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Other Entente Aircraft Skins

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Other Entente Aircraft Skins

51 files

  1. Airco DH.2 - 14 Squadron, RFC (Palestine) 1917

    Airco DH.2
    14 Squadron, RFC (Palestine) 1917
    Obsolete on the Western Front by 1917, this little pusher fighter/scout still filled a useful role fighting the Turks.
    I've changed the insignia (no white surround), fixed up the damaged wing tga and included an alternative DH2_Loading file.
    Full credit to Aladar for this terrific model. With the exception of the main surfaces, I have retained much of the detail of his original skin. When you can't improve on it, don't try.


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  2. Airco DH.2 - 29 Squadron, RFC 1916

    Airco DH.2
    29 Squadron, RFC 1916 (Update)
    This squadron went to France in March 1916 and was the second unit to have the DH.2. It transferred to Nieuport Scouts in March 1917.
    This skin now includes the wheel colours, and individual aircraft marking for the three flights. The upper wings have been darkened and the struts paint the appropriate grey.
    Full credit to Aladar for this terrific model. With the exception of the main surfaces, I have retained much of the detail of his original skin. When you can't improve on it, don't try.


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  3. Airco DH.2 - 32 Squadron, RFC 1916

    Airco DH.2
    32 Squadron, RFC 1916
    Each Flight has different pattern of concentric circles on the wheels.
    Full credit to Aladar for this terrific model. With the exception of the main surfaces, I have retained much of the detail of his original skin. When you can't improve on it, don't try.


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  4. Latons Bristol M1C Repaint by M-M

    Thanks to Laton for this stunning little aircraft, always been one of my favorites, and for his kind permission to upload it here.
    Well its not really a real repaint, just brightened her up some to show the lovely modelling. Was'nt aware of it till asking for his blessings, but this was Latons first model..pretty darned impressive I must admit.
    Hope you enjoy it, she struts quite nicely in the new clothes M-M


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  5. Italian SVA5 "70a" Squadriglia

    This is a generic skin for the Italian SVA5.
    It represents the 70a Squadriglia in 1918.
    used on the Autro-Hugarian front.
    Thanks Laton for this model and the original skin.
    This new skin and skin only done by quack74.
    Enjoy, quack74


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  6. Italian SVA5 "87a" Squadriglia

    This is the Italian 87a Squadriglia 1918.
    Used in the Austro-Hungarian fronts.
    There are three styles included.
    1. Plain finish with side banner.
    2. Star spotted tail with side banner.
    3. White Tail with side banner.
    All three styles were mixed in to the Squadriglia as personal markings.
    I think .
    well enjoy them, quack74


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  7. Airco DH-4 skin pack

    This is a pack of multiple DH-4 skins from different Squadrons in France from 1917-1918.
    No. 49 - "B" and "C" flight included
    No. 18 - "B" and "C" flight included
    No. 55
    5 RNAS
    No.50 USAS
    Thanks to the SPF1 Dev A-Team for the model and the permission to do the skin work.
    You can find the model of the DH-4 at: http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
    Password is needed to download.


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  8. 1ère Escadrille de Chasse Sous-Lieutenant Jean Olieslager's Hanriot HD1, H-D No.8

    This skin was created for EmlD's Hanriot HD1 (found here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=5730 and features overall silver/grey appearance with green uppersurfaces, engine-turned nose panels, integral (i.e., non-decal) Aviation Militaire Belge markings, and tri-colored stripes on the fuselage. Details include rib stitching, trailing edge drain holes, instrument panel that matches the VC instrument panel, and fluted Vickers barrel. As were many Belgian machines, this Hanriot was operated in a near-pristine condition until pranged 4 November 1917, an event which hospitalized Olieslagers for one month.
    Please see the PLEASE READ ME for further information.


