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Other Central Powers Aircraft

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38 files

  1. Halberstadt CL.II

    The Halberstadt CL.II was a German, 2 seat fighter/escort plane. The CL.II was designed to be an escort for reconnaissance flights. Its excellent maneuverability made it a match for single seat fighters and its field of fire made it an excellent ground attack plane. It entered service in August 1917 and was used in large numbers until the end of the war.
    The Halberstadt CL.II had a plywood fuselage and was powered by a six-cylinder Mercedes D.III engine. It had a 7.92mm Spandau machine gun in the front fuselage for the pilot and a 7.92mm Parabellum gun on a ring mount for the observer. It could also carry a light bomb load. My version has a rack for 10 stick grenades mounted on the fuselage.
    My download includes a hex camo skin, appropriate decals, and a fully functional cockpit. My skinning templates are included with the download.
    I have included a sound file for the Mercedes D.III engine. The same sound has been used with other planes and you may already have it installed. I have included the sound file with the download in case you don't have it.

    My thanks to Ojcar for making the data file for the Halberstadt CL.II and for making improvements to the guns.
    My thanks to Nixou for making the sound file for the Mercedes engine many years ago.

    Installation Instructions
    For FE1 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "HalberstadtCL2" into your FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder.
    If you don't already have it, move the sound file "mercedes160m2.wav" from my "Sounds" into your "Sounds" folder. 

    For FE2 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "HalberstadtCL2" into your FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "HalberstadtCL2." Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/HalberstadtCL2 folder into the Decals/HalberstadtCL2 folder you just made. 
    If you don't already have it, move the sound file "mercedes160m2.wav" from my "Sounds" into your "Sounds" folder. If you don't have a Sounds folder, you can make one.


       (2 reviews)



  2. Aviatik-Berg D.I (Early)

    Designed by Julius von Berg for the Aviatik company, the D.I was the first fighter completely built in Austria. The Berg was light and maneuverable, and after structural problems in the early models were overcome, it became a good combat plane.
    Early versions of the plane had the two Schwarzlose machine guns mounted low on each side of the engine. This is the early version of the plane. This download includes a new cockpit as well as a modified fuselage. Ojcar has made a completely new FM to reflect the different flight characteristics of this plane.
    I have included a basic skin and my skinning templates. I highly recommend the skins made by Quack74, available at CombatACE as a separate download. This plane has an extra piece that was not included in Quack's skins, I have included a skin to match Quack's skins which you will need to add to each skin folder.
    My thanks to Ojcar for making the FM. And thanks to Nix for making the engine sound file.
    Installation Instructions
    For FE1 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "AviatikD1_Early" into the "Aircraft" folder in the FirstEagles/Objects folder. This file uses the same sound file as the original AviatikD1. If you did not install that plane then you will also need to move the sound file "Austro-daimler200.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.
    For FE2 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "AviatikD1_Early" into the "Aircraft" folder in the FirstEagles/Objects folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "AviatikD1_Early". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/AviatikD1_Early folder into the Decals/AviatikD1_Early folder you just made. This file uses the same sound file as the original AviatikD1. If you did not install that plane then you will also need to move the sound file "Austro-daimler200.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.


       (3 reviews)



