122 files
Jasta 20 Ltn. Rudolf Wendelmuth
By quack74
Lt. Rudolf Wendelmuth of Jasta 20. Autum 1917.
Albatros D.V, 1111/17
Alb DVa Leutnant Walter Böning Jasta 19
By sinbad
This skin depicts the camo and markings on Albatros D.Va flown by Leutnant Walter Böning with Royal Prussian Jasta 19, his first assignment, where he downed 6 enemy aircraft between April and October 1917. It has often been misidentified as a plane he flew with Jata 76 later in his career. More than one source incorrectly suggests blue and white Jasta 76 markings (and I did a draft in those colors). Greg VanWyngarden and Bob Pearson both hold what I believe is the better view, rendered here, with the yellow and black horizontal stabilizer of Jasta 19 and red trim for the fuselage markings.
Lt Wolff Jasta 5 Dva
By sinbad
I did these a long time ago and then forgot about them after an illness.
Lt Wolf Jasta 5
This is perhaps the most colorful skin applied to a Jasta 5 Albatross. Obviously a Bavarian, Ltn.d.R. Wolf(f) served with Jasta 5 from 25Jun17 to 8Aug17 when he was sent to the hospital when some sources do report that he died..
The spelling of his last name is 'iffy', could be one or two "f's".
Wolff was credited with a victory on July 27th but first victory might have been obtained when he was a pilot with FFA 45 in Sept 1916.
In which case his first name might be Walter and he might have two victories.
Notes for update June 12, 2010 - I just re-discovered these files, which are a bit later than those previously posted. I have not examined them to determine why they were revised, but I obviously regarded these as improvements back in January 2009. This was a very challenging project that ran on over two years;many of the revisions were minor. So update your previous DL if you wish.
Walter Boning Jasta 76B
By sinbad
This skin depicts the camo and markings on Albatros D.Va flown by Leutnant Walter Böning commanding Royal Bavarian Jasta 76b in October 1917. After scoring a total of 17 victories, while flying an Albatross with different markings on 31 May 1918, he collided with another member of his squadron and was then attacked and wounded by 70 Sq RAF. He managed to land safely but never flew in combat again.
There is some uncertainty regarding the details. The result you see is entirely my own, and my time machine is no longer operational. This is an interpretation, a well-grounded interpretation, but certainly a mix of accuracy and flaws.
There are no decals for this skin set.
17-Pack of Albatros Models
By quack74
This is a mix of D.IIIOAW, D.V, and D.Va albatros skins. All with fairly accurate Jasta markings. Some models will share the same Jasta markings. This is so different planes can be used at the same time. Also they will match some of the Pfalz D.IIIa's done by me as well.
There are 17 skins in this download. Too many to list here. But it's all in the readme file inside.
Enjoy, quack74
Jasta 2 Alb DIII 8 pack
By quack74
This is an 8 pack of Albatros DIII's from Jasta Boelcke 1917.
1. Ltn. Werner Voss.
2. Gerhard Bassenge.
3. Ltn. Hermann Frommherz.
4. Ltn. Franz Pernet.
5. Ltn. Georg Noth.
6. Ltn. Otto Hunzinger.
7. Ltn. Johannes Wintrath.
8. Ltn. Wilhelm Prien.
Pics are inside each skin folder of the planes and pilots.
Added Ltn. von Tutschek --- Black band with white borders
Lightened up the blue on Frommherz's D.III
and added a stock Jasta 2 D.III.
Serial #'s for DIII, DIIIOAW, DV, DVa
By quack74
Here are accurate serial numbers for the Albatros models. They will appear on the vertical tail fin.
Numbers are for:
Alb D.V
Alb D.Va
Included with the serial numbers are the placement coordinates that go into the skins' Decal.ini file.
It's all in the readme file. The install instructions are for FEG. For FE2 installs check in the Combatace forums for help.
I'm not using FE2 just yet.
Alb D.V Kest8w
By quack74
This is a generic skin of Kest8w Albatros D.V fighters.
Kest8 was a Home Defense unit. Good for attacking incoming bombers.