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  9. Morane Saulnier Type H in belgian colours

    Hi Folks,
    this is the Morane Saulnier Type H in belgian colours.
    A hangar and a loading screen is attached as well.
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Hermann the Hun


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  10. Eastern Front - Skins for Stock Planes

    This is a few skins for the Eastern Front - I have included two balloons for the Russians, based on the two balloons that come with First Eagles. And I have made three skins each for the stock SPAD 7 and the SPAD 13.
    The Caquot style balloon was pretty common in WWI so I made one for the Russians. The kite style balloon (the "Drachen" balloon in the game) was also a common balloon and the Russians purchased several of them from the Parseval-Siegsfeld Company in Germany before the war.
    The plane skins are a slight rework of the stock tan skins, most of the change is in the decal placements. I have included decals for some of the Russian squadrons, and I eliminated squadron markings and flight numbers. (One of the SPAD 7 skins uses the SPAD 13 serial numbers because I couldn't find the SPAD 7 numbers in FE Gold.)
    The plane skins should work with any of the modded SPADs that use the stock LODs from First Eagles.
    The actual skins for each plane are the same, so to save download time, I only included one set with each plane. You will have to copy the 6 bmp files and paste them into the other two folders for each plane.


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  11. Eastern Front - Skins for 3 of Laton's Planes

    A set of skins and some file tweaks by Sinbad and Stephen1918 for Laton's MS Type H, MS Type L and Pfalz E.III. You must have Laton's planes in order for these to work.
    This download includes - skins for the Eastern front for all the planes - new loadouts, which place the bombs alongside the fuselage for the MS Type L and the Pfalz E.III - a new unarmed version of the MS Type L - new ini files for all the planes which update the way shadows are generated - and new Loading and Hanger screens for all the planes.
    Installation instructions:
    If you haven't already, download and install the three planes from the CombatACE Download area. (The MS Type L and the Pfalz E.III are each part of a combo pack.)
    After the planes are installed, make a copy of the entire "MSTypeL" folder and rename it "MSTypeL_Recon". You will be installing new ini files for this folder later.
    My install will replace some of the original files - you might want to make backups before you proceed.
    For FE1 - Open each of my plane folders and copy the contents into the appropriate folders in your FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Click "Yes" when it asks if you want to replace an existing file.
    For FE2 - Open each of my plane folders and copy the contents into the appropriate folders in your FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Click "Yes" when it asks if you want to replace an existing file.


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  12. Decals for Post War Nations

    Fighting continued in Eastern Europe and Russia for many years after the end of World War I. These decals are the insignia of many of the nations that were formed in the closing days of the war. Most of them fought against the Bolsheviks in the Russian Civil Wars, but many of them also fought each other at one time or another.
    I have included decals for - Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, and Yugoslavia.
    Many nations did not have standardized insignia at first and I have included variations for many of the nations. I have included a text document with notes on how and when they were used. To use these, you will probably need to tweak the decal ini's for existing planes. How and when insignia are reversed on opposite sides of the plane changes from nation to nation, and the horizontal tail stripes will need to be adjusted.
    Terms of Use
    You may use these decals for your own personal use.
    You may include these decals with any skins you upload for First Eagles at Combat Ace. Please give me credit.
    You may NOT include these decals with skins you upload at any other site.


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  13. "Wood and Linen" skin for Anatra DS

    New "Wood and Linen" skin for excellent AnatraDS_"Anasal" by Stephen1918.
    I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft.


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  14. Skin pack for Caudron G4

    New skin pack for excellent Caudron G4 by Stephen1918.
    Skinpack included two skins with french and russian paint schemes.
    I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft.


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  15. Skin for Airco DH-4s

    Skin for excellent Airco DH4s by Stephen1918/
    You can use this skin for AircoDH4_250 and AircoDH4_375 aircraft.
    I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft.