  3. Aviatik-Berg D.I

    Aviatik-Berg D.IDesigned by Julius von Berg for the Aviatik company, the D.I was the first fighter completely built in Austria. The Berg was light and maneuverable, and after structural problems in the early models were overcome, it became a good combat plane.
    Although nimble, reasonably fast, and able to reach higher altitudes than many of the planes it fought, the Aviatik D.I was prone to overheating. Many pilots flew with the engine cover panels removed, so I built this plane without the engine cover.
    Early versions of the plane had the two Schwarzlose machine guns mounted low on each side of the engine. Later versions put the guns higher and within reach of the pilot to make it easier to clear jammed guns. This is a later version with the guns firing through tubes under the manifolds and projecting through the radiator.
    I have included a basic skin along with my skinning templates. I highly recommend the skins made by Quack74, available at CombatACE as a separate download.
    Revision 1 - June 12, 2011It appears that I made the original about 20% too large. I have rescaled the plane to the correct size, this involved making some changes in and around the cockpit. Since I was revising the cockpit, I put the correct guns in this version (Schartzlose instead of Spandau.) I have also included the FM written by ojcar, and the sound for the Austro-Daimler engine made by Nix.This version includes all new LODs, new data file, new cockpit ini, and new decal ini. If you have downloaded the previous version, it would be easiest to just delete the whole folder and replace it with this version.
    Revision 2 - September 20, 2011I have added a complete set of letter decals so you can set a flight letter in the Loadout screen, or the game will randomly assign a different letter to each plane. There will also be a different serial number randomly assigned to each plane as well.
    Revision 3 - June 5, 2012I have made slight changes to the model, especially in the rigging. This revision has all new LODs. Ojcar has made changes to the FM to work with the new model. All the decals are the same as before.
    Installation Instructions - New install
    For FE1 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "AviatikD1" into the "Aircraft" folder in the FirstEagles/Objects folder. You also need to move the sound file "Austro-daimler200.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.
    For FE2 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "AviatikD1" into the "Aircraft" folder in the FirstEagles/Objects folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "AviatikD1". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/AviatikD1 folder into the Decals/AviatikD1 folder you just made.You also need to move the sound file "Austro-daimler200.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.
    Installation Instructions - Update existing install
    For both FE1 and FE2 - Delete the following files and replace them with the new versions: All the LOD files and OUT files - you are deleting three of each and replacing them with four of each. The OUT files are optional and not necessary for the game. AviatikD1.ini - the new one makes use of the extra LOD.AviatikD1_DATA.INI - The new one uses the new rigging and is slightly more compact than the original.Everything else is the same as in the Revision 2 download.


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  4. Anatra C.I

    This version includes a new FM made by ojcar.
    When the Ukrainian city of Odessa was occupied by Austria-Hungary early in 1918, the Anatra factory was found intact and production of the Anatra DS was continued as the "Anatra C.I". Many of the first Austrian versions had the Austrian cross painted over the Russian insignia.
    The Anatra C.I was used mostly for training, but some were used for reconnaissance, as a fighter and light bomber. Many of them survived the war and were used in the fighting in Eastern Europe after the end of World War I.
    In version 2 - I have created a separate version for the Austrian plane, with a Schwarzlose machine gun and German bombs in the loadout. There are two Austrian skins, one with crosses painted over the Russian roundels, and one with standard insignia. (I have also included a postwar Yugoslav skin, because I like the insignia.) I have included my skinning templates for those who want make their own skins.
    In version 3 - Ojcar has made a new FM for the plane. I have refined the wings and added some details. I created a new cockpit with German gauges and machine gun. I made two Austrian skins for the plane and I kept the Yugoslav skin, because I like the insignia. I have included my skinning templates for those who want make their own skins.
    Historical Notes:
    The serial numbers are fictitious. I found several sources which said that Anatras carried a machine gun mounted on the fuselage for the pilot. I couldn't find any details of the mounting, so I guessed where it might be located.
    My thanks to Ojcar once again for making a new data.ini file for this plane.
    Installation instructions:
    This revision replaces previous versions. If you have an older version, please delete it, then install the new version.
    For FE1: Unzip the file and move the folder named "AnatraC1" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. 
    For FE2: Unzip the file and move the folder named "AnatraC1" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "AnatraC1". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/AnatraC1 folder into the Decals/AnatraC1 folder you just made. 


       (1 review)



  5. Siemens-Schuckert D.I

    The German Siemens-Schuckert D.I was a direct copy of captured Nieuport 17s. The most important difference was in the engine. The Siemens Schuckert Werke (SSW) D.I used a geared Siemens-Halske Sh.I engine which produced 1800rpm. The spinner nose and open bottom cowling were necessary to help cool the engine. A bigger prop required a taller landing gear.
    Problems with engine production delayed the release of the SSW D.I. The Albatros D.III was already available by the time the SSW reached the front. The Albatros was a much superior plane, and was less likely to be mistaken for a French plane. The SSW D.I only served for a short time on the Western Front, they served longer on the Eastern front.
    My Siemens-Schuckert D.I includes a three color camo skin, a full set of number decals, a fully functional cockpit, and damage nodes for the wings. My skinning templates and a sound file for the engine are included in the download.

    Historical Notes:
    I do not have a sound file for the Siemens-Halske Sh.I engine, I am using Nixou's sound for the Le Rhône 110 hp engine instead.

    My thanks to Ojcar once again for making the excellent data.ini file for this plane.
    My thanks to Nixou for making the sound file for the Le Rhône 110 hp engine.

