-color lozenge stock skin, one with the standard Olive-Green Wing color, and the other using the controversial wing-camo.
Special Thanks to Mike for the Fokker Font.
Please Enjoy!
Jasta 19 Dr.1 Tail fix and cross fields
By quack74
This is a pack of 14 Fokker Dr.1's of Jasta 19 done by quack74.
All these skins were previously posted here in the download section.
This pack will fix the tail sections of those skins. The Fuselage streaking now continues through the tail to the rudder. Also the lower wings will now have the white cross fields. In the readme I've explained how to add the cross fields to the stock Dr.1 Jastas and my other skins that don't already have them.
enjoy, quack74
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