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    1 comment


  16. Airco DH.2 - 24 Squadron, RFC 1916

    Airco DH.2
    24 Squadron, RFC 1916
    24 Squadron was unusual in that it identified individual aircraft by a pattern of coloured stripes on the outer struts. While only A Flight (red and while) is usually depicted in plates, B Flight (black and white) and C Flight (blue and white) are also represented in this skin set.
    I'm not sure whether this skin will cause problems for older slower computers. There are 8 decals on the struts alone.
    Full credit to Aladar for this terrific model. With the exception of the main surfaces, I have retained much of the detail of his original skin. When you can't improve on it, don't try.


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  17. Bristol F2b Repaint 3-Pack

    This is a skin repaint ONLY add-on to the Bristol F2b created by the SFP1 Dev A-Team's Skunkworks.
    Thanks to Capun1950 for permission to use the skin template.
    This skin was created by quack74. Not for profit nor intent to sell. Only as a download for those who are registered at SFP1 A-Teams Skunkworks site, (http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/) and have downloaded the F2b.
    This is just some quick repaints for the F2b. All decals are still the stock decals.
    All have dark olive (PC10) wings and fuselages. One has red wheel discs and the other blue wheel discs. The third uses the stock wheels.
    1. RAF Red
    2. RAF Blue
    3. RAF (Stock with PC10 repaint)
    Enjoy, quack74


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  18. Ivan V . Smirnov-RAS

    This is a skin for the moraneN, it depicts the plane flown by Ivan V . Smirnov of the Russian Air Service-19th Corps Detatchment September 1917 he had 11 confirmed victories.It is just a repaint of one of the skins that comes with Vernon "p10ppy" Bowden's wonderful plane available at CombatAce.I tried to get in touch with him, I messaged him and sent him a email but to no avail.I hope he is well and approves of this skin.I would also like to thank him for the plane mod it is one of my favorite First Eagles planes.


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  19. F2B's of No.11 Squadron

    This F2B 3-pack is from No.11 Squadron France 1917-1918.
    1. "A" Flight - white wheels and numbers
    2. "B" Flight - Red wheels and letters
    3. "C" Flight - Blue wheels and letters
    Thanks to Southside Bucky for the fine tuning
    Thanks to Capun1950 for permission to use the skin template.
    And thanks to the entire SFP1 A-Team for providing the F2b model.
    This skin and decals were created by quack74. Not for profit nor intent to sell. Only as a download for those who are registered at SFP1 A-Teams Skunkworks site,(http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/) and have downloaded the Bristol F2B to use with First Eagles.
    Enjoy, quack74


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  20. No. 202 Squadron DH-4 2-pack

    Thanks to the SFP1 A-Team SkunkWorks and Capun1950 for the DH-4 model and permission to use the skin template.
    This DH-4 skin pack is from No.202 Squadron France 1918. Flown in the Flanders region around Northern Belgium. Previously 2RNAS before the creation of the RAF.
    1. Serial N-5779 (lightning bolt on fuselage sides). I dont know the pilot or observer.
    2. A generic No.202 Squadron skin (red and white wheel discs and white nose lettering with red shadowing.
    There are a few different versions of the DH-4 according to engine and date. They are available in the FE forum section thanks to Panama Red and Sinbad I believe. Goes back a few months. But place these skins in any folder you wish. you may only have the one DH-4 folder anyway.
    Enjoy, quack74


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  21. DH-2's of No.24 Squadron 1916

    This download contains a new skin for the DH-2 created by John 'Aladar' Dawson for First Eagles.
    I would like to thank John 'Aladar' Dawson for this great model. And I would like to thank Southside Bucky for sharing
    his expansive knowledge of the DH-2 colors and markings.
    This new skin for the DH-2 is that of No.24 Squadron from early 1916 to early 1917.
    "A" Flight - Red wheel discs with red and white striped outer wing struts.
    "B" Flight - Black wheel discs with black and white striped outer wing struts.
    "C" Flight - Blue Wheel discs with blue and white striped outer wing struts.
    The flight leader to all three flights will have a solid color on one of the outer struts.
    ex. The first aircraft in "A" Flight will have a solid red outer strut on the left side and right side.
    while the other strut remains striped.
    This is all done with decals to create the appearance of multiple skins of No.24 Sqn DH-2's
    There is only one main skin included.
    Enjoy, quack74
    I updated the skin in this package. Now the underside of the fuselage has a white sawtooth pattern rather than the tan "dope" color