    Installation instructions:
    For FE1: Unzip the file and move the folder named "SiemensSchuckertD1" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. If you don't already have it, move the file named "Lerhone110m1" from my Sounds folder into your Sounds folder.
    For FE2: Unzip the file and move the folder named "SiemensSchuckertD1" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "SiemensSchuckertD1". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/SiemensSchuckertD1 folder into the Decals/SiemensSchuckertD1 folder you just made. If you don't already have it, move the file named "Lerhone110m1" from my Sounds folder into your Sounds folder.


       (5 reviews)



  6. Taube (grenade armed)

    This version of the Taube is armed with a handful of grenades instead of a rifle. many thanks to all the people who worked on the original Taube and a special thanks to Stephen1918 who was kind enough to make time to alter his model to remove the gunner.All work on this is really the efforts of others and my only contribution was to bundle it up. Any issues please direct to me and I'll do my best to fix them as soon as I can.


       (2 reviews)



  7. Taube

    There were many versions of the Taube produced in the years leading up to World War I. When the war began different versions were being used in large numbers, on all fronts for recon missions. This is the Kondor Taube, which I think is representive of the "classic" Taube. It has the typical wing shape, uses wing warping for both the aileron and elevator surfaces, and has a six cylinder 100HP engine.
    I have added a rifle for the observer, which he will aim and fire. I have made significant changes to the wires on the front to give the gunner more room to move.
    Ojcar has created a fake machine gun for the pilot, which causes the AI plane to be more aggressive in pursuing enemy planes. I have installed that gun on this plane. Ojcar's "DummyMachineGun" data is included with this download, in case you don't already have it.
    Some flyers wore simple crash helmets in WWI, especially in the early days. I am using a pilot with a helmet in this plane. The pilot and installation instructions are included in the download, in case you don't already have it.
    The download includes my skinning templates, data for the guns and the German pilot with helmet.
    Thanks to Ojcar for making the data file for the Taube, and for greatly improving the gunner. Ojcar also made the data for the dummy machine gun.
    Thanks to Crawford for identifying a problem with the elevators.
    Installation Instructions
    For FE1 - Unzip the file. Move the folder named "Taube" into your FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder.
    For FE2 - Unzip the file. Move the folder named "Taube" into your FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "Taube". Move the folder named "D" from your Aircraft/Taube folder into the Decals/Taube folder you just made.
    You may not need to install the dummy machine gun, it has been used on other planes and you may already have it. If you don't already have it, I have included the gun and instructions for installing in a separate folder included in this download.
    You may not need to install the infantry, it has been used on ground units and you may already have it. If you don't already have it, I have included the gun and instructions for installing in a separate folder included in this download.
    You may not need to install the pilot with helmet, it has been available for download for some time and you may already have it. If you don't already have it, I have included the pilot and instructions for installing in a separate folder included in this download.


       (10 reviews)



  8. Lloyd C.II

    This is a complete revision of the Lloyd C.II with all new LODs, new skins, and improved decals. Ojcar has also improved the FM for this plane. Any skins that were made for the original version will not work with this version.
    The Lloyd C.II was based on a pre-war Austro-Hungarian airplane but with a slightly shorter wingspan and the addition of a machine gun on a circular mount for the observer. The C.II featured a plywood body and swept-back, tapered wings and was used for reconnaissance and light bombing throughout the war.
    The gun ring had limited movement, especially in the vertical direction, which I have tried to reproduce in my model. This will be a challenging plane to fly because you need to move the plane to bring enemy planes into range of the gunner. There is no gun for the pilot.
    There are also two bomb loading options for light and heavy bombing runs. (We don't know if the Lloyd ever carried 50kg bombs, but we included the option anyway.)
    I have included three skinning options, one with standard Austro-Hungarian markings from early in the war, and two from later in the war. I have included my skinning templates for those who want make their own skins.
    I have included a set of serial numbers which will be randomly assigned to each plane. The numbers are fictitious, but in the correct range for the Lloyd C.II.
    Ojcar made a new data.ini for this plane. He added the heavy bomb option to the loadout. The 6.5 Schwarzlose gun he created for the original plane is included, along with his instructions for loading the gun data ("DataReadMe.txt")
    Great thanks to Ojcar, who made the excellent FM and who added some nice features to this plane.
    Installation instructions:
    This is a complete revision of the original Lloyd C.II. If you have the plane already, begin by deleting the Lloyd C.II from the Aircraft Folder, and (if you run FE2) from the Decals folder. Then install the new plane.
    For FE1: Unzip the file and move the folder named "LloydC2" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder.
    For FE2: Unzip the file and move the folder named "LloydC2" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create new folder named "LloydC2". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/LloydC2 folder into the Decals/LloydC2 folder you just made.
    To install the gun:
    This is the same gun that was included with the original Lloyd C.II. If you had the original plane, you don't need to install the gun. If this is your first install, follow the instructions below.
    For FE1: Follow the instructions in Ojcar's DataReadMe.txt file. You'll have to make changes to the LloydC2_data.ini file.
    For FE2: Follow the instructions in Ojcar's DataReadMe.txt file.