Could be used with Pfalz D.IIIa kest8w fighters also done by quack74.
Jasta 11 D.III's
By quack74
--- For First Eagles Gold ---
Albatros D.III's of Jasta 11.
This download is of the Jasta 11 Albatros D.III's with the all red fuselages. Implimented late April 1917 to July 1917. The idea was to help Manfred von Richthofen's all red D.III blend in with the rest of the pack. Since there was a price on his head, his fellow airmen of Jasta 11 thought it might be a good idea if he wasn't the only "red" target. but each had an individual touch.
So I created a decal pack to help create some of the Jasta 11 ace's aircraft of this time period. They will appear at random and even von Richthofens D.III will appear as well. He might not be the lead plane, but he'll be in there.
Here is a list of who's planes you will encounter or use.
1. Manfred von Richthofen "Rittmeister" of Jasta 11 - All red fuselage with over-painted markings.
2. Karl Allmenroder - White nose and spinner with white elevators.
3. Kurt Wolff - Green nose and spinner with green elevators and light blue wheel discs.
4. Karl Emil Schafer - Rear fuselage and complete tail section all black.
5. Georg Simon - A pale green band around fuselage just aft the cockpit.
6. Hans Wolff - An orange band around fuselage just aft the cockpit.
7. Otto Brauneck - Blue nose and spinner with blue elevators.
8. Lothar von Richthofen - Yellow nose and spinner with yellow elevators and rudder.
The others you might see are unknowns and made up by me.
There will be some that appear to have no personal markings but will have the iron crosses on the fuselage sides and the tail section. I made these with crosses to make them different than Manfred von Richthofens plane. His plane will be the ONLY one with no personal markings and no fuselage and tail crosses.
More in the readme file.
Enjoy, quack74
Jasta 11 D.V 10 Pack
By quack74
This is a pack of 10 Albatros D.V's of Jasta 11 around mid to late 1917.
Only a few are known to be correct. The others are close. I added a couple of generic Jasta 11 skins. One with Lozenge fabric and the other with two tone (purple and green).
1. RichthofenM
2. Lothar von Richthofen
3. Ltn. Carlos Meyer
4. Ltn. Hans Carl von Linsingen
5. Ltn. Franz Muller
6. Ltn. Carl August Schonebeck
7. Green and Black Band - Pilot unknown and color(?)
8. J11 Red Tail - Pilot unknown
9. J11 Lozenge Camo - generic skin
10. Jasta11 two-tone camo - generic skin
The Readme file contains more info.
Enjoy, quack74
Jasta 32b 3-pack
By quack74
This is an Albatros DV flown by Vzfw Frans Schmid of Jasta 32b.
Sometime in mid to late 1917.
Also included are two generic Jasta 32b DV's.
1. Lozenge wings with black tail and white rudder
2. Green and purple wings with black tail and white rudder
Enjoy, quack74
Jasta 11 Ltn. Hans Hintsch? D.III
By quack74
This Albatros D.III is possibly D.2016/16 Piloted by either
Lt.Constantin Krefft or Lt.Hans Hintsch.
I just chose Ltn. Hintsch. 50/50 guess:)
It appears in the foreground of a famous Jasta 11 lineup at Roucourt, France, April 1917. Its serial number is censored in the photograph.
The number appears to be 2016/17 which would make it Ltn. Hans Hintch's D.III.
He Flew this Albatros D.III and shot down Sopwith triplane on 23rd May 1917. He was KIA on 24 May 1917.
Enjoy, quack74
P.S. Use this skin with WarlordATF's Jasta 11 DIII skin pack found in the CombatAce download section.
Jasta 12 DV's w darker purple
By quack74
Here are 11 Albatros D.V's of Jasta 12 in early summer 1917.
This pack is the same as the one already posted at CombatAce, except for the darkened purple camo on the wing surfaces. You decide which you like better.
Also I included the stock Jasta 12 DV with the dark purple paint.
They can be used along with quack74's Albatros D.III's of Jasta 12.
Jasta 12 used a few D.III's until mid summer 1917.