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  22. DH-2's of No.32 Squadron

    These install instruction are for First Eagles Gold. For First Eagles 2 install instruction look in the
    Combatace First Eagles Forums for assistance.
    This download contains a new skin for the DH-2 created by John 'Aladar' Dawson for First Eagles.
    I would like to thank John 'Aladar' Dawson for this great model.
    And I would like to thank Southside Bucky for sharing his expansive knowledge of the DH-2 colors
    and markings.
    This new skin for the DH-2 is that of No.32 Squadron from early 1916 to early 1917.
    "A" Flight - Black wheel discs with white ring around hub with letter "A" on upper wing.
    "B" Flight - White wheel discs with black ring around hub and letter"B" on the upper wing.
    "C" Flight - Black wheel discs with a white center hub with letter"C" on upper wing.
    The flight leader to all three flights will have a number "1" to the right of the flight letter.
    ex. The first aircraft in "A" Flight will have a " A 1" then "A 2" "A 3" etc, etc.
    This is all done with decals to create the appearance of multiple skins of No.32 Sqn DH-2's
    There is only one main skin included.
    Enjoy, quack74


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  23. Bristol Scouts C, C1, D, D1 skin pack

    This is a skin pack for the Bristol Scout models C1, C, D1, D.
    Thanks to Capun1950 for permission to use the skin template. And thanks to the entire SFP1 A-Team for providing the Bristol Scout models models.
    These skins and decals were created by quack74. Not for profit nor intent to sell. Only as a download for those who are registered at SFP1 A-Teams Skunkworks site,(http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/) and have downloaded the Bristol Scout models.
    These Bristol Scouts are from early 1916 to early 1917.
    The folder names pretty much explain the squadron names. I dont know any other info on Scout squadrons and their markings.


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  24. IRAS Morane N Skin Set

    Morane Saulner N
    This is a skin set for use with the excellent Eastern Front Campaign recently released by Stephen1918. The Morane N, one of my favorite 3rd party models, was originally released by P1oppy over 5 years ago, and rivals the best Third Wire planes for detail. It is a special ride, with a special gun, 8mm Hotchkiss and a propellor with deflector blades. The Imperial Russian Air Service bought about two dozen Morane Ns from France and most went to aristocrats, such Smirnoff. In addition to Smirnoff's plane there are three others, Nikolai Kokorin, who flew with the 4th KAO, and two generics, a CDL and one from the “Air Ships Squadron” whose primary duties were to escort Russian airships and the giant Ilya Murometz bombers.
    I include the most recent FM by Peter01, as well as the original FM, and the original installation instructions. There are no decals, but there are special sounds for the Hoptchkiss, and some special FX, such as the ribbon streamers that load as “Weapons.” I confess I don't use those, but they are there and you can select them from the loadout screen as “FLT LDR.” When I reinstalled the plane for the Eastern Front Campaign Beta test, I had problems getting the Hotchkiss sound to run. I thought putting the wav file in the sounds folder would do it but it didn't. I needed to install the SOUNDLIST.ini in the Flight folder. The Peter01 FM calls for the Rotary Engine sound while the original FM calls up the lerhone, both are in the sounds folder and you can choose the one you want. The file structure in this release is set up for FE2, but if you follow the original instructions, you can install in FE1 or the other variants of the game.
    Eastern Front Morane N Hangar and Loading screens are included to help with immersion. This skins set brings together the work of some of the best modders to work on First Eagles, Stephen1918, P10ppy and Peter01. They all deserve our thanks.


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  25. AnatraDS Russian skin

    New skin for excellent AnatraDS_"Anasal" by Stephen1918.
    I tried to add some "photorealistic" textures for more impressive image of this aircraft.
    Don't forget to add to AnatraDS "ini" files:


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