       (8 reviews)



  9. Oeffag C.II

    The Oeffag C.II was a two-seat Austro-Hungarian plane introduced in mid 1916. It was intended to replace the Hansa-Brandenburg C.I. Pilots considered it a better plane, but it wasn't as maneuverable, and did not completely replace the Hansa-Brandenburg. The Oeffag C.II was armed with a single machine gun and was used primarily for reconnaissance, but could also carry a small bomb load for infantry support missions. It was used mostly on the Eastern Front, but also served on the Italian and Baltic Fronts.
    My version has two skins with an early and a late insignia scheme. There is a complete set of number decals and a loadout for a small bomb load. I have included my skinning templates with the download.
    Historical Note: The Oeffag C.II could carry four 10kg bombs, which were carried in the cockpit and dropped over the side by the observer. In my plane, I mounted them on a bomb rack under the fuselage.
    My thanks to Ojcar for making the FM file for this plane.
    My thanks also to Nix for making the sound for the Austro-Daimler 160 engine.
    Installation instructions:
    Note - The engine sound for the Austro-Daimler 160 has been used with other planes so you may already have it installed. I have included it with this download in case you don't have it yet.

    For FE1: Unzip the file and move the folder named "OeffagC2" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. If you don't already have it, you also need to move the sound file "Austro-daimler160.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.
    For FE2: Unzip the file and move the folder named "OeffagC2" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "OeffagC2". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/OeffagC2 folder into the Decals/OeffagC2 folder you just made. If you don't already have it, you also need to move the sound file "Austro-daimler160.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.


       (2 reviews)



  10. LFG Roland D.II

    The Roland D.II was a German fighter introduced in early 1917. It featured an unusual fuselage, with the upper wings attached to a pylon in front of the pilot. Although the plane had a strong structure and performed reasonably well, the poor forward view limited its effectiveness as a fighter. On the Western Front, it was soon replaced by other planes, but continued in service on the Eastern and Macedonian Fronts until the end of the war.
    I have included two skins, a green and lilac camo, and a green and brown camo. I have also included a full set of number decals. My skinning templates are included in the download.
    Thanks to Ojcar for making the data file for the Roland D.II.
    Thanks also to Nix, who made the sound file for the Mercedes 160hp engine.
    Thanks also to Crowford who offered many suggestions and beta-tested version 3.
    Installation Instructions
    Note - The engine sound file has been used in several other planes. If you already have a file with the same name in your Sounds folder, then you don't need to install mine.
    For FE1 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "RolandD2" into your FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. If you don't already have it, you will also need to move the sound file "mercedes160m2.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.
    For FE2 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "RolandD2" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create new folder named "RolandD2". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/RolandD2 folder into the Decals/RolandD2 folder you just made. If you don't already have it, you will also need to move the sound file "mercedes160m2.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.


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  11. LFG Roland D.IIa

    The Roland D.IIa was nearly identical to the D.II, but had a more powerful engine. The 180HP Argus As.III engine increased the plane's speed and maneuverability, but because it was a low compression engine, it started to lose power at higher altitudes. Like the D.II, the D.IIa was quickly replaced on the Western Front, but served until the end of the war on the Eastern and Macedonian Fronts.
    The skins for the Roland D.IIa are nearly identical to the skins for the D.II, but there are some changes to the engine. If you swap skins, you may see some minor stretching on some of the engine components and around the nose of the plane. I have included two new skins, a light green and brown camo, and a dark green and brown camo. I have also included a full set of number decals appropriate for the D.IIa. My skinning templates are included in the download.
    I didn't have a sound file for the Argus 180hp engine, so I used the sound for the Mercedes 180hp instead.
    Thanks to Ojcar for making the data file for the Roland D.IIa.
    Thanks also to Nix, who made the sound file for the Mercedes 180hp engine.
    Installation Instructions
    Note - The engine sound file has been used in several other planes. If you already have a file with the same name in your Sounds folder, then you don't need to install mine.
    For FE1 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "RolandD2a" into your FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. If you don't already have it, you will also need to move the sound file "mercedes180m1.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.
    For FE2 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "RolandD2a" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "RolandD2a". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/RolandD2a folder into the Decals/RolandD2a folder you just made. If you don't already have it, you will also need to move the sound file "mercedes180m1.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.