The one folder named "Criss Cross" has a stock light blue fuselage but I did include another .bmp with a white fuselage. Couldnt make up my mind. Shown in a line-up photo along side Schobingers D.V, it is one of the two.
These are just from the summer and fall of 1917. Late 1917 to 1918 had different personal markings all together. I had to draw a line somewhere:)
Enjoy, quack74
Jasta 23b 2-pack
By quack74
This is a 2-pack of Jasta 23b Albatros DV's.
France late 1917 to 1918
1. Ltn. Ludwig Hanstein (Red Star)
2. White triangle w black border (pilot unknown)
Use these along with the other Jasta23b skins by quack74
Enjoy, quack74
Jasta 32b D.V 3-Pack
By quack74
This is a 3-Pack of Albatros D.V's of Jasta 32b in summer 1917.
1. Ltn. Hans Auer - (Shooting Star on fuselage sides w blk and wht nose stripes)
2. Ltn. Rudolf Windisch - (entire fuselage striped in blk and wht with 6 point stars on the upperwings)
3. A generic Jasta 32b D.V - (All black tail and fin with wht rudder)
I know there are more photos of J32b D.V's out there. I just dont have them. So if anyone has any other photos throw me a PM and I'll be more than happy to do those skins
Enjoy, quack74
Jasta 12 D.V 10-Pack
By quack74
Here are 10 Albatros D.V's of Jasta 12 in early summer 1917.
They can be used along with quack74's Albatros D.III's of Jasta 12.
Jasta 12 used a few D.III's until mid summer 1917.
These are just from the summer and fall of 1917. Late 1917 to 1918 had different personal markings all together. I had to draw a line somewhere
1. Oblt. Adolf Ritter von Tutschek - (All black fuselage)
2. Paul Billik - (Black swastika on white cross field)
3. Ltn. Carl Meierdirks - (thin blk band w square shape on fuse sides)
4. Ltn. Viktor Schobinger - (Long light blue eliptical shape on fuse sides)
5. Ltn. Friedrich Hochstetter - (three black circles stacked in a pyrimid)
6. J12 6 Point Star - (A 6 pointed blk and wht star on fuse sides)
7. J12 Criss Cross - (Zig-Zagging lines along mid fuse to the nose)
note: Fuselage could be light blue or white.
8. J12 Black Band - ( A black band that wraps around mid fuselage)
9. J12 White Band - ( A White band that wraps around mid fuselage)
10. J12 Castle - ( A black castle like marking on the fuselage sides)
Jasta 12 DIII skin pack
By quack74
This is a 5-pack of Jasta 12 Albatros D.III's.
Sometime after April, 1917 is when they adopted the black tail and white nose with black ring.
1. Oblt. Adolf von Tutsheck - (All black)
2. Ltn. Oskar Muller - (Black and white chevron)
3. Wavy Black Line -
4. Three point star -
5. German Jasta 12 - Generic
All can be used in conjuction with quack74's Albatros D.V's of Jasta 12. Jasta 12 used a mix of D.III's and D.V's until mid summer of 1917.
Enjoy 'em, quack74
Jasta 5 Alb.D.Va 6 Pack
By Saltfiskur
Here is an additional Jasta 5 pack, adding Albatros D.Va schemes-
They include;
-Alb. D.Va of Vzfw. Jupp Cremer - 1 Victory
-Alb. D.Va of Ltn.d.R. Wilhelm Gürke - KIA on Mar.10, 1918 over Honnecourt.
-Alb. D.Va of Ltn. Hans von Hippel - 2 victories, this was the 4th and last version of his famous blitz markings
-Alb. D.Va of Fldw. Martin Klein
-Alb. D.Va of Vzfw. Josef Mai- This D.Va was fitted with Siemens Werke experimental motor machine guns, capable of firing 1400 rounds per minute. Rumey also recieved a machine marked with the 'old bone' motif.
-Alb. D.Va of Ltn. Hans Schlömer - 4 Victories
Please Enjoy!
Jasta 26 Alb D.V 4-Pack
By quack74
This is a 4-Pack of Jasta 26 Albatros D.V's
The lozenge camo has been colored differently. And salmon colored rib taping being added.