       (1 review)



  12. Halberstadt D5 Graphics Pack

    Contains layered artwork (PSD format) for the Halberstadt D5. Layers include templates, plus mid-war German insignia and Turkish insignia.


       (1 review)



  13. Halberstadt D5

    This aircraft is an all-new model, with hi-res skins. The D5 was basically a cleaned up D3. The upper wing structure was revised with a simpler strut system that improved pilot visibility, and the exhaust system was simplified. The D5 had provision for two Spandau machine guns, but usually just one was installed on the left side (to save weight). The D5's structure was very strong for its day, but the 120 hp engine was not powerful enough to match the performance of Albatross fighters so only fifty-seven D5s were built.
    A separate graphics pack will be posted soon, containing textures and templates.
    To install, unzip the contents to a new folder.
    For FE/FEG: I don't have them so I don't know how to install these files. If you run FE/FEG and have trouble loading these files, post a question in the First Eagles section here at Combat Ace - someone should help you.
    For FE2:
    Copies of three ini files - ENVIRONMENTSYSTEM, SOUNDLIST, VIEWLIST - go in your FLIGHT folder.
    A copy of the HalberstadtD5 folder goes in your OBJECTS/AIRCRAFT folder.
    A copy of the Pilots folder goes in your OBJECTS folder.
    A copy of the SOUNDS folder goes in your First Eagles 2 folder (alongside FLIGHT, OBJECTS, etc)
    There is a long list of guys who helped me produce this aircraft, or posted stuff that I used to complete the package:
    - Stephen1918
    - Ojcar
    - gambit168
    - Sully
    - Southside Bucky
    - Nixou
    - Viper63a
    I've probably forgotten someone - if so, my apologies. Enjoy!


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  14. Rumpler C.I

    The Rumpler C.I was a general purpose two-seat plane first produced in 1915. It was used on all fronts and served throughout the war. My model is armed with a Parabellum machine gun on a Schneider Ring in the rear cockpit along with a synchronized Spandau mounted on the left side the engine.
    I have included two loadouts, one for eight 11 kilo bombs carried under the wings, and another for two 50 kilo bombs carried under the fuselage.
    I have also included three skinning options - A plain linen and a light blue paint representing early models, and a green/mauve camouflage for later in the war. I have included my templates for those who want to make additional skins.
    This plane uses the national markings that come with First Eagles, so you can change nationalities to fly for Austria, Bulgaria or the Turks.
    I have included decals for serial numbers and, on the linen and light blue skins, for flight letters. You can choose the letter in the loadout screen. The numbers will be applied randomly.
    Historical Notes:
    The serial numbers are fictitious, but in the correct range for the Rumpler C.I.
    I don't know if the flight letters are realistic. The plane looked too naked, and I saw one photo of a Rumpler with a letter "J" on the side, so I allowed my imagination to take over.
    My thanks again to Ojcar for making the excellent FM file for this plane.
    Also, my thanks to Nix for making the realistic engine sound file for the Mercedes 6 cylinder engine. (This is the same sound file used with the Albatros C.III so you may already have it.)
    Installation instructions:
    For FE1: Unzip the file and move the folder named "RumplerC1" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Airplanes folder. You also need to move the sound file "mercedes160m2.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.
    For FE2: Unzip the file and move the folder named "RumplerC1" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Airplanes folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "RumplerC1". Move the folder named "D" from your Airplanes/RumplerC1 folder into the Decals/RumplerC1 folder you just made. You also need to move the sound file "mercedes160m2.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.


       (6 reviews)



  15. LVG C.II

    The LVG C.II was an early German two seater. It had a ring-mounted Parabellum machine gun for the observer, later versions also had a LMG machine gun mounted on the fuselage for the pilot. It was used mostly for reconnaissance, but could also carry a small bomb load. The LVG C.II was the first plane to bomb London, in November 1915.
    My version has three skins (grey, blue, and linen) and two sets of decals. There are two bomb loadouts, one with four light bombs, another with a single large bomb. I have included my skinning templates with the download.
    My thanks to Ojcar for making the data.INI file for this plane and for resources to help with the shape of the fuselage.
    Installation instructions:
    For FE1: Unzip the file and move the folder named "LVGC2" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder.
    For FE2: Unzip the file and move the folder named "LVGC2" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "LVGC2". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/LVGC2 folder into the Decals/LVGC2 folder you just made.


       (5 reviews)



  16. AEG C.IV

    The AEG C.IV was a German 2 seater that was introduced in 1916 and saw service until the end of the war. It served on the Western, Eastern, and Palestine fronts and was operated by Bulgaria and Turkey as well as by Germany. It was primarily a reconnaissance plane, but was also used as a bomber escort, although not very successfully. It had a fixed Spandau machine gun for the pilot, a Parabellum on a ring mount for the observer, and could carry a small bomb load.
    I have included two skins, a green and lilac camo, and a green and brown camo. I have also included a full set of number decals. My skinning templates are included in the download.
    There are two bomb loadouts, one internal, and one external mounted under the wings. It is doubtful that the AEG C.IV carried external bombs, but I liked the look of it. For historical accuracy, you probably shouldn't use the External Bombs loadout.
    Thanks to Ojcar for making the data file for the AEG C.IV and for providing valuable information, especially for the cockpit details.
    Thanks also to Nix, who made the sound file for the Mercedes 160hp engine.
    Thanks to Ojcar (again) for pointing out the problem with the decals.
    Installation Instructions
    For FE1 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "AEGC4" into your FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. You also need to move the sound file "mercedes160m2.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.
    For FE2 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "AEGC4" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create new folder named "AEGC4". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/AEGC4 folder into the Decals/AEGC4 folder you just made. You also need to move the sound file "mercedes160m2.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.


       (2 reviews)



  17. AI flyable rigid Airships

    Well, a quick and dirty work to make AI flyable two of the excellent Stephen1918 airships.
    -The real L32 Zeppelin was shot down in 1916 over Horns Reef by the cruisers Galetea and Phaeton while trying to raid England. Before this it made 77 recon missions over North Sea.
    The model we have is intended to have a generic German rigid Airship to use in campaign mode (you should create units with one plane and only one pilot).
    -The real R23 class was never used in combat, but two of the improved R23X were built in 1918, and in fact one of them, the R29 attacked the UB-115 U-boat (it also was attacked by some ships. The submarine was sunk, and this was the only recoorded success of a British rigid airship.
    Both airships are hard to destroy with machine guns, but the AI fighters will try to pass through the Airship sometimes (a game engine limit). Bad idea! The fighter will be destroyed (and the pilot probably will had the VC or Legion d'honneur) and the Airship badly damaged.
    To install them you should put the AirshipR23 and ZeppelinL32 folders into your Aircraft folder.
    Enjoy it!
    Both models and skins by Stephen1918
    All FMs, Loadouts and .ini stuff by Ojcar
    Special thanks to Peter01 and Hitchingbroke!


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  18. Phönix D.II

    The Austro-Hungarian Phönix D.II was an improved version of the D.I, both of which appeared in 1917. The D.II included changes to the ailerons, elevators, and engine which improved the performance over the D.I. The Phönix was a stable plane and slow to maneuver but could handle steep dives and was considered an excellent fighter.
    I have included a set of letter decals so you can set flight letters in the Loadout screen, or the game will randomly assign a different letter to each plane.
    I have included my skinning templates so others can make new skins if they want. I have also included my .OUT files for the benefit of future modders.
    My thanks to ojcar, who created the FM to capture the power and performance of this sturdy plane.
    Historical Notes
    I couldn't find any photos of the D.II cockpit. The cockpit of my model is based on the D.I with a little speculation. I believe it is reasonably accurate.
    Installation instructions:
    For FE1: Unzip the file and move the folder named "PhoenixD2" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Airplanes folder.
    For FE2: Unzip the file and move the folder named "PhoenixD2" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Airplanes folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "PhoenixD2". Move the folder named "D" from the Airplanes/PhoenixD2 folder into the Decals/PhoenixD2 folder you just made.