1. Oblt. Bruno Loerzer DV D.2299/17
2. Ltn. Otto Fruhner DV D.2329/17
3. Swastika marking Unknown serial and pilot
4. Stock Jasta26 DV with changed lozenge color
Too me the stock lozenge camo seemed too dark. So I added a little more color to brighten it up.
Also use the TextureSets I included for a more glossy reflective finish.
Enjoy, quack74
Jasta 5 Alb. D.V 16 Pack
By Saltfiskur
This skin pack for the Albatros D.V for First Eagles
This is a Representation of several D.Vs of Jasta 5
They include;
Alb. D.V of Vzfw.Richard Dilcher
Alb. D.V of Oblt.Richard Flashar
Alb. D.V of Ltn.Hans von Hippel
Alb. D.V of Ltn.Hans von Hippel (Blitz)
Alb. D.V of Vzfw.Otto Könnecke
Alb. D.V of Ltn.Wilhelm Lehmann
Alb. D.V of Offz-Stv.Hans Löwensen
Alb. D.V of Ltn.Josef Mai
Alb. D.V of Ltn.Rudolf Mattaei
Alb. D.V of Ltn.Walter Neisen
Alb. D.V of Ltn.Fritz Oppenhorst
Alb. D.V of Offz-Stv.Alfred Strum
Alb. D.V White Horse - Unknown pilot
Alb. D.V EK II Stripe - Unknown pilot
Alb. D.V Red Band - Unknown pilot
Alb. D.V White Band - Unknown pilot
For more historical accuracy, these are skinned as Albatros D.V, rather than D.Va.
Please Enjoy!
AlbD3 8-pack Jasta 30
By quack74
This is an 8 pack of Albatros D.III's of Jasta 30 early in 1917.
Their airfield at this time was Phalempin.
1. Ltn. Joachim von Bertrab - (black fuselage)
2. Vfw. Hans Oberlander - (an "O" with chevron)
3. Ltn. Oskar Seitz - (an "S" and blue diamond vertical stabilizer)
4. Ltn. Heinrich Brugmann - ( a "Br" on fuselage sides)
5. Ltn. Otto Fuchs - OAW D.III - (fox chasing a cock)
6. J30 Star - (a three pointed red and yellow star)
7. J30 white Sash - (a thin diagonal white sash on fuselage sides)
8. J30 Red Oval - (a sun with flames on the fuselage sides)
Ltn. Otto Fuchs skin is for the AlbatrosD3OAW.
Enjoy, quack74
Albatros D.Va J62 Ltn. Näther
By Saltfiskur
This skin for the Albatros D.Va for First Eagles
This is a Representation of Alb.D.Va of Ltn. Max Näther (26 Victories) of Jasta 62. One of the youngest German fighter pilots of the war, Näther was by July 1918 staffelführer of Jasta 62 at 18 Years old, and was nominated for the Blue Max. He was later killed on 8 June, 1919 during the border conflict with Poland. 10 of his victories were Ballons.
Please Enjoy!
Albatros D.Va J61 Vzfw. Jentsch
By Saltfiskur
This skin for the Albatros D.Va for First Eagles
This is a Representation of Alb.D.Va 2343/17 of Vzfw. Kurt Jentsch (7 Victories) of Jasta 61.
Please Enjoy!
Albatros D.Va J59 Ltn. Lehmann
By Saltfiskur
This skin for the Albatros D.Va for First Eagles
This is a Representation of Alb.D.Va 7352/17 attributed to Ltn. Lehmann, Jasta 59.
Please enjoy!
Albatros D.Va J58 Ltn.Demisch
By Saltfiskur
This skin for the Albatros D.Va for First Eagles
This is a Representation of Alb.D.Va 7024/17 of Ltn. Martin Demisch (10 Victories), Jasta 58. Ltn. Demisch proved adept at Balloon Busting, accounting for 5 of his total victories. He was later shot down by SE5as of 40 Sqdn. on 24 Sep 1918 near Abancourt.
Please enjoy!
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