       (2 reviews)



  19. Phönix D.IIa

    The Phönix D.IIa was the same as the D.II but with a more powerful 230 hp Hiero engine, which gave it better speed and better climbing ability.
    My model of the D.IIa is based on my model of the D.II but with a different engine - which means all new .LOD files as well as a new cockpit (the engine is part of the cockpit in this model.) I have made a slightly different skin, new decals, and ojcar has made a different FM, so this is a completely new plane. (You do NOT need the D.II in order to install this plane.)
    The skins and decals are interchangeable with the D.II.
    I have included a set of letter decals so you can set flight letters in the Loadout screen, or the game will randomly assign a different letter to each plane.
    The skinning templates are identical to the D.II, but I have included them here anyway. I have also included my .OUT files for the benefit of future modders.
    My thanks to ojcar, who created the FM to capture the improved power and performance of this excellent Austro-Hungarian fighter.
    Installation instructions:
    For FE1: Unzip the file and move the folder named "PhoenixD2a" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Airplanes folder.
    For FE2: Unzip the file and move the folder named "PhoenixD2a" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Airplanes folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "PhoenixD2a". Move the folder named "D" from the Airplanes/PhoenixD2a folder into the Decals/PhoenixD2a folder you just made.


       (1 review)



  20. Hansa-Brandenburg C.I - 3 pack

    The Hansa-Brandenburg C.I was an Austro-Hungarian two seater, similar in size and configuration to the German Albatros. It was introduced in 1916 and used throughout the war, with more powerful engines in later versions. The HB C.I was used primarily for reconnaissance and light bombing, although it saw service as a fighter early in the war. Early versions of the plane carried a gun pod on the upper wing. After a better synchronization system was developed, the gun was moved down to the left side of the fuselage.
    I have included three different versions of the plane with this download. Ojcar has created FM's for the 160hp, 200hp, and 230hp engines, and Nix has provided the engine sounds for all three. There are three slightly different models, with different loadouts, different serial number decals, and different skins for each plane, so there are three complete planes which can be installed individually or all together.
    The skins are interchangeable, except for the serial numbers, but you may see some stretching on the nose of the 230hp version. Each skin has a "Standard" version which will allow you to change nationalities, and an "Austrian" version with the cross at mid wing. The Austrian version won't let you change the national insignia. I have included my skinning templates.
    Ojcar has also provided two new guns for this plane. For FE1, we have included Peter01's GunData.ini with Ojcar's guns added. To load the new guns you will need the Gun Editor available from the Combat Ace download area, (I have provided a link at the end of this page.) For FE2, Ojcar has provided the necessary files.
    My thanks once again to Ojcar for making three excellent data.ini files and two new gun data files for this plane - and for teaching me how to add guns to First Eagles.
    My thanks to Nix who created the engine sound files for the Austro-Daimler 160, 200, and 230 horse-power engines.
    Thanks also to Sinbad and Quack74 who provided reference materials for the Hansa-Brandenburg C.I
    Installation instructions:
    For FE1: Unzip the file and move the three folders named "HBC1_160" "HBC1_200" and "HBC1_230" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Airplanes folder. Move the three sound files named "Austro-daimler160.wav" "Austro-daimler200.wav" and "Austro-daimler230.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.
    To add guns you'll need the Gun Editor program (available in the Combat Ace Downloads area.) Move the newGundata.ini file into the FirstEagles/Objects folder. Open the Gun Editor and click the Open button. Find the Gundata.ini you just installed and open it. Make sure the new guns are there (the last one in the list should be "8MM_SCHWARZLOSE_M0712" Click the Save button and close the Gun Editor. You have the new guns!
    For FE2: Unzip the file and move the three folders named "HBC1_160" "HBC1_200" and "HBC1_230" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Airplanes folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create three new folders named "HBC1_160" "HBC1_200" and "HBC1_230". Move the folder named "D" from the Airplanes/HBC1_xxx folders into the corresponding Decals/HBC1_xxx folders you just made. Move the three sound files named "Austro-daimler160.wav" "Austro-daimler200.wav" and "Austro-daimler230.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.
    To add the guns move both gun folders ("8MM_SCHWARZLOSE_M0712" and "8MM_SCHWARZLOSE_M0712_Gunner") into your Guns folder (in your mod files folder) and you're done!
    This is the URL for Gun Editor I use for FE1:


       (2 reviews)



  21. Aviatik-Berg D.I 185hp

    The Aviatik-Berg D.I had many variations, with different engines, different radiator configurations, different fuselage shapes, and different gun placements. This is a very early version, with a 185hp Daimler engine and a non-synchronized Schwarzlose machine gun mounted above the wing.
    The machine gun is detachable and can be mounted or unmounted in the Loadout screen.
    I have included one of Quack74's basic skins and decal sets with a set of serial numbers which will be applied randomly to each plane.
    This plane has an extra piece that was not included in Quack's skins, I have included skins for the new part to match each of Quack's skins, which you will need to add to each skin folder.
    Historical Notes
    This version of the Aviatik did not have a cutout in the upper wing and the fuselage was higher in front of the fuselage. My model is converted from a later version and has not been corrected because I wanted to make sure that all of Quack's skins would still work with this plane.
    My great thanks to Ojcar for making the FM and the Schwarzlose weapon data, and for teaching me how to make weapon stations.
    Thanks to Quack 74 for making the skin and decal set for all the Aviatiks, and for allowing me use one as the default skin for this plane.
    And thanks to Nix for making the engine sound file.
    Installation Instructions
    If you are using FE1, you will need to use the Weapons Editor available from the Thirdwire Downloads area. You will also need to use a CAT file extractor utility (SFP1E Extract Utility available in the CombatACE Downloads area.)
    For FE1 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "AviatikD1_185" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. This file uses the same sound file as the original AviatikD1. If you did not install that plane then you will also need to move the sound file "Austro-daimler200.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.
    To install the gun - If you haven't already done so, extract the WeaponData.INI and the WeaponData.DAT files from the FirstEagles ObjectData.CAT file. Make a new folder named "Weapons" in the FirstEagles/Objects folder. Put the two extracted files into the new folder.
    In my download, open the file named "Single_Schwarzlose_Angled_Data.INI," copy everything and paste it at the end of the "WeaponData.INI" you just extracted. Then change the number (WeaponData001) to the next consecutive number. Save the file.
    In my downlaod, copy the files named "Schwarzlose.BMP" and "SchwarzloseAngle.LOD" and put them into the FirstEagles/Objects/Weapons folder.
    Open the Weapons Editor, Open the WeaponsData.INI, make sure the new weapon (Single_Schwarzlose_Angled) is there, click "Save" and Close the editor.
    For FE2 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "AviatikD1_185" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "AviatikD1_185". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/AviatikD1_185 folder into the Decals/AviatikD1_185 folder you just made. This file uses the same sound file as the original AviatikD1. If you did not install that plane then you will also need to move the sound file "Austro-daimler200.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.
    To install the gun - From my download, copy the folder named "Single Schwarzlose Angled" into your Objects/Weapons folder.


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  22. Rumpler 6B-1

    The Rumpler 6B was a float plane version of the Rumpler C.I. It had more forward stagger to the upper wing and a larger rudder than the land version. The fuselage was also modified to make the plane a one man fighter.
    I have made an early version, the 6B-1. The 6B-2 was introduced later and was slightly larger, had a different tail, and didn't perform as well as the 6B-1. The Rumpler 6B-1 was a fighter and saw service in the Baltic, the North Sea, and the Black Sea.
    Since it's a float plane, the 6B-1 works best in the Flanders, Gibraltar or other terrain that has a lot of water. The plane will actually take off and land from a conventional airfield, but it looks strange to see the floats going under the ground. It would be best to start the missions in the air.
    I have included two skins, a standard German "Sea Hex" camo and a mottled green and blue camo. My skinning templates are included with the download. I have also included a set of number decals.
    Thanks to Ojcar for making the data file for the Rumpler 6B-1 and for providing information on the appearance of the plane.
    Thanks to Nix for providing the sound for the Mercedes engine.
    Installation Instructions
    For FE1 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "Rumpler6B1" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. You also need to move the sound file "mercedes160m2.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.
    For FE2 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "Rumpler6B1" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create new folder named "Rumpler6B1". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/Rumpler6B1 folder into the Decals/Rumpler6B1 folder you just made. You also need to move the sound file "mercedes160m2.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.


       (6 reviews)



  23. Albatros D.III Oeffag Ba.53

    Albatros D.III Oeffag Ba.53
    3D model + 2 generic skins + FM (185 HP Austro-Daimler)
    by Jan Tuma


       (2 reviews)



  24. Albatros D.III Ba.53 field mod

    Albatros D.III Oeffag Ba.53 field mod
    3D model + 2 generic skins + FM (185 HP Austro-Daimler)
    by Jan Tuma


       (1 review)



  25. Albatros D.III Oeffag Ba.153 early

    Albatros D.III Oeffag Ba.153 early
    3D model + 2 generic skins + FM (200 HP Austro-Daimler)
    by Jan Tuma


       (1 review